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New Items (57 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:55860>'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane</url>
<url=showinfo:55861>'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint</url>
<url=showinfo:55862>'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane</url>
<url=showinfo:55863>'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint</url>
<url=showinfo:55912>Fort Knocks Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:55913>Fort Knocks Wreck Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55919>TES Jamyl the Liberator</url>
<url=showinfo:55920>TES Yonis the Pious</url>
<url=showinfo:55921>TES Uriam of Fiery Heart</url>
<url=showinfo:55922>TES Garkeh of the Marches</url>
<url=showinfo:55923>TES Aritcio the Redeemed</url>
<url=showinfo:55924>TES Merimeth the Serene</url>
<url=showinfo:55925>TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon</url>
<url=showinfo:55927>Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8</url>
<url=showinfo:55928>Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55929>Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55935>TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55936>TES Yonis the Pious Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55937>TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55938>TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55939>TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55940>TES Merimeth the Serene Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55941>TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade</url>
<url=showinfo:55942>Standard Armor Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55943>Elite Armor Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55944>Standard Shield Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55945>Elite Shield Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55946>Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55947>Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55948>Amarr Shuttle Khanid SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55949>Sigil Khanid SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55977>Serenity August Season Pass</url>
<url=showinfo:55980>Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate</url>
<url=showinfo:55981>Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate</url>
<url=showinfo:55982>Event 5 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55983>Event 6 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55984>Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55985>Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55986>Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:56047>Weak Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56048>Strong Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56049>Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56050>Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56051>Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56052>Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56053>Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56054>Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56055>Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56056>Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment</url>
<url=showinfo:56057>Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm</url>
<url=showinfo:56058>Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm</url>
<url=showinfo:56059>Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm</url>
<url=showinfo:56060>Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm</url>
<url=showinfo:56061>Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm</url>
<url=showinfo:56062>Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm</url>
<url=showinfo:56063>Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm</url>
<url=showinfo:56064>Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
55860 - 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Energized Armor Membrane
Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes. descriptionID: 567794
typeID: 55860
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
groupID: 326
typeNameID: 567793
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20952
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1684 (EM Energized Membranes)
metaGroupID: 3.0
radius: 10.0
Meta Level: 6.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 1.0
variationParentTypeID: 11217
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
CPU usage: 20.0
Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
Primary Skill required: 3394.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -31.06
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
55861 - 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint No Description Armor Coating Blueprint
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55861
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567796
iconID: 20952
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 3
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 163
portionSize: 1
industryBlueprintRank: 3.0
55862 - 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Energized Armor Membrane
Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes. descriptionID: 567802
typeID: 55862
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
groupID: 326
typeNameID: 567801
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20954
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1682 (Explosive Energized Membranes)
metaGroupID: 3.0
radius: 10.0
Meta Level: 6.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 1.0
variationParentTypeID: 11227
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
CPU usage: 20.0
Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
Primary Skill required: 3394.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -31.06
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
55863 - 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint No Description Armor Coating Blueprint
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55863
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567803
iconID: 20951
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 3
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 163
portionSize: 1
industryBlueprintRank: 3.0
55912 - Fort Knocks Wreck First Keepstar to be anchored in New Eden, erected by Hard Knocks Citizens, destroyed on the 12th of December, YC120. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567927
typeID: 55912
graphicID: 21328
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567926
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 10000.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55913 - Fort Knocks Wreck Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567929
typeID: 55913
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567928
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55919 - TES Jamyl the Liberator Empress Jamyl I has been venerated as a saint of the Amarr faith since her death at as the result of a Drifter attack in YC117. It is normal for occupants of the throne of Amarr to be considered major saints once they pass on, particularly as emperors are considered living prophets of the faith. Not all are venerated with the degree of fervor attached to the memory of Empress Jamyl I. Popularly known as "St. Jamyl the Liberator" for her "divine return" in order to repel a Minmatar invasion of core Amarr worlds in YC110, some Jamylite cults carry their worship of her so far that it treads into heretical territory. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567954
typeID: 55919
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567953
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55920 - TES Yonis the Pious Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur was noted throughout his life for considerable piety, tastes approaching the ascetic, and a great concern to spread the Amarr faith and improve the lives of the faithful. Yonis Ardishapur's development of the Ammatar Mandate is considered his greatest achievement by House Ardishapur and is being continued by Lord Arim Ardishapur. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567956
typeID: 55920
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567955
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55921 - TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Uriam Kador was well-known as a man of deep passions that made him a rather impulsive leader of House Kador. Uriam's most notorious act was to order an incursion into the Gallente Federation by the Kador Fleet in late YC110. The ensuing military disaster and its aftermath greatly diminished the prestige of House Kador, though it has been restored in large part by the efforts of his successor, Lady Hamideh Kador. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567958
typeID: 55921
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567957
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55922 - TES Garkeh of the Marches Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. King Garkeh Khanid II's decision to bring the Khanid Kingdom once more under the greater Amarr Empire's dominion led to his being considered a Royal Heir upon the death of Empress Jamyl I. His death was followed by a declaration by King Farokh Khanid III that his predecessor be known as "St. Garkeh of the True Vigil on the Khanid Marches". A gigantic Grand Basilica is being constructed on Khanid Prime V in the memory of "Garkeh of the Marches". Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567960
typeID: 55922
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567959
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55923 - TES Aritcio the Redeemed Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Aritcio Kor-Azor effectively had two lives in his time as head of House Kor-Azor. The first consisted of his capricious and brutal reign of terror over the Kor-Azor demesne, only curtailed when his depredations on commoners and vassal nobles alike led to severe action by the Order of the Speakers of Truth. His "second life" was marked by many acts of generosity and tolerance as head of House Kor-Azor. His personal selection of Lady Ersilia Kor-Azor as successor was in recognition of her great skill as a diplomat and administrator. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567962
typeID: 55923
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567961
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55924 - TES Merimeth the Serene Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Merimeth Sarum was forced to wait a long time for confirmation of his status as head of House Sarum due to the circumstances of Jamyl Sarum's "first death" and the corrupted court politics of the Karsoth Interregnum. His short reign as official Royal Heir of House Sarum is perhaps most significant for his support for Lord Arrach Sarum as his designated successor. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567964
typeID: 55924
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567963
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55925 - TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite is now considered the head of the Emperor Family, and strictly no longer a member of House Tash-Murkon. Nevertheless, it is a point of pride for the Tash-Murkon that within a relatively short time of their elevation to Royal Family status they have provided an Empress of Holy Amarr. It is particularly notable that House Tash-Murkon has a strong Udorian lineage which they do not seek to conceal. As a result, Empress Catiz I is the first occupant of the Throne of Amarr known to have uncontested Udorian ancestry. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567966
typeID: 55925
graphicID: 2910
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567965
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 6800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55927 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/08/31.
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568275
typeID: 55927
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568274
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18506.6659722
Booster Duration: 43200000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 19.0
55928 - Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568432
typeID: 55928
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568431
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18522.6659722
Booster Duration: 43200000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 51.0
55929 - Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568434
typeID: 55929
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568433
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18522.6659722
Booster Duration: 86400000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 52.0
55935 - TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568445
typeID: 55935
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568444
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55936 - TES Yonis the Pious Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568447
typeID: 55936
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568446
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55937 - TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568449
typeID: 55937
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568448
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55938 - TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568451
typeID: 55938
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568450
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55939 - TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568453
typeID: 55939
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568452
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55940 - TES Merimeth the Serene Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568455
typeID: 55940
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568454
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55941 - TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 568457
typeID: 55941
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568456
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55942 - Standard Armor Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568464
typeID: 55942
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568463
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 25.0
55943 - Elite Armor Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568466
typeID: 55943
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568465
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 26.0
55944 - Standard Shield Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568469
typeID: 55944
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568468
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 27.0
55945 - Elite Shield Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568471
typeID: 55945
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568470
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 28.0
55946 - Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568473
typeID: 55946
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568472
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 29.0
55947 - Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568475
typeID: 55947
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568474
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 30.0
55948 - Amarr Shuttle Khanid SKIN This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes. descriptionID: 568486
typeID: 55948
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 568485
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Amarr Shuttle Khanid
skin_skinMaterialID: 4
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 568484
skin_visibleSerenity: True
skin_skinID: 9479
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11134]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55948
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Amarr Shuttle
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: True
duration: -1
55949 - Sigil Khanid SKIN This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes. descriptionID: 568489
typeID: 55949
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 568488
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Sigil Khanid
skin_skinMaterialID: 4
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 568487
skin_visibleSerenity: True
skin_skinID: 9480
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [19744]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55949
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Sigil
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: True
duration: -1
55977 - Serenity August Season Pass This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568692
typeID: 55977
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 568691
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18503.125
Booster Duration: 2937600000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 53.0
55980 - Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate Contains Foundation Day clothing items to demonstrate your faith in the Amarr Empire! Special Edition Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 568725
typeID: 55980
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568724
iconID: 24297
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1194
portionSize: 1
55981 - Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Crown Imperial fireworks Special Edition Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 568727
typeID: 55981
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568726
iconID: 24297
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1194
portionSize: 1
55982 - Event 5 Proving Filament The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 28th to September 1st, YC122
Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. descriptionID: 568730
typeID: 55982
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 568729
iconID: 24501
basePrice: 10000.0
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55983 - Event 6 Proving Filament The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from September 4th to 8th, YC122
Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. descriptionID: 568732
typeID: 55983
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 568731
iconID: 24498
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55984 - Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568874
typeID: 55984
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568873
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2000 (Navy Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders
skin_skinMaterialID: 2546
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 568872
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9481
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [54731]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55984
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Skybreaker
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
55985 - Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders SKIN Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568877
typeID: 55985
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568876
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2063 (Navy Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders
skin_skinMaterialID: 2546
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 568875
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9482
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [54732]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55985
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Stormbringer
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
55986 - Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders SKIN Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 568880
typeID: 55986
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568879
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders
skin_skinMaterialID: 2546
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 568878
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9483
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [54733]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55986
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Thunderchild
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
56047 - Weak Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56047
graphicID: 24609
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568959
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56048 - Strong Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56048
graphicID: 24610
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568960
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56049 - Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56049
graphicID: 24611
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568961
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56050 - Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56050
graphicID: 24612
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568962
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56051 - Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56051
graphicID: 24613
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568963
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56052 - Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56052
graphicID: 24614
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568964
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56053 - Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56053
graphicID: 24615
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568965
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56054 - Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56054
graphicID: 24616
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568966
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56055 - Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56055
graphicID: 24617
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568967
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56056 - Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56056
graphicID: 24618
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 568968
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56057 - Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 56057
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568970
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 25.0
Armor EM resistance bonus: 25.0
Capacitor recharge multiplier: 0.75
Shield EM Resistance: 25.0
56058 - Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56058
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568971
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56059 - Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56059
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568972
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56060 - Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56060
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568973
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56061 - Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56061
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568974
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56062 - Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56062
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568975
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56063 - Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56063
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568976
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
Warp Speed Increase: 2.0
56064 - Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm No Description Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 56064
graphicID: 1217
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 568977
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 20.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 920
portionSize: 250
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 10.0
Armor EM resistance bonus: 10.0
Capacitor recharge multiplier: 0.9
Shield EM Resistance: 10.0
Removed Items (8 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group
44243 - No Name No Description Commodities
44244 - No Name No Description Commodities
44245 - No Name No Description Commodities
44246 - No Name No Description Commodities
44247 - No Name No Description Commodities
48079 - No Name No Description Spawn Container
48084 - No Name No Description Spawn Container
48085 - No Name No Description Spawn Container

Blueprints (2 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
55861 - 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint No blueprint entry found. BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 0:15:00
Copy:720 ME:315 TE:315 Limit:200x
1x Yan Jung Paradox Box
1x Yan Jung Vellum Etch
2x Megacyte
3x Nocxium
3x Yan Jung Glass Scale
7x Mexallon
6494x Pyerite
10178x Tritanium
Yan Jung Technology II
Industry V
1x 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane (55860)
BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 0:15:00
Copy:720 ME:315 TE:315 Limit:200x
1x 23129
1x 23169
2x 40
3x 38
3x 23139
7x 36
6494x 35
10178x 34
23124 II
3380 V
1x 55860
55863 - 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint No blueprint entry found. BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 0:15:00
Copy:720 ME:315 TE:315 Limit:200x
1x Yan Jung Paradox Box
1x Yan Jung Vellum Etch
2x Megacyte
3x Nocxium
3x Yan Jung Glass Scale
7x Mexallon
6494x Pyerite
10178x Tritanium
Yan Jung Technology II
Industry V
1x 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane (55862)
BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 0:15:00
Copy:720 ME:315 TE:315 Limit:200x
1x 23129
1x 23169
2x 40
3x 38
3x 23139
7x 36
6494x 35
10178x 34
23124 II
3380 V
1x 55862
Reprocessing (2 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff
55860 - 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) No reprocessing data found. 10178x Tritanium
6494x Pyerite
7x Mexallon
3x Nocxium
2x Megacyte
1x Yan Jung Paradox Box
3x Yan Jung Glass Scale
1x Yan Jung Vellum Etch
10178x 34
6494x 35
7x 36
3x 38
2x 40
1x 23129
3x 23139
1x 23169
55862 - 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) No reprocessing data found. 10178x Tritanium
6494x Pyerite
7x Mexallon
3x Nocxium
2x Megacyte
1x Yan Jung Paradox Box
3x Yan Jung Glass Scale
1x Yan Jung Vellum Etch
10178x 34
6494x 35
7x 36
3x 38
2x 40
1x 23129
3x 23139
1x 23169

Traits (7 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
22442 - Eos
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Heavy Drone max velocity and tracking speed
  • 7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed
  • 3% bonus to Armored Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Drone tracking speed
  • 10% bonus to Drone optimal range
  • 3% bonus to Armored Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:34
41>Heavy 36>Drone</a> max velocity and tracking speed
7.510% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> tracking speed436>Drone</a> optimal range
3% bonus to <a href=showinfo:20494>Armored Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:3349>Skirmish Command</a> burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3436>Drone</a> hitpoints and damage
7.54% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3393>Armor Repairer</a> amountall armor resistances

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules
100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22444 - Sleipnir
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret falloff
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret falloff
  • 4% bonus to Shield Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> damage
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> falloff
34% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3350>Shield Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:3349>Skirmish Command</a> burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> damage
7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3416>Shield Booster</a> amount

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules

100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22446 - Vulture
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • 4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to shield hitpoints
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • 4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to
<a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> optimal rangeshield hitpoints
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> damage
3% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3350>Shield Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:20495>Information Command</a> burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> optimal range
4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules
100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22448 - Absolution
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
  • 5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire
  • 3% bonus to Armored Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% reduction in Medium Energy Turret activation cost
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
  • 5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire
  • 4% bonus to Armored Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% reduction in Medium Energy Turret activation cost
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3306>Medium Energy Turret</a> damage
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3306>Medium Energy Turret</a> rate of fire
34% bonus to <a href=showinfo:20494>Armored Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:20495>Information Command</a> burst strength and duration

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in <a href=showinfo:3306>Medium Energy Turret</a> activation cost
4% bonus to all armor resistances

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules

100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22466 - Astarte
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret falloff
  • 3% bonus to Armored Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire
  • 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret falloff
  • 4% bonus to Armored Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> rate of fire
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> falloff
34% bonus to <a href=showinfo:20494>Armored Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:3349>Skirmish Command</a> burst strength and duration

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> damage
7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3393>Armor Repairer</a> amount

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules

100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22468 - Claymore
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion velocity
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile velocity
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> Launcher rate of fire
510% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> explosion velocity
3% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3350>Shield Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:3349>Skirmish Command</a> burst strength and duration

Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> Launcher rate of fire
7.54% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3416>Shield Booster</a> amountall shield resistances

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules
100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
22470 - Nighthawk
(Command Ship)
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion radius
  • 3% bonus to Shield Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to kinetic Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage
  • 4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
  • 100% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
  • 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion radius
  • 4% bonus to Shield Command and Information Command burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 7.5% bonus to kinetic Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage
  • 4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
  • Can use two Command Burst modules
Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
7.510% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> Launcher rate of fire
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> explosion radius
34% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3350>Shield Command</a> and <a href=showinfo:20495>Information Command</a> burst strength and duration

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to kinetic <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> damage
4% bonus to all shield resistances

Role Bonus:
Can use two <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> modules

100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range
Attributes (1 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
3095 - scanProbeStrengthBonus attributeID: None => 3095
categoryID: None => 7
dataType: None => 5
defaultValue: None => 0.0
displayNameID: None => 568981 ("Probe Strength Bonus")
highIsGood: None => 1
name: None => scanProbeStrengthBonus
published: None => 1
stackable: None => 0
unitID: None => 105
Attributes per Type (383 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
11215 - 'Basic' EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 20.0 => 18.0
Volume: 25 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.0 => -26.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11217 - EM Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Volume: 25 => 5.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -27.77
11219 - EM Energized Membrane II (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
11225 - 'Basic' Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 20.0 => 18.0
Volume: 25 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.0 => -26.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11227 - Explosive Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Volume: 25 => 5.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -27.77
11229 - Explosive Energized Membrane II (Energized Armor Membrane) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
11235 - 'Basic' Layered Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 20.0 => 18.0
Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.1 => 1.11
Volume: 25.0 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11237 - Layered Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.125 => 1.135
Volume: 25.0 => 5.0
11239 - Layered Energized Membrane II (Energized Armor Membrane) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.15 => 1.16
11245 - 'Basic' Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 20.0 => 18.0
Volume: 25 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.0 => -26.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11247 - Kinetic Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Volume: 25 => 5.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -27.77
11249 - Kinetic Energized Membrane II (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
11255 - 'Basic' Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 20.0 => 18.0
Volume: 25 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.0 => -26.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11257 - Thermal Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Volume: 25 => 5.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -27.77
11259 - Thermal Energized Membrane II (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
11265 - 'Basic' Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 24.0 => 20.0
Volume: 25 => 5.0
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
11267 - Multispectrum Energized Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) Volume: 25 => 5.0
11683 - Shogon (Mission Generic Frigates) groupID: 817 => 818
isDynamicType: None => False
wreckTypeID: 26934 => 26935
11684 - Roland (Mission Generic Frigates) groupID: 817 => 818
isDynamicType: None => False
wreckTypeID: 26934 => 26935
14070 - Dark Blood Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14072 - True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14074 - Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 20.0
14076 - Dark Blood Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14078 - True Sansha Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14080 - Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
14082 - Dark Blood Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14084 - True Sansha Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14086 - Shadow Serpentis Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
14088 - Dark Blood EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14090 - True Sansha EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14092 - Shadow Serpentis EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
14094 - Dark Blood Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14096 - True Sansha Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
14098 - Shadow Serpentis Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
14936 - Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
14938 - Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -20.2
14940 - Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
14942 - Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -22.4
14944 - Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
14946 - Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -24.6
14948 - Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
14950 - Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -26.8
14952 - Brokara's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14954 - Tairei's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14956 - Selynne's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14958 - Raysere's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14960 - Vizan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14962 - Ahremen's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14964 - Chelm's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
14966 - Draclira's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
14968 - Brokara's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14970 - Tairei's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14972 - Selynne's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14974 - Raysere's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14976 - Vizan's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14978 - Ahremen's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14980 - Chelm's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
14982 - Draclira's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
14984 - Brokara's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14986 - Tairei's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
14988 - Selynne's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14990 - Raysere's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
14992 - Vizan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14994 - Ahremen's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
14996 - Chelm's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
14998 - Draclira's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
15000 - Brokara's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
15002 - Tairei's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -34.5
15004 - Selynne's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
15006 - Raysere's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -36.3
15008 - Vizan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
15010 - Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -38.1
15012 - Chelm's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
15014 - Draclira's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -39.9
15204 - Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 33.0 => 28.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
15206 - Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 36.0 => 30.0
Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
15208 - Setele's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 38.0 => 32.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
15210 - Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 40.0 => 34.0
Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -25.48
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -25.48
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -25.48
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -24.2 => -25.48
15212 - Brynn's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
15214 - Tuvan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
15216 - Setele's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
15218 - Cormack's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 30.0
Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -38.82
15220 - Brynn's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 34.0 => 24.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
15222 - Tuvan's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
15224 - Setele's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
15226 - Cormack's Modified EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -38.82
15228 - Brynn's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
15230 - Tuvan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
15232 - Setele's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
15234 - Cormack's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -38.82
15236 - Brynn's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
15238 - Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
15240 - Setele's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
15242 - Cormack's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -36.8 => -38.82
15453 - Shaqil's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1683 (Energized Thermal Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11257 => None
15455 - Shaqil's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1686 (Energized Adaptive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11267 => None
15721 - Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
15723 - Imperial Navy EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
15725 - Imperial Navy Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
15727 - Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
15729 - Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15731 - Federation Navy Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
15733 - Federation Navy EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
15735 - Federation Navy Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
15737 - Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 25.0 => 18.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
15739 - Federation Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 20.0
16385 - Upgraded Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1686 (Energized Adaptive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11267 => None
16387 - Limited Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1686 (Energized Adaptive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11267 => None
16389 - Experimental Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1686 (Energized Adaptive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11267 => None
16391 - Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -13.5
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -13.5
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -13.5
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -13.5
16393 - Upgraded Energized Kinetic Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1685 (Energized Kinetic Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11247 => None
16395 - Limited Energized Kinetic Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1685 (Energized Kinetic Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11247 => None
16397 - Experimental Energized Kinetic Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1685 (Energized Kinetic Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11247 => None
16399 - Compact Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -29.0
16401 - Upgraded Energized Explosive Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1682 (Energized Explosive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11227 => None
16403 - Limited Energized Explosive Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1682 (Energized Explosive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11227 => None
16405 - Experimental Energized Explosive Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1682 (Energized Explosive Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11227 => None
16407 - Compact Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -29.0
16409 - Upgraded Energized EM Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1684 (Energized EM Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11217 => None
16411 - Limited Energized EM Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1684 (Energized EM Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11217 => None
16413 - Experimental Energized EM Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1684 (Energized EM Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11217 => None
16415 - Compact EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -29.0
16417 - Upgraded Energized Armor Layering Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1687 (Energized Armor Layering) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11237 => None
16419 - Limited Energized Armor Layering Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1687 (Energized Armor Layering) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11237 => None
16421 - Experimental Energized Armor Layering Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1687 (Energized Armor Layering) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11237 => None
16423 - Compact Layered Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.125 => 1.145
Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
16425 - Upgraded Energized Thermal Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1683 (Energized Thermal Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11257 => None
16427 - Limited Energized Thermal Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1683 (Energized Thermal Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11257 => None
16429 - Experimental Energized Thermal Membrane I (Energized Armor Membrane) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1683 (Energized Thermal Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11257 => None
16431 - Compact Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.0 => -29.0
17536 - Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17538 - Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
17540 - Ammatar Navy Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
17542 - Ammatar Navy EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
17544 - Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
18799 - Corelum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 33.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.0
18801 - Corelum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -32.7
18803 - Corelum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -32.7
18805 - Corelum C-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -32.7
18807 - Corelum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 28.0 => 24.0
Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -32.7
18809 - Corelum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 36.0 => 30.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -19.76
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -19.76
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -19.76
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -19.76
18811 - Corelum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -34.14
18813 - Corelum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -34.14
18815 - Corelum B-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -34.14
18817 - Corelum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 30.0 => 26.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -34.14
18819 - Corelum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 38.0 => 32.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -21.96
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -21.96
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -21.96
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -21.96
18821 - Corelum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -35.94
18823 - Corelum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -35.94
18825 - Corelum A-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -35.94
18827 - Corelum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) CPU usage: 32.0 => 28.0
Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -35.94
18829 - Corpum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
18831 - Centum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -19.55 => -18.88
18833 - Corpum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18835 - Centum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18837 - Corpum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18839 - Centum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18841 - Corpum C-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18843 - Centum C-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18845 - Corpum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18847 - Centum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -33.2 => -33.42
18849 - Corpum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
18851 - Centum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.1 => -21.08
18853 - Corpum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18855 - Centum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18857 - Corpum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18859 - Centum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18861 - Corpum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18863 - Centum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
18865 - Corpum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18867 - Centum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18869 - Corpum A-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18871 - Centum A-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18873 - Corpum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18875 - Centum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18877 - Corpum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18879 - Centum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.6 => -37.02
18881 - Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
18883 - Centum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -22.65 => -23.28
19361 - Corpum B-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
19363 - Centum B-Type EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -34.4 => -35.22
22442 - Eos (Command Ship) Mass: 13000000 => 12500000.0
Low Slots: 6.0 => 7.0
High Slots: 6.0 => 5.0
Maximum Velocity: 145.0 => 150.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0 => 75000.0
Drone Capacity: 250.0 => 300.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0 => 240.0
shipBonusGBC2: 7.5 => -4.0
eliteBonusCommandShips1: 7.5 => 10.0
isDynamicType: None => False
22444 - Sleipnir (Command Ship) Scan Resolution: 220.0 => 264.0
eliteBonusCommandShips3: 3.0 => 4.0
Command Burst Effect Range Bonus: 100.0 => None
isDynamicType: None => False
22446 - Vulture (Command Ship) Scan Resolution: 195.0 => 234.0
isDynamicType: None => False
22448 - Absolution (Command Ship) Mass: 13300000 => 12300000.0
Powergrid Output: 1500.0 => 1550.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0 => 158.0
CPU Output: 400.0 => 420.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0 => 252.0
eliteBonusCommandShips3: 3.0 => 4.0
Command Burst Effect Range Bonus: 100.0 => None
isDynamicType: None => False
22466 - Astarte (Command Ship) Maximum Velocity: 155.0 => 165.0
CPU Output: 440.0 => 450.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0 => 240.0
eliteBonusCommandShips3: 3.0 => 4.0
Command Burst Effect Range Bonus: 100.0 => None
isDynamicType: None => False
22468 - Claymore (Command Ship) Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0 => 75000.0
Scan Resolution: 220.0 => 264.0
shipBonusMBC1: 7.5 => -4.0
eliteBonusCommandShips2: 5.0 => 10.0
isDynamicType: None => False
22470 - Nighthawk (Command Ship) Mass: 14810000 => 13200000.0
Low Slots: 5.0 => 4.0
Medium Slots: 5.0 => 6.0
Maximum Velocity: 140.0 => 150.0
Scan Resolution: 195.0 => 234.0
eliteBonusCommandShips1: -7.5 => -10.0
eliteBonusCommandShips3: 3.0 => 4.0
Command Burst Effect Range Bonus: 100.0 => None
isDynamicType: None => False
22474 - Damnation (Command Ship) Scan Resolution: 210.0 => 252.0
isDynamicType: None => False
22881 - 'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
22883 - 'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -31.06
28534 - Khanid Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28536 - Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
28538 - Khanid Navy Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
28540 - Khanid Navy EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
28542 - Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.0 => -32.7
29213 - Habitation Module - Scientist Quarters (Spawn Container) isDynamicType: None => False
30815 - Habitation Module - Personnel Quarters (Spawn Container) isDynamicType: None => False
36464 - Vortex (MassiveEnvironments) isDynamicType: None => False
isisGroupID: None => 4
39149 - Retribution Raata Sunset Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
39150 - Retribution Raata Sunset Serenity Only SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
39151 - Retribution Raata Sunset Serenity Only SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
39152 - Retribution Raata Sunset Serenity Only SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
39153 - Retribution Raata Sunset Serenity Only SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
43559 - ♦ Arbitrator (♦ Cruiser) trackingBonus: 29.16 => None
isDynamicType: None => False
47182 - Men's Amarr 'Loyalist' T-Shirt (Tops) raceID: None => 4
47186 - Women's Amarr 'Loyalist' T-Shirt (Tops) raceID: None => 4
52182 - Liminal Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52185 - Liminal Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52205 - Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52206 - Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52207 - Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52208 - Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52209 - Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52210 - Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52212 - Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52213 - Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52217 - Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52232 - Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52233 - Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52320 - Zorya's Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2100.0 => 1150.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 267.0
52473 - Zorya's Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3500.0 => 2333.0
Orbit Velocity: 777.0 => 518.0
52474 - Zorya's Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 7000.0 => 4667.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 875.0 => 583.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52645 - Raznaborg Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 18000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52646 - Raznaborg Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 18000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52647 - Raznaborg Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 18000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52648 - Raznaborg Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 15000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52649 - Raznaborg Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52650 - Raznaborg Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 15000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52651 - Raznaborg Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52652 - Raznaborg Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52653 - Raznaborg Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52654 - Raznaborg Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 15000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52655 - Raznaborg Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
typeNameID: 551340 => 568843
52656 - Raznaborg Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 15000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52657 - Raznaborg Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52658 - Zorya's Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4550.0 => 3033.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 569.0 => 379.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
52659 - Zorya's Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4025.0 => 2683.0
Orbit Velocity: 805.0 => 537.0
52923 - Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Neutralization Amount: 84.0 => 56.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14 => 6250.0
Falloff Bonus: -20.0 => -10.5
Optimal Range Bonus: -20.0 => -10.5
Tracking Speed Bonus: -20.0 => -10.5
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3400.0 => 4857.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 15000.0 => 10714.28571
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 18000.0 => 5357.142857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 35.0
52928 - Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Neutralization Amount: 135.0 => 90.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0 => 8750.0
Falloff Bonus: -33.0 => -14.72625
Optimal Range Bonus: -33.0 => -14.72625
Tracking Speed Bonus: -33.0 => -14.72625
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 => 5714.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 18000.0 => 12857.14286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 23000.0 => 6428.571429
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 65.0
52930 - Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Optimal Range: 60000.0 => 49000.0
Neutralization Amount: 165.0 => 110.0
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14 => 12250.0
Falloff Bonus: -40.0 => -17.85
Optimal Range Bonus: -40.0 => -15.5295
Tracking Speed Bonus: -40.0 => -17.85
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4300.0 => 6143.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 19000.0 => 13571.42857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 20500.0 => 6785.714286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 112.78
52932 - State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52933 - State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52934 - State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52935 - State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52936 - State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52937 - State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52938 - State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52939 - State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
52940 - State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
53031 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL Blueprint (Exotic Plasma Charge Blueprint) Tech Level: None => 1
metaGroupID: None => 1
graphicID: 1145 => None
iconID: 1145 => 21917
54000 - Scout Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Neutralization Amount: 63.0 => 42.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14 => 6250.0
Falloff Bonus: -15.0 => -7.875
Optimal Range Bonus: -15.0 => -7.875
Tracking Speed Bonus: -15.0 => -7.875
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3400.0 => 4857.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 15000.0 => 10714.28571
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 18000.0 => 5357.142857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 35.0
54005 - Scout Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Neutralization Amount: 101.0 => 67.33333333
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0 => 8750.0
Falloff Bonus: -24.0 => -10.71
Optimal Range Bonus: -24.0 => -10.71
Tracking Speed Bonus: -24.0 => -10.71
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 => 5714.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 18000.0 => 12857.14286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 23000.0 => 6428.571429
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 65.0
54007 - Scout Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Optimal Range: 60000.0 => 49000.0
Neutralization Amount: 124.0 => 82.66666667
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14 => 12250.0
Falloff Bonus: -30.0 => -13.3875
Optimal Range Bonus: -30.0 => -11.647125
Tracking Speed Bonus: -30.0 => -13.3875
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4300.0 => 6143.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 19000.0 => 13571.42857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 20500.0 => 6785.714286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 112.78
54009 - Elite Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125 => 2214.0
Neutralization Amount: 105.0 => 70.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14 => 6250.0
Falloff Bonus: -25.0 => -11.66666667
Optimal Range Bonus: -25.0 => -11.66666667
Orbit Velocity: 531.25 => 354.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -25.0 => -11.66666667
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3400.0 => 4857.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 15000.0 => 10714.28571
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 18000.0 => 5357.142857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 35.0
54010 - Elite Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375 => 2641.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75 => 423.0
54011 - Elite Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125 => 2172.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25 => 348.0
54012 - Elite Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3171.875 => 2115.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5 => 338.0
54013 - Elite Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3125.0 => 2083.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54014 - Elite Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 2953.125 => 1969.0
Neutralization Amount: 169.0 => 112.6666667
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0 => 8750.0
Falloff Bonus: -41.0 => -16.26333333
Optimal Range Bonus: -41.0 => -16.26333333
Orbit Velocity: 472.5 => 315.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -41.0 => -16.26333333
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 => 5714.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 18000.0 => 12857.14286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 23000.0 => 6428.571429
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 65.0
54015 - Elite Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875 => 1139.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375 => 182.0
54016 - Elite Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875 => 684.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0 => 49000.0
Neutralization Amount: 206.0 => 137.3333333
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14 => 12250.0
Falloff Bonus: -50.0 => -19.83333333
Optimal Range Bonus: -50.0 => -17.255
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625 => 109.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -50.0 => -19.83333333
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4300.0 => 6143.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 19000.0 => 13571.42857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 20500.0 => 6785.714286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 112.78
54017 - Elite Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1171.875 => 781.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5 => 125.0
54018 - Exalted Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375 => 3099.0
Neutralization Amount: 126.0 => 84.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14 => 6250.0
Falloff Bonus: -30.0 => -14.0
Optimal Range Bonus: -30.0 => -14.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75 => 496.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -30.0 => -14.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3400.0 => 4857.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 15000.0 => 10714.28571
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 18000.0 => 5357.142857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 35.0
54019 - Exalted Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125 => 3697.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25 => 592.0
54020 - Exalted Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375 => 3041.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75 => 487.0
54021 - Exalted Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4440.625 => 2960.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5 => 474.0
54022 - Exalted Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4375.0 => 2917.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 467.0
54023 - Exalted Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 4134.375 => 2756.0
Neutralization Amount: 203.0 => 135.3333333
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0 => 8750.0
Falloff Bonus: -49.0 => -19.43666667
Optimal Range Bonus: -49.0 => -19.43666667
Orbit Velocity: 661.5 => 441.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -49.0 => -19.43666667
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 => 5714.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 18000.0 => 12857.14286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 23000.0 => 6428.571429
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 65.0
54024 - Exalted Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825 => 1595.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125 => 255.0
54025 - Exalted Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425 => 957.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0 => 49000.0
Neutralization Amount: 248.0 => 165.3333333
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14 => 12250.0
Falloff Bonus: -60.0 => -23.8
Optimal Range Bonus: -60.0 => -20.706
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875 => 153.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -60.0 => -23.8
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4300.0 => 6143.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 19000.0 => 13571.42857
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 20500.0 => 6785.714286
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 => 112.78
54026 - Exalted Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1640.625 => 1094.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5 => 175.0
54027 - Scout State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54028 - Scout State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54029 - Scout State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54030 - Scout State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54031 - Scout State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54032 - Scout State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54033 - Scout State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54034 - Scout State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54035 - Scout State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
54036 - Elite State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125 => 2214.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 531.25 => 354.0
54037 - Elite State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375 => 2641.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 633.75 => 423.0
54038 - Elite State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125 => 2172.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 521.25 => 348.0
54039 - Elite State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3171.875 => 2115.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 507.5 => 338.0
54040 - Elite State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3125.0 => 2083.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54041 - Elite State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2953.125 => 1969.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 472.5 => 315.0
54042 - Elite State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875 => 1139.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375 => 182.0
54043 - Elite State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875 => 684.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625 => 109.0
54044 - Elite State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1171.875 => 781.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 187.5 => 125.0
54045 - Executive State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375 => 3099.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 743.75 => 496.0
54046 - Executive State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125 => 3697.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 887.25 => 592.0
54047 - Executive State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375 => 3041.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 729.75 => 487.0
54048 - Executive State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4440.625 => 2960.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 710.5 => 474.0
54049 - Executive State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4375.0 => 2917.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 467.0
54050 - Executive State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4134.375 => 2756.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 661.5 => 441.0
54051 - Executive State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825 => 1595.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125 => 255.0
54052 - Executive State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425 => 957.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875 => 153.0
54053 - Executive State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1640.625 => 1094.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 => 0.6
Orbit Velocity: 262.5 => 175.0
54063 - Elite Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125 => 2214.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.25 => 354.0
54064 - Elite Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375 => 2641.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75 => 423.0
54065 - Elite Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125 => 2172.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25 => 348.0
54066 - Elite Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3171.875 => 2115.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5 => 338.0
54067 - Elite Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3125.0 => 2083.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54068 - Elite Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2953.125 => 1969.0
Orbit Velocity: 472.5 => 315.0
54069 - Elite Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875 => 1139.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375 => 182.0
54070 - Elite Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875 => 684.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625 => 109.0
54071 - Elite Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1171.875 => 781.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5 => 125.0
54072 - Presiding Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375 => 3099.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75 => 496.0
54073 - Presiding Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125 => 3697.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25 => 592.0
54074 - Presiding Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375 => 3041.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75 => 487.0
54075 - Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4440.625 => 2960.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5 => 474.0
54076 - Presiding Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4375.0 => 2917.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 467.0
54077 - Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4134.375 => 2756.0
Orbit Velocity: 661.5 => 441.0
54078 - Presiding Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825 => 1595.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125 => 255.0
54079 - Presiding Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425 => 957.0
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875 => 153.0
54080 - Presiding Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1640.625 => 1094.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5 => 175.0
54090 - Elite Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125 => 2214.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.25 => 354.0
54091 - Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375 => 2641.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75 => 423.0
54092 - Elite Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125 => 2172.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25 => 348.0
54093 - Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3171.875 => 2115.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5 => 338.0
54094 - Elite Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3125.0 => 2083.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54095 - Elite Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2953.125 => 1969.0
Orbit Velocity: 472.5 => 315.0
54096 - Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875 => 1139.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375 => 182.0
54097 - Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875 => 684.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625 => 109.0
54098 - Elite Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1171.875 => 781.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5 => 125.0
54099 - Chief Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375 => 3099.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75 => 496.0
54100 - Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125 => 3697.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25 => 592.0
54101 - Chief Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375 => 3041.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75 => 487.0
54102 - Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4440.625 => 2960.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5 => 474.0
54103 - Chief Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4375.0 => 2917.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 467.0
54104 - Chief Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4134.375 => 2756.0
Orbit Velocity: 661.5 => 441.0
54105 - Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825 => 1595.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125 => 255.0
54106 - Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425 => 957.0
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875 => 153.0
54107 - Chief Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1640.625 => 1094.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5 => 175.0
54108 - Hospodar Liminal Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4500.0 => 3000.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 563.0 => 375.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54109 - Hospodar Liminal Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2875.0 => 1917.0
Orbit Velocity: 575.0 => 383.0
54110 - Hospodar Liminal Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1250.0 => 833.0
Orbit Velocity: 416.0 => 277.0
54111 - Hospodar Liminal Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3250.0 => 2167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 271.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54112 - Hospodar Liminal Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2500.0 => 1667.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54113 - Hospodar Liminal Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2125.0 => 1417.0
Orbit Velocity: 473.0 => 315.0
54114 - Hospodar Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4750.0 => 3167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 594.0 => 396.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54115 - Hospodar Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4000.0 => 2667.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54116 - Hospodar Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5000.0 => 3333.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 625.0 => 417.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54117 - Hospodar Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4375.0 => 2917.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 548.0 => 365.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54118 - Hospodar Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4000.0 => 2667.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54119 - Hospodar Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 4250.0 => 2833.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.0 => 354.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54120 - Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2750.0 => 1833.0
Orbit Velocity: 550.0 => 367.0
54121 - Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 => 2000.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 250.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54122 - Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3500.0 => 2333.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 438.0 => 292.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54123 - Hospodar Renewing Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2375.0 => 1583.0
Orbit Velocity: 475.0 => 317.0
54124 - Hospodar Renewing Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1125.0 => 750.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 250.0
54125 - Hospodar Blinding Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 => 667.0
Orbit Velocity: 334.0 => 223.0
54126 - Hospodar Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 => 2000.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 250.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54127 - Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2000.0 => 1333.0
Orbit Velocity: 445.0 => 297.0
54128 - Hospodar Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 5000.0 => 3333.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 28750.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 342.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 575.0
Orbit Velocity: 625.0 => 417.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54129 - Hospodar Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3500.0 => 2333.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 438.0 => 292.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54130 - Hospodar Starving Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 2250.0 => 1500.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 333.0
54155 - Zorya's Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3500.0 => 2333.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0 => 367.0
54199 - Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54200 - Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54201 - Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54202 - Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54203 - Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54204 - Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54205 - Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54206 - Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 17500.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54207 - Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3250.0 => 2167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 271.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54208 - Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3250.0 => 2167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 271.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54209 - Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3250.0 => 2167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 271.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54210 - Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Maximum Velocity: 3250.0 => 2167.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 271.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54211 - Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54212 - Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54213 - Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54214 - Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 31250.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5 => 70.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0 => 625.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0
54575 - PLACEHOLDER Snark (Large Collidable Structure) graphicID: 24494 => 24552
54577 - Entropic Disintegrator Werpost (Destructible Sentry Gun) Scan Resolution: None => 105.0
54579 - EDENCOM GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) Scan Resolution: None => 105.0
54580 - EDENCOM Heavy GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) Scan Resolution: None => 105.0
54721 - CD Supplemental Spawner (Cloud) raceID: None => 1
isisGroupID: None => 4
55751 - Women's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret (Headwear) raceID: None => 4
published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 568712
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
55755 - Men's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret (Headwear) raceID: None => 4
published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 568713
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
55821 - 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament (Abyssal Proving Filaments) marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments) => None
55825 - Event 4 Proving Filament (Abyssal Proving Filaments) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 568728
iconID: 21928 => 24497
marketGroupID: None => 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (12 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
5503 - eliteBonusCommandShipDroneTrackingCS2 effectName: eliteBonusCommandShipHeavyDroneTrackingCS2 => eliteBonusCommandShipDroneTrackingCS2
modifierInfo: [{'domain': 'charID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 160, 'modifyingAttributeID': 999, 'func': 'OwnerRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3441}]


[{'domain': 'charID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 160, 'modifyingAttributeID': 999, 'func': 'OwnerRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3436}]
8068 - shipShieldResistanceBonusMBC1 disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8068
effectName: None => shipShieldResistanceBonusMBC1
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 271, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 748}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 274, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 748}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 272, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 748}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 273, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 748}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8070 - eliteBonusCommandShipsHeavyHAMvelocityCS2 disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8070
effectName: None => eliteBonusCommandShipsHeavyHAMvelocityCS2
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'charID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 999, 'func': 'OwnerRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3324}, {'domain': 'charID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 999, 'func': 'OwnerRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 25719}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8071 - eliteBonusCommandShipDroneRangeCS1 disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8071
effectName: None => eliteBonusCommandShipDroneRangeCS1
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'charID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 1000, 'func': 'OwnerRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3436}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8072 - shipArmorResistanceBonusGBC2 disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8072
effectName: None => shipArmorResistanceBonusGBC2
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 267, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 746}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 270, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 746}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 268, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 746}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 269, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 746}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8073 - eliteBonusCommandShipShieldHPCS1 disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8073
effectName: None => eliteBonusCommandShipShieldHPCS1
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 263, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1000}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8075 - systemHullEmResistance disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8075
effectName: None => systemHullEmResistance
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 113, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 984}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8076 - systemHullThermalResistance disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8076
effectName: None => systemHullThermalResistance
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 110, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 987}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8077 - systemHullKineticResistance disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8077
effectName: None => systemHullKineticResistance
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 109, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 986}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8078 - systemHullExplosiveResistance disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8078
effectName: None => systemHullExplosiveResistance
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 111, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 985}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8079 - systemVirusStrengthBonus disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 7
effectID: None => 8079
effectName: None => systemVirusStrengthBonus
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 1910, 'modifyingAttributeID': 1918, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 2, 'skillTypeID': 13278}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 1910, 'modifyingAttributeID': 1918, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 2, 'skillTypeID': 21718}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8080 - systemProbeStrengthBonus disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 8080
effectName: None => systemProbeStrengthBonus
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
Effects per Type (30 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
22442 - Eos (Command Ship) Added Effects:
Removed Effects:
22444 - Sleipnir (Command Ship) Removed Effects:
22446 - Vulture (Command Ship) Added Effects:
Removed Effects:
22448 - Absolution (Command Ship) Removed Effects:
22466 - Astarte (Command Ship) Removed Effects:
22468 - Claymore (Command Ship) Added Effects:
Removed Effects:
22470 - Nighthawk (Command Ship) Removed Effects:
29213 - Habitation Module - Scientist Quarters (Spawn Container) Added Effects:
30815 - Habitation Module - Personnel Quarters (Spawn Container) Added Effects:
52655 - Raznaborg Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
55860 - 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Added Effects:
55862 - 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane (Energized Armor Membrane) Added Effects:
55927 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8 (Booster) Added Effects:
55928 - Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55929 - Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55942 - Standard Armor Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55943 - Elite Armor Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55944 - Standard Shield Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55945 - Elite Shield Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55946 - Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55947 - Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55977 - Serenity August Season Pass (Booster) Added Effects:
56057 - Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56058 - Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56059 - Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56060 - Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56061 - Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56062 - Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56063 - Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
56064 - Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm (Effect Beacon) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

Strings (533 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
63791 Armor Plating Energized Energized Armor Membrane Armor Plating EnergizedEnergized Armor Membrane Description of group ID 326
64723 An advanced form of mechanically enhanced armor plating upgrades. Energized Armor Resistance Membranes An advanced form of mechanically enhanced armor plating upgradEnergized Armor Resistance Membranes.
65797 Energized Plating Energized Armor Resistance Membranes Energized PlatingArmor Resistance Membranes
72606 Habitation Module w/4xScientists Habitation Module - Scientist Quarters Habitation Module w/4x- Scientist Quarters Name of item 29213 (Spawn Container)
72610 Habitation Module w/FR Personnel Habitation Module - Personnel Quarters Habitation Module w/FR- Personnel Quarters Name of item 30815 (Spawn Container)
77390 Basic Energized EM Membrane 'Basic' EM Energized Membrane 'Basic' EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 11215 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77391 Basic Energized EM Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' EM Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11216 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77392 Energized EM Membrane I EM Energized Membrane I EM Energized EM Membrane I Name of item 11217 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77393 Energized EM Membrane I Blueprint EM Energized Membrane I Blueprint EM Energized EM Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11218 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77394 Energized EM Membrane II EM Energized Membrane II EM Energized EM Membrane II Name of item 11219 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77395 Energized EM Membrane II Blueprint EM Energized Membrane II Blueprint EM Energized EM Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11220 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77396 Basic Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Explosive Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11226 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77397 Energized Explosive Membrane I Explosive Energized Membrane I Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane I Name of item 11227 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77398 Energized Explosive Membrane I Blueprint Explosive Energized Membrane I Blueprint Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11228 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77399 Energized Explosive Membrane II Explosive Energized Membrane II Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane II Name of item 11229 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77400 Energized Explosive Membrane II Blueprint Explosive Energized Membrane II Blueprint Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11230 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77401 Basic Energized Armor Layering Membrane 'Basic' Layered Energized Membrane 'Basic' Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane Name of item 11235 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77402 Basic Energized Armor Layering Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Layered Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11236 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77403 Energized Armor Layering Membrane I Layered Energized Membrane I Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane I Name of item 11237 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77404 Energized Armor Layering Membrane I Blueprint Layered Energized Membrane I Blueprint Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11238 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77405 Energized Armor Layering Membrane II Layered Energized Membrane II Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane II Name of item 11239 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77406 Energized Armor Layering Membrane II Blueprint Layered Energized Membrane II Blueprint Layered Energized Armor Layering Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11240 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77407 Basic Energized Kinetic Membrane 'Basic' Kinetic Energized Membrane 'Basic' Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 11245 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77408 Basic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11246 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77409 Energized Kinetic Membrane I Kinetic Energized Membrane I Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane I Name of item 11247 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77410 Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint Kinetic Energized Membrane I Blueprint Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11248 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77411 Energized Kinetic Membrane II Kinetic Energized Membrane II Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane II Name of item 11249 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77412 Energized Kinetic Membrane II Blueprint Kinetic Energized Membrane II Blueprint Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11250 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77413 Basic Energized Thermal Membrane 'Basic' Thermal Energized Membrane 'Basic' Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 11255 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77414 Basic Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11256 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77415 Energized Thermal Membrane I Thermal Energized Membrane I Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane I Name of item 11257 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77416 Energized Thermal Membrane I Blueprint Thermal Energized Membrane I Blueprint Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11258 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77417 Energized Thermal Membrane II Thermal Energized Membrane II Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane II Name of item 11259 (Energized Armor Membrane)
77418 Energized Thermal Membrane II Blueprint Thermal Energized Membrane II Blueprint Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11260 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77419 Basic Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint 'Basic' Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Basic Energized Adaptive Nano' Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 11266 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77420 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Blueprint Multispectrum Energized Membrane I Blueprint Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 11268 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
77421 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Blueprint Multispectrum Energized Membrane II Blueprint Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane II Blueprint Name of item 11270 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
96689 Dark Blood Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Dark Blood Multispectrum Energized Membrane Dark Blood Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14070 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96690 True Sansha Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane True Sansha Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14072 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96691 Shadow Serpentis Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Energized Membrane Shadow Serpentis Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14074 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96692 Dark Blood Energized Kinetic Membrane Dark Blood Kinetic Energized Membrane Dark Blood Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 14076 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96693 True Sansha Energized Kinetic Membrane True Sansha Kinetic Energized Membrane True Sansha Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 14078 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96694 Shadow Serpentis Energized Kinetic Membrane Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Energized Membrane Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 14080 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96695 Dark Blood Energized Explosive Membrane Dark Blood Explosive Energized Membrane Dark Blood Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14082 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96696 True Sansha Energized Explosive Membrane True Sansha Explosive Energized Membrane True Sansha Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14084 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96697 Shadow Serpentis Energized Explosive Membrane Shadow Serpentis Explosive Energized Membrane Shadow Serpentis Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14086 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96698 Dark Blood Energized EM Membrane Dark Blood EM Energized Membrane Dark Blood EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14088 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96699 True Sansha Energized EM Membrane True Sansha EM Energized Membrane True Sansha EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14090 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96700 Shadow Serpentis Energized EM Membrane Shadow Serpentis EM Energized Membrane Shadow Serpentis EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14092 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96701 Dark Blood Energized Thermal Membrane Dark Blood Thermal Energized Membrane Dark Blood Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14094 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96702 True Sansha Energized Thermal Membrane True Sansha Thermal Energized Membrane True Sansha Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14096 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96703 Shadow Serpentis Energized Thermal Membrane Shadow Serpentis Thermal Energized Membrane Shadow Serpentis Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14098 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96901 Brokara's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Brokara's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14936 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96902 Tairei's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Tairei's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14938 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96903 Selynne's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Selynne's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14940 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96904 Raysere's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Raysere's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14942 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96905 Vizan's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Vizan's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14944 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96906 Ahremen's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Ahremen's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14946 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96907 Chelm's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Chelm's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14948 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96908 Draclira's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Draclira's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 14950 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96909 Brokara's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Brokara's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Brokara's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14952 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96910 Tairei's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Tairei's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Tairei's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14954 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96911 Selynne's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Selynne's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Selynne's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14956 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96912 Raysere's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Raysere's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Raysere's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14958 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96913 Vizan's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Vizan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Vizan's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14960 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96914 Ahremen's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Ahremen's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Ahremen's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14962 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96915 Chelm's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Chelm's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Chelm's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14964 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96916 Draclira's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Draclira's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Draclira's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 14966 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96917 Brokara's Modified Energized EM Membrane Brokara's Modified EM Energized Membrane Brokara's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14968 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96918 Tairei's Modified Energized EM Membrane Tairei's Modified EM Energized Membrane Tairei's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14970 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96919 Selynne's Modified Energized EM Membrane Selynne's Modified EM Energized Membrane Selynne's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14972 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96920 Raysere's Modified Energized EM Membrane Raysere's Modified EM Energized Membrane Raysere's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14974 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96921 Vizan's Modified Energized EM Membrane Vizan's Modified EM Energized Membrane Vizan's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14976 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96922 Ahremen's Modified Energized EM Membrane Ahremen's Modified EM Energized Membrane Ahremen's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14978 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96923 Chelm's Modified Energized EM Membrane Chelm's Modified EM Energized Membrane Chelm's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14980 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96924 Draclira's Modified Energized EM Membrane Draclira's Modified EM Energized Membrane Draclira's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 14982 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96925 Brokara's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Brokara's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Brokara's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14984 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96926 Tairei's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Tairei's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Tairei's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14986 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96927 Selynne's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Selynne's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Selynne's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14988 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96928 Raysere's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Raysere's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Raysere's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14990 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96929 Vizan's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Vizan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Vizan's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14992 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96930 Ahremen's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Ahremen's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Ahremen's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14994 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96931 Chelm's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Chelm's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Chelm's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14996 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96932 Draclira's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Draclira's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Draclira's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 14998 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96933 Brokara's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Brokara's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Brokara's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15000 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96934 Tairei's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Tairei's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Tairei's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15002 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96935 Selynne's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Selynne's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Selynne's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15004 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96936 Raysere's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Raysere's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Raysere's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15006 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96937 Vizan's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Vizan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Vizan's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15008 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96938 Ahremen's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15010 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96939 Chelm's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Chelm's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Chelm's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15012 (Energized Armor Membrane)
96940 Draclira's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Draclira's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Draclira's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15014 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97033 Brynn's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Brynn's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15204 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97034 Tuvan's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Tuvan's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15206 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97035 Setele's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Setele's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Setele's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15208 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97036 Cormack's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane Cormack's Modified Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15210 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97037 Brynn's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Brynn's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Brynn's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15212 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97038 Tuvan's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Tuvan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Tuvan's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15214 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97039 Setele's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Setele's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Setele's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15216 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97040 Cormack's Modified Energized Thermal Membrane Cormack's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane Cormack's Modified Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15218 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97041 Brynn's Modified Energized EM Membrane Brynn's Modified EM Energized Membrane Brynn's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15220 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97042 Tuvan's Modified Energized EM Membrane Tuvan's Modified EM Energized Membrane Tuvan's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15222 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97043 Setele's Modified Energized EM Membrane Setele's Modified EM Energized Membrane Setele's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15224 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97044 Cormack's Modified Energized EM Membrane Cormack's Modified EM Energized Membrane Cormack's Modified EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15226 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97045 Brynn's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Brynn's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Brynn's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15228 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97046 Tuvan's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Tuvan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Tuvan's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15230 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97047 Setele's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Setele's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Setele's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15232 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97048 Cormack's Modified Energized Explosive Membrane Cormack's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane Cormack's Modified Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15234 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97049 Brynn's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Brynn's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Brynn's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15236 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97050 Tuvan's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15238 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97051 Setele's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Setele's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Setele's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15240 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97052 Cormack's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane Cormack's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane Cormack's Modified Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15242 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97299 Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane Prototype Energized Adaptive NanoCompact Multispectrum Energized Membrane I Name of item 16391 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97303 Prototype Energized Kinetic Membrane I Compact Kinetic Energized Membrane PrototypeCompact Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane I Name of item 16399 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97307 Prototype Energized Explosive Membrane I Compact Explosive Energized Membrane PrototypCompact Explosive Energized Explosive Membrane I Name of item 16407 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97311 Prototype Energized EM Membrane I Compact EM Energized Membrane PrototypeCompact EM Energized EM Membrane I Name of item 16415 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97315 Prototype Energized Armor Layering Membrane I Compact Layered Energized Membrane Prototype Energized Armor LayeringCompact Layered Energized Membrane I Name of item 16423 (Energized Armor Membrane)
97319 Prototype Energized Thermal Membrane I Compact Thermal Energized Membrane PrototypeCompact Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane I Name of item 16431 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98292 Ammatar Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Ammatar Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 17536 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98293 Ammatar Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 17538 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98294 Ammatar Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Ammatar Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Ammatar Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 17540 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98295 Ammatar Navy Energized EM Membrane Ammatar Navy EM Energized Membrane Ammatar Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 17542 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98296 Ammatar Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 17544 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98597 Corelum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corelum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corelum C-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18799 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98598 Corelum C-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corelum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corelum C-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18801 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98599 Corelum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corelum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corelum C-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18803 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98600 Corelum C-Type Energized EM Membrane Corelum C-Type EM Energized Membrane Corelum C-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18805 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98601 Corelum C-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corelum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corelum C-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18807 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98602 Corelum B-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corelum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corelum B-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18809 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98603 Corelum B-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corelum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corelum B-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18811 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98604 Corelum B-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corelum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corelum B-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18813 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98605 Corelum B-Type Energized EM Membrane Corelum B-Type EM Energized Membrane Corelum B-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18815 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98606 Corelum B-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corelum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corelum B-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18817 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98607 Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corelum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18819 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98608 Corelum A-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corelum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corelum A-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18821 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98609 Corelum A-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corelum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corelum A-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18823 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98610 Corelum A-Type Energized EM Membrane Corelum A-Type EM Energized Membrane Corelum A-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18825 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98611 Corelum A-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corelum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corelum A-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18827 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98612 Corpum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corpum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corpum C-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18829 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98613 Centum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Centum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Centum C-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18831 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98614 Corpum C-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corpum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corpum C-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18833 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98615 Centum C-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Centum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Centum C-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18835 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98616 Corpum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corpum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corpum C-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18837 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98617 Centum C-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Centum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Centum C-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18839 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98618 Corpum C-Type Energized EM Membrane Corpum C-Type EM Energized Membrane Corpum C-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18841 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98619 Centum C-Type Energized EM Membrane Centum C-Type EM Energized Membrane Centum C-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18843 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98620 Corpum C-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corpum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corpum C-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18845 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98621 Centum C-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Centum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Centum C-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18847 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98622 Corpum B-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corpum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18849 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98623 Centum B-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Centum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Centum B-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18851 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98624 Corpum B-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corpum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18853 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98625 Centum B-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Centum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Centum B-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18855 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98626 Corpum B-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corpum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18857 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98627 Centum B-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Centum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Centum B-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18859 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98628 Corpum B-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corpum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18861 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98629 Centum B-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Centum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Centum B-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18863 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98630 Corpum A-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Corpum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Corpum A-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18865 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98631 Centum A-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Centum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane Centum A-Type Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 18867 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98632 Corpum A-Type Energized EM Membrane Corpum A-Type EM Energized Membrane Corpum A-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18869 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98633 Centum A-Type Energized EM Membrane Centum A-Type EM Energized Membrane Centum A-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 18871 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98634 Corpum A-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Corpum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Corpum A-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18873 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98635 Centum A-Type Energized Explosive Membrane Centum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane Centum A-Type Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 18875 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98636 Corpum A-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Corpum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Corpum A-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18877 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98637 Centum A-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Centum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane Centum A-Type Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 18879 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98638 Corpum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Corpum A-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18881 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98639 Centum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Centum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane Centum A-Type Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 18883 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98794 Corpum B-Type Energized EM Membrane Corpum B-Type EM Energized Membrane Corpum B-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 19361 (Energized Armor Membrane)
98795 Centum B-Type Energized EM Membrane Centum B-Type EM Energized Membrane Centum B-Type EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 19363 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100438 Khanid Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Khanid Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Khanid Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 28534 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100439 Khanid Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 28536 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100440 Khanid Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Khanid Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Khanid Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 28538 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100441 Khanid Navy Energized EM Membrane Khanid Navy EM Energized Membrane Khanid Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 28540 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100442 Khanid Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 28542 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100787 'Mafia' Energized Kinetic Membrane I 'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Membrane 'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane I Name of item 22883 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100788 'Moonshine' Energized Thermal Membrane I 'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Membrane 'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane I Name of item 22881 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100789 'Pilfer' Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I 'Pilfer' Multispectrum Energized Membrane 'Pilfer' Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane I Name of item 22879 (Energized Armor Membrane)
100923 Basic Energized Explosive Membrane 'Basic' Explosive Energized Membrane 'Basic' Explosive Energized Explosive Membrane Name of item 11225 (Energized Armor Membrane)
101209 Basic Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 'Basic' Multispectrum Energized Membrane 'Basic Energized Adaptive Nano' Multispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 11265 (Energized Armor Membrane)
101210 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Multispectrum Energized Membrane I Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane I Name of item 11267 (Energized Armor Membrane)
101211 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Multispectrum Energized Membrane II Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane II Name of item 11269 (Energized Armor Membrane)
101928 'Moonshine' Energized Thermal Membrane I Blueprint 'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 22882 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
101929 'Mafia' Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint 'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 22884 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103230 Ammatar Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 17537 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103231 Ammatar Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Name of item 17539 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103232 Ammatar Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 17541 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103233 Ammatar Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM Energized Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Name of item 17543 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103234 Ammatar Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Name of item 17545 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103239 Khanid Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 28535 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103240 Khanid Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Name of item 28537 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103241 Khanid Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 28539 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103242 Khanid Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy EM Energized Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Name of item 28541 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103243 Khanid Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Name of item 28543 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103419 Federation Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Federation Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Federation Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15739 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103420 Federation Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15740 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103421 Federation Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15737 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103422 Federation Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15738 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103423 Federation Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Federation Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Federation Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15735 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103424 Federation Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15736 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103425 Federation Navy Energized EM Membrane Federation Navy EM Energized Membrane Federation Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15733 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103426 Federation Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy EM Energized Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15734 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103427 Federation Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Federation Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Federation Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15731 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103428 Federation Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint Federation Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15732 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103486 Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Name of item 15729 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103487 Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15730 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103488 Imperial Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Name of item 15727 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103489 Imperial Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15728 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103490 Imperial Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Imperial Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Imperial Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Name of item 15725 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103491 Imperial Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Energized Explosivexplosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15726 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103492 Imperial Navy Energized EM Membrane Imperial Navy EM Energized Membrane Imperial Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Name of item 15723 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103493 Imperial Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy EM Energized Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy EM Energized EM Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15724 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103494 Imperial Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Name of item 15721 (Energized Armor Membrane)
103495 Imperial Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Membrane Blueprint Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint Name of item 15722 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
104554 'Pilfer' Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Blueprint 'Pilfer' Multispectrum Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Pilfer' Energized Adaptive NanoMultispectrum Energized Membrane I Blueprint Name of item 22880 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
131205 Great job on the supplies. We seem to be good to go, now that most of the logistical details are taken care of. This will be greatest tournament ever. And I'm sure the Serpentis don't mind us borrowing some of their things.

I have another mission for you. Just another small supply run, one for which I'll reward you handsomely, to show our appreciation for... hold on. Give me a second, here. I have something coming in over the wire.


Oh, lord. Oh, sweet sister of mercy. Looks like we made the Serpentis mighty mad. In retaliation for our little loan of goods, they've gone all-out and attacked a Gallente station in xg-d1l

Navy squadrons are already on the way, but it's going to take them some time to get there. What we need now is someone to repel the first wave of attack, buy some time for the reinforcements to get there. What do you say, pilot? In the mood to be a hero today?
Great job on the supplies. We seem to be good to go, now that most of the logistical details are taken care of. This will be greatest tournament ever. And I'm sure the Serpentis don't mind us borrowing some of their things.

I have another mission for you. Just another small supply run, one for which I'll reward you handsomely, to show our appreciation for... hold on. Give me a second, here. I have something coming in over the wire.


Oh, lord. Oh, sweet sister of mercy. Looks like we made the Serpentis mighty mad. In retaliation for our little loan of goods, they've gone all-out and attacked a Gallente station in XG-D1L

Navy squadrons are already on the way, but it's going to take them some time to get there. What we need now is someone to repel the first wave of attack, buy some time for the reinforcements to get there. What do you say, pilot? In the mood to be a hero today?
Great job on the supplies. We seem to be good to go, now that most of the logistical details are taken care of. This will be greatest tournament ever. And I'm sure the Serpentis don't mind us borrowing some of their things.

I have another mission for you. Just another small supply run, one for which I'll reward you handsomely, to show our appreciation for... hold on. Give me a second, here. I have something coming in over the wire.


Oh, lord. Oh, sweet sister of mercy. Looks like we made the Serpentis mighty mad. In retaliation for our little loan of goods, they've gone all-out and attacked a Gallente station in

Navy squadrons are already on the way, but it's going to take them some time to get there. What we need now is someone to repel the first wave of attack, buy some time for the reinforcements to get there. What do you say, pilot? In the mood to be a hero today?
281320 Energized Plating Energized Armor Membranes Energized PlatingArmor Membranes
281321 Blueprints for Energized Plating Blueprints for Energized Armor Membranes Blueprints for Energized PlatingArmor Membranes
285385 Energized Explosive Plating Explosive Energized Membranes Energized Explosive Platingxplosive Energized Membranes
285386 Energized Explosive Plating Explosive Energized Membranes Energized Explosive Platingxplosive Energized Membranes
285387 Energized Thermal Plating Thermal Energized Membranes Thermal Energized Thermal PlatingMembranes
285388 Energized Thermal Plating Thermal Energized Membranes Thermal Energized Thermal PlatingMembranes
285389 Energized EM Plating EM Energized Membranes EM Energized EM PlatingMembranes
285390 Energized EM Plating EM Energized Membranes EM Energized EM PlatingMembranes
285391 Energized Kinetic Plating Kinetic Energized Membranes Kinetic Energized Kinetic PlatingMembranes
285392 Energized Kinetic Plating Kinetic Energized Membranes Kinetic Energized Kinetic PlatingMembranes
285393 Energized Adaptive Plating Multispectrum Energized Membranes Energized Adaptive PlatingMultispectrum Energized Membranes
285394 Energized Adaptive Plating Multispectrum Energized Membranes Energized Adaptive PlatingMultispectrum Energized Membranes
285395 Energized Armor Layering Layered Energized Armor Membranes Layered Energized Armor LayeringMembranes
285396 Energized Armor Layering Layered Energized Armor Membranes Layered Energized Armor LayeringMembranes
286583 Automatically generated effect Automatically generated effect
501241 bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range bonus to shield hitpoints bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> optimal rangeshield hitpoints Trait for item "Vulture" (22446)
501455 bonus to Armor Repairer amount bonus to all armor resistances bonus to <a href=showinfo:3393>Armor Repairer</a> amountall armor resistances Trait for item "Eos" (22442)
501457 bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed bonus to Drone optimal range bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> tracking speed436>Drone</a> optimal range Trait for item "Eos" (22442)
501458 bonus to Heavy Drone max velocity and tracking speed bonus to Drone tracking speed bonus to <a href=showinfo:3441>Heavy Drone</a> max velocity and36>Drone</a> tracking speed Trait for item "Eos" (22442)
501689 bonus to Shield Booster amount bonus to all shield resistances bonus to <a href=showinfo:3416>Shield Booster</a> amountall shield resistances Trait for item "Claymore" (22468)
501691 bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion velocity bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile velocity bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> explosion velocity Trait for item "Claymore" (22468)
507048 Vortex Vortex Name of item 36464 (MassiveEnvironments)
549151 Any container hacked Container Hacked Any cContainer hHacked
549152 Use Data Analyzer or Relic Analyzer to hack a container. Use Data Analyzer or Relic Analyzer to hack 3 containers. Use Data Analyzer or Relic Analyzer to hack a3 containers.
563225 Serenity - Yulai Graveyards Serenity - Yulai Graveyards Concord Battleship Wreck Serenity - Yulai Graveyards Concord Battleship Wreck
563493 Serenity - Core Probe Launcher Manufacturing Serenity - Exotic charges Manufacturing Serenity - Core Probe LauncherExotic charges Manufacturing
563494 Probe Launcher Manufactured Exotic charges Manufactured Probe LauncherExotic charges Manufactured
563495 Use blueprint to manufacture a Core Probe Launcher I. Use blueprint to manufacture a Exotic charge. Use blueprint to manufacture a Core Probe Launcher IExotic charge.
563644 CD Supplemental Spawner CD Supplemental Spawner Name of item 54721 (Cloud)
563740 Large Compact Vorton projector Large Compact Vorton Projector Large Compact Vorton pProjector Name of item 54751 (Vorton Projector)
564007 my added npc character2 my added npc character2
564090 unused blueprint type unused blueprint type Name of item 54875 (Condenser Pack Blueprint)
565928 Battle In The Ruins Battle In The Ruins
565929 Asteroid Colony Refinery Asteroid Colony Refinery
565930 Broken Blue Crystal Asteroid Broken Blue Crystal Asteroid
565931 Broken Orange Crystal Asteroid Broken Orange Crystal Asteroid
565932 Depleted Station Battery Depleted Station Battery
565933 Abandoned Drill Abandoned Drill
565934 Stalagmite Stalagmite
565935 Asteroid Station Asteroid Station
565936 Debris Debris
565937 Ghost Ship Ghost Ship
565938 Plasma Chamber Debris Plasma Chamber Debris
565939 Ripped Superstructure Ripped Superstructure
565940 Ruined Neon Sign Ruined Neon Sign
565941 Spaceshuttle Wreck Spaceshuttle Wreck
565942 Cargo Rig Cargo Rig
565943 Landing Pad Landing Pad
565944 Landing Pad Landing Pad
565945 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
565946 Communication Relay Communication Relay
565947 Commercial Billboard Commercial Billboard
565948 Asteroid Colony Tower Asteroid Colony Tower
565949 Asteroid Colony Flat Hulk Asteroid Colony Flat Hulk
567296 Assembled Ships Assembled Ships UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/AssembledShips
567297 A separate contract will be created for each selected ship. You have selected {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"}. A separate contract will be created for each selected ship. You have selected {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"}. UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/AssembledShipOptionText
567298 For each contract: For each contract: UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/FittedShipForEachContract
567299 Number of Contracts Number of Contracts UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/NumberOfContracts
567300 contains {[numeric]numItems} {[numeric]numItems -> "item", "items"} contains {[numeric]numItems} {[numeric]numItems -> "item", "items"} UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/ContainsItemsPostText
567301 {amountText} <font color=grey>per contract</font>
Total: <font color={totalColor}>{totalText}</font>
{amountText} <font color=grey>per contract</font>
<b>Total:</b> <font color={totalColor}>{totalText}</font>
567302 Select a maximum of {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"}. A separate contract will be created for each one. Select a maximum of {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"}. A separate contract will be created for each one. UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/ItemExchangeSelectShips
567324 Create multiple identical contracts for ships from the Inventory Create multiple identical contracts for ships from the Inventory UI/Contracts/FittedShipsHint
567325 55751_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_AmarrFoundationF01.png Women's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret 55751_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_AmarrFoundationF01.pngWomen's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret Name of item 55751 (Headwear)
567333 55755_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_AmarrFoundationM01.png Men's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret 55755_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_AmarrFoundationM01.pngMen's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret Name of item 55755 (Headwear)
567399 Bounty output: {[numeric]output, decimalPlaces=1}% Bounty output: {[numeric]output, decimalPlaces=1}% UI/Neocom/SystemBountyOutputLabel
567401 Bounty payouts in this system have been adjusted based on recent DED threat analyses. Currently, pirate kills in this system are paid out at {[numeric]output, decimalPlaces=1}% of nominal value. Bounty payouts in this system have been adjusted based on recent DED threat analyses. Currently, pirate kills in this system are paid out at {[numeric]output, decimalPlaces=1}% of nominal value. UI/Neocom/SystemBountyOutputHint
567513 Sansha's Nation was founded well over a century ago. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon who carved out a sizable piece of space for himself; there, he set out to create an utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people, and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating zombie-like creatures having the cold, calculating minds of computers, yet retaining the ingenuity of humans. When this terrifying truth became public knowledge, Sansha was condemned, and special forces from each of the great empires joined forces to bring him down. His "true Sansha" servitors were decimated, scattered to the furthest reaches of known space. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once-glorious Nation has been reduced to small gangs of pirates and pillagers. Sansha's Nation was founded well over a century ago. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon who carved out a sizable piece of space for himself; there, he set out to create an utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people, and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating zombie-like creatures having the cold, calculating minds of computers, yet retaining the ingenuity of humans. When this terrifying truth became public knowledge, Sansha was condemned, and special forces from each of the great empires joined forces to bring him down. His "true Sansha" servitors were decimated, scattered to the furthest reaches of known space. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once-glorious Nation has been reduced to small gangs of pirates and pillagers.
567514 Sansha's Nation was founded well over a century ago. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon who carved out a sizable piece of space for himself; there, he set out to create an utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people, and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating zombie-like creatures having the cold, calculating minds of computers, yet retaining the ingenuity of humans. When this terrifying truth became public knowledge, Sansha was condemned, and special forces from each of the great empires joined forces to bring him down. His "true Sansha" servitors were decimated, scattered to the furthest reaches of known space. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once-glorious Nation has been reduced to small gangs of pirates and pillagers. Sansha's Nation was founded well over a century ago. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon who carved out a sizable piece of space for himself; there, he set out to create an utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people, and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating zombie-like creatures having the cold, calculating minds of computers, yet retaining the ingenuity of humans. When this terrifying truth became public knowledge, Sansha was condemned, and special forces from each of the great empires joined forces to bring him down. His "true Sansha" servitors were decimated, scattered to the furthest reaches of known space. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once-glorious Nation has been reduced to small gangs of pirates and pillagers.
567515 Sleeper Linkage Structure Sleeper Linkage Structure
567584 Proving Filament 9 Event 4 Proving Filament Event 4 Proving Filament 9 Name of item 55825 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567605 You must relinquish control of the structure before you can do that. You must relinquish control of the structure before you can do that.
567606 You need to finalize your planetary production changes before doing that. You need to finalize your planetary production changes before doing that.
567650 This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers to fight to the death against 4 other individual capsuleers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers to fight to the death against 4 other individual capsuleers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 31st to August 4th, YC122
This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers to fight to the death against 4 other individual capsuleers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 31st to August
2nd4th, YC122
567654 Destroyer FFA Proving Filament July 31st to August 4th, YC122 Destroyer FFA Proving FilamentJuly 31st to August 4th, YC122
567657 Workday has been completed Workday has been completed UI/SoftPenalty/InfoPanelOperationsWorkCompleted
567660 No ships available to contract No ships available to contract UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/NoShipFound
567661 You have selected an item that can not be contracted. You have selected an item that can not be contracted.
567662 You must select a minimum of 1 ship to continue. You must select a minimum of 1 ship to continue.
567665 You are contracting {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"} containing a total of {[numeric]numItems} {[numeric]numItems-> "item", "items"}. Do you want to continue? You are contracting {[numeric]numShips} {[numeric]numShips -> "ship", "ships"} containing a total of {[numeric]numItems} {[numeric]numItems-> "item", "items"}. Do you want to continue?
567666 ISK can not be contracted with a ship . ISK can not be contracted with a ship .
567667 Items can not be requested with this contract. Items can not be requested with this contract.
567668 Contracts are only available for item exchanges. Contracts are only available for item exchanges.
567669 Contract contains non-eligible items. Contract contains non-eligible items.
567670 Contract does not have the expected number of items required. Contract does not have the expected number of items required.
567671 Due to Time Dilation the contract creations has been aborted. You successfully created {[numeric]numContracts} {[numeric]numContracts-> "contract", "contracts"}.
Please try again when there is less Time Dilation.
Due to Time Dilation the contract creations has been aborted. You successfully created {[numeric]numContracts} {[numeric]numContracts-> "contract", "contracts"}.
Please try again when there is less Time Dilation.
567675 The current number of selected ships will exceed the number of contracts that you can create. The current number of selected ships will exceed the number of contracts that you can create.
567683 Invalid Type Invalid Type
567684 Select Ship Select Ship
567685 Non-Empty Ships Non-Empty Ships
567686 Cannot offer ISK Cannot offer ISK
567687 Cannot Request Items Cannot Request Items
567688 Cannot Request Items Cannot Request Items
567689 Contract Creation Aborted Contract Creation Aborted
567690 TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade
567699 Created Contracts Created Contracts UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/CreatedContracts
567700 Contract {[numeric]contractNum} Contract {[numeric]contractNum} UI/Contracts/ContractsWindow/ContractWithNum
567731 Affects the sensitivity of camera motion, except for zooming Affects the sensitivity of camera motion, except for zooming UI/SystemMenu/DisplayAndGraphics/CameraSettings/CameraSensitivityTooltip
567789 TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade
567790 TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade
567793 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Name of item 55860 (Energized Armor Membrane)
567794 An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Description of item "'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane" (55860)
567795 TES Merimeth the Serene Parade TES Merimeth the Serene Parade
567796 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 55861 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
567797 TES Yonis the Pious Parade TES Yonis the Pious Parade
567800 TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade
567801 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Name of item 55862 (Energized Armor Membrane)
567802 An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Description of item "'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane" (55862)
567803 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint 'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane Blueprint Name of item 55863 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
567914 Toggle IME Toggle IME /Carbon/UI/Commands/ToggleIme
567925 Fort Knocks Wreckage Fort Knocks Wreckage
567926 Fort Knocks Wreck Fort Knocks Wreck Name of item 55912 (Large Collidable Object)
567927 First Keepstar to be anchored in New Eden, erected by Hard Knocks Citizens, destroyed on the 12th of December, YC120. First Keepstar to be anchored in New Eden, erected by Hard Knocks Citizens, destroyed on the 12th of December, YC120. Description of item "Fort Knocks Wreck" (55912)
567928 Fort Knocks Wreck Beacon Fort Knocks Wreck Beacon Name of item 55913 (Beacon)
567929 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "Fort Knocks Wreck Beacon" (55913)
567951 {normalFont}{bountyPayoutColor}{[numeric]bounty.isk}{faintColor} added to next bounty payout (payment adjusted) {normalFont}<b>{bountyPayoutColor}{[numeric]bounty.isk}</b>{faintColor} added to next bounty payout (payment adjusted) UI/Inflight/ActivityLog/ModifiedBountyAddedToPayoutMessage1
567953 TES Jamyl the Liberator TES Jamyl the Liberator Name of item 55919 (Large Collidable Object)
567954 Empress Jamyl I has been venerated as a saint of the Amarr faith since her death at as the result of a Drifter attack in YC117. It is normal for occupants of the throne of Amarr to be considered major saints once they pass on, particularly as emperors are considered living prophets of the faith. Not all are venerated with the degree of fervor attached to the memory of Empress Jamyl I. Popularly known as "St. Jamyl the Liberator" for her "divine return" in order to repel a Minmatar invasion of core Amarr worlds in YC110, some Jamylite cults carry their worship of her so far that it treads into heretical territory. Empress Jamyl I has been venerated as a saint of the Amarr faith since her death at as the result of a Drifter attack in YC117. It is normal for occupants of the throne of Amarr to be considered major saints once they pass on, particularly as emperors are considered living prophets of the faith. Not all are venerated with the degree of fervor attached to the memory of Empress Jamyl I. Popularly known as "St. Jamyl the Liberator" for her "divine return" in order to repel a Minmatar invasion of core Amarr worlds in YC110, some Jamylite cults carry their worship of her so far that it treads into heretical territory. Description of item "TES Jamyl the Liberator" (55919)
567955 TES Yonis the Pious TES Yonis the Pious Name of item 55920 (Large Collidable Object)
567956 Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur was noted throughout his life for considerable piety, tastes approaching the ascetic, and a great concern to spread the Amarr faith and improve the lives of the faithful. Yonis Ardishapur's development of the Ammatar Mandate is considered his greatest achievement by House Ardishapur and is being continued by Lord Arim Ardishapur. Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur was noted throughout his life for considerable piety, tastes approaching the ascetic, and a great concern to spread the Amarr faith and improve the lives of the faithful. Yonis Ardishapur's development of the Ammatar Mandate is considered his greatest achievement by House Ardishapur and is being continued by Lord Arim Ardishapur. Description of item "TES Yonis the Pious" (55920)
567957 TES Uriam of Fiery Heart TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Name of item 55921 (Large Collidable Object)
567958 Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Uriam Kador was well-known as a man of deep passions that made him a rather impulsive leader of House Kador. Uriam's most notorious act was to order an incursion into the Gallente Federation by the Kador Fleet in late YC110. The ensuing military disaster and its aftermath greatly diminished the prestige of House Kador, though it has been restored in large part by the efforts of his successor, Lady Hamideh Kador. Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Uriam Kador was well-known as a man of deep passions that made him a rather impulsive leader of House Kador. Uriam's most notorious act was to order an incursion into the Gallente Federation by the Kador Fleet in late YC110. The ensuing military disaster and its aftermath greatly diminished the prestige of House Kador, though it has been restored in large part by the efforts of his successor, Lady Hamideh Kador. Description of item "TES Uriam of Fiery Heart" (55921)
567959 TES Garkeh of the Marches TES Garkeh of the Marches Name of item 55922 (Large Collidable Object)
567960 Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. King Garkeh Khanid II's decision to bring the Khanid Kingdom once more under the greater Amarr Empire's dominion led to his being considered a Royal Heir upon the death of Empress Jamyl I. His death was followed by a declaration by King Farokh Khanid III that his predecessor be known as "St. Garkeh of the True Vigil on the Khanid Marches". A gigantic Grand Basilica is being constructed on Khanid Prime V in the memory of "Garkeh of the Marches". Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. King Garkeh Khanid II's decision to bring the Khanid Kingdom once more under the greater Amarr Empire's dominion led to his being considered a Royal Heir upon the death of Empress Jamyl I. His death was followed by a declaration by King Farokh Khanid III that his predecessor be known as "St. Garkeh of the True Vigil on the Khanid Marches". A gigantic Grand Basilica is being constructed on Khanid Prime V in the memory of "Garkeh of the Marches". Description of item "TES Garkeh of the Marches" (55922)
567961 TES Aritcio the Redeemed TES Aritcio the Redeemed Name of item 55923 (Large Collidable Object)
567962 Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Aritcio Kor-Azor effectively had two lives in his time as head of House Kor-Azor. The first consisted of his capricious and brutal reign of terror over the Kor-Azor demesne, only curtailed when his depredations on commoners and vassal nobles alike led to severe action by the Order of the Speakers of Truth. His "second life" was marked by many acts of generosity and tolerance as head of House Kor-Azor. His personal selection of Lady Ersilia Kor-Azor as successor was in recognition of her great skill as a diplomat and administrator. Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Aritcio Kor-Azor effectively had two lives in his time as head of House Kor-Azor. The first consisted of his capricious and brutal reign of terror over the Kor-Azor demesne, only curtailed when his depredations on commoners and vassal nobles alike led to severe action by the Order of the Speakers of Truth. His "second life" was marked by many acts of generosity and tolerance as head of House Kor-Azor. His personal selection of Lady Ersilia Kor-Azor as successor was in recognition of her great skill as a diplomat and administrator. Description of item "TES Aritcio the Redeemed" (55923)
567963 TES Merimeth the Serene TES Merimeth the Serene Name of item 55924 (Large Collidable Object)
567964 Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Merimeth Sarum was forced to wait a long time for confirmation of his status as head of House Sarum due to the circumstances of Jamyl Sarum's "first death" and the corrupted court politics of the Karsoth Interregnum. His short reign as official Royal Heir of House Sarum is perhaps most significant for his support for Lord Arrach Sarum as his designated successor. Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Merimeth Sarum was forced to wait a long time for confirmation of his status as head of House Sarum due to the circumstances of Jamyl Sarum's "first death" and the corrupted court politics of the Karsoth Interregnum. His short reign as official Royal Heir of House Sarum is perhaps most significant for his support for Lord Arrach Sarum as his designated successor. Description of item "TES Merimeth the Serene" (55924)
567965 TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Name of item 55925 (Large Collidable Object)
567966 Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite is now considered the head of the Emperor Family, and strictly no longer a member of House Tash-Murkon. Nevertheless, it is a point of pride for the Tash-Murkon that within a relatively short time of their elevation to Royal Family status they have provided an Empress of Holy Amarr. It is particularly notable that House Tash-Murkon has a strong Udorian lineage which they do not seek to conceal. As a result, Empress Catiz I is the first occupant of the Throne of Amarr known to have uncontested Udorian ancestry. Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite is now considered the head of the Emperor Family, and strictly no longer a member of House Tash-Murkon. Nevertheless, it is a point of pride for the Tash-Murkon that within a relatively short time of their elevation to Royal Family status they have provided an Empress of Holy Amarr. It is particularly notable that House Tash-Murkon has a strong Udorian lineage which they do not seek to conceal. As a result, Empress Catiz I is the first occupant of the Throne of Amarr known to have uncontested Udorian ancestry. Description of item "TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon" (55925)
568252 Onlining Onlining UI/Structures/States/Onlining
568253 Amarr Foundation Day - Khanid Amarr Foundation Day - Khanid
568273 TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade
568274 Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8 Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8 Name of item 55927 (Booster)
568275 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/08/31.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/08/31.
Description of item "Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.8" (55927)
568276 Serenity Season August Serenity Season August
568277 The second Season after Serenity Relaunch The second Season after Serenity Relaunch
568279 Serenity - Empire Rogue Drone Dungeon Serenity - Empire Rogue Drone Dungeon
568280 Site Completed Site Completed
568281 Locate and complete a Empire Rogue Drone Dungeon Locate and complete a Empire Rogue Drone Dungeon
568282 Serenity - Empire Sansha Dungeon Serenity - Empire Sansha Dungeon
568283 Site Completed Site Completed
568284 Locate and complete a Empire Sansha Dungeon Locate and complete a Empire Sansha Dungeon
568285 Serenity - Empire Guristas Dungeon Serenity - Empire Guristas Dungeon
568286 Site Completed Site Completed
568287 Locate and complete a Empire Guristas Dungeon Locate and complete a Empire Guristas Dungeon
568288 Serenity - Empire Pirate Dungeon Serenity - Empire Pirate Dungeon
568289 Site Completed Site Completed
568290 Locate and complete a Empire Pirate Dungeon Locate and complete a Empire Pirate Dungeon
568291 Serenity - Yulai Graveyards Naglfar Wreck Serenity - Yulai Graveyards Naglfar Wreck
568292 Target Observed Target Observed
568293 Observe a Naglfar Wreck in Yulai Graveyards. Observe a Naglfar Wreck in Yulai Graveyards.
568295 Serenity - Luminaire FNS Ingenomine Serenity - Luminaire FNS Ingenomine
568296 Target Observed Target Observed
568297 Observe FNS Ingenomine Titan in Luminaire. Observe FNS Ingenomine Titan in Luminaire.
568299 Serenity - Caldari Station Ruins Serenity - Caldari Station Ruins
568300 Target Observed Target Observed
568301 Observe Caldari Station Ruins in Luminaire. Observe Caldari Station Ruins in Luminaire.
568302 Serenity - 120,000 Veldspar mining Serenity - 120,000 Veldspar mining
568303 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568304 Mine 120000 units of Veldspar. Mine 120000 units of Veldspar.
568305 Serenity - 80,000 Scordite mining Serenity - 80,000 Scordite mining
568306 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568307 Mine 80000 units of Scordite. Mine 80000 units of Scordite.
568308 Serenity - 40,000 Pyroxeres mining Serenity - 40,000 Pyroxeres mining
568309 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568310 Mine 40000 units of Pyroxeres. Mine 40000 units of Pyroxeres.
568311 Serenity - 10,000 Kernite mining Serenity - 10,000 Kernite mining
568312 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568313 Mine 10000 units of Kernite. Mine 10000 units of Kernite.
568314 Serenity - 40,000 Plagioclase mining Serenity - 40,000 Plagioclase mining
568315 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568316 Mine 40000 units of Plagioclase. Mine 40000 units of Plagioclase.
568317 Serenity - 20,000 Omber mining Serenity - 20,000 Omber mining
568318 Ore Mined Ore Mined
568319 Mine 20000 units of Omber. Mine 20000 units of Omber.
568329 ATTENTION: The tutorial is designed to introduce gameplay mechanics one by one. If you proceed, elements of your interface will be hidden from you until they are revealed. Do you wish to continue? ATTENTION: The tutorial is designed to introduce gameplay mechanics one by one. If you proceed, elements of your interface will be hidden from you until they are revealed. Do you wish to continue?
568330 Tutorial Tutorial
568408 2020.08Serenity Soft Launch Daily Login Campaign 2020.08Serenity Soft Launch Daily Login Campaign
568409 Serenity - Rogue Drone Salvaging Serenity - Rogue Drone Salvaging
568410 Wreck Salvaged Wreck Salvaged
568411 Successfully salvage 10 Rogue Drone wrecks. Successfully salvage 10 Rogue Drone wrecks.
568412 Serenity - Sansha Ship Salvaging Serenity - Sansha Ship Salvaging
568413 Wreck Salvaged Wreck Salvaged
568414 Successfully salvage 15 Sansha wrecks. Successfully salvage 15 Sansha wrecks.
568415 Serenity - Complete a EDENCOM Anormaly Serenity - Complete a EDENCOM Anormaly
568416 Site Completed Site Completed
568417 Locate and complete a EDENCOM Anomaly. Locate and complete a EDENCOM Anomaly.
568418 Serenity - Complete 3 EDENCOM Anormaly Serenity - Complete 3 EDENCOM Anormaly
568419 Site Completed Site Completed
568420 Locate and complete 3 EDENCOM Anomaly. Locate and complete 3 EDENCOM Anomaly.
568421 Serenity - Kill 5 EDENCOM Ships Serenity - Kill 5 EDENCOM Ships
568422 EDENCOM Ship Destroyed EDENCOM Ship Destroyed
568423 Destroy 5 EDENCOM Ships. Destroy 5 EDENCOM Ships.
568424 Serenity - Kill 10 EDENCOM Ships Serenity - Kill 10 EDENCOM Ships
568425 EDENCOM Ship Destroyed EDENCOM Ship Destroyed
568426 Serenity - Kill 20 EDENCOM Ships Serenity - Kill 20 EDENCOM Ships
568427 Destroy 10 EDENCOM Ships. Destroy 10 EDENCOM Ships.
568428 EDENCOM Ship Destroyed EDENCOM Ship Destroyed
568429 Destroy 20 EDENCOM Ships. Destroy 20 EDENCOM Ships.
568430 A11 (copy) A11 (copy)
568431 Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator Name of item 55928 (Booster)
568432 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
Description of item "Serenity August Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator" (55928)
568433 Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator Name of item 55929 (Booster)
568434 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/09/17.
Description of item "Serenity August Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator" (55929)
568444 TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade Name of item 55935 (Beacon)
568445 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Jamyl the Liberator Parade" (55935)
568446 TES Yonis the Pious Parade TES Yonis the Pious Parade Name of item 55936 (Beacon)
568447 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Yonis the Pious Parade" (55936)
568448 TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade Name of item 55937 (Beacon)
568449 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Uriam of Fiery Heart Parade" (55937)
568450 TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade Name of item 55938 (Beacon)
568451 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Garkeh of the Marches Parade" (55938)
568452 TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade Name of item 55939 (Beacon)
568453 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Aritcio the Redeemed Parade" (55939)
568454 TES Merimeth the Serene Parade TES Merimeth the Serene Parade Name of item 55940 (Beacon)
568455 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Merimeth the Serene Parade" (55940)
568456 TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade Name of item 55941 (Beacon)
568457 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon Parade" (55941)
568463 Standard Armor Skill Accelerator Standard Armor Skill Accelerator Name of item 55942 (Booster)
568464 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Standard Armor Skill Accelerator" (55942)
568465 Elite Armor Skill Accelerator Elite Armor Skill Accelerator Name of item 55943 (Booster)
568466 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Elite Armor Skill Accelerator" (55943)
568468 Standard Shield Skill Accelerator Standard Shield Skill Accelerator Name of item 55944 (Booster)
568469 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Standard Shield Skill Accelerator" (55944)
568470 Elite Shield Skill Accelerator Elite Shield Skill Accelerator Name of item 55945 (Booster)
568471 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Elite Shield Skill Accelerator" (55945)
568472 Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator Name of item 55946 (Booster)
568473 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Standard Engineering Skill Accelerator" (55946)
568474 Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator Name of item 55947 (Booster)
568475 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Elite Engineering Skill Accelerator" (55947)
568484 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory.
568485 Amarr Shuttle Khanid SKIN Amarr Shuttle Khanid SKIN Name of item 55948 (Permanent SKIN)
568486 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Description of item "Amarr Shuttle Khanid SKIN" (55948)
568487 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory.
568488 Sigil Khanid SKIN Sigil Khanid SKIN Name of item 55949 (Permanent SKIN)
568489 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Description of item "Sigil Khanid SKIN" (55949)
568667 bullet point 1 bullet point 1 Bullet point for new feature " " (2060)
568668 bullet point 2 bullet point 2 Bullet point for new feature " " (2060)
568669 bullet point 3 bullet point 3 Bullet point for new feature " " (2060)
568691 Serenity August Season Pass Serenity August Season Pass Name of item 55977 (Booster)
568692 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Serenity August Season Pass" (55977)
568711 Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
568712 Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Description of item "Women's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret" (55751)
568713 Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Amarr Empire, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Description of item "Men's Amarr 'Loyalist' Beret" (55755)
568724 Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate Name of item 55980 (Special Edition Commodities)
568725 Contains Foundation Day clothing items to demonstrate your faith in the Amarr Empire! Contains Foundation Day clothing items to demonstrate your faith in the Amarr Empire! Description of item "Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate" (55980)
568726 Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate Name of item 55981 (Special Edition Commodities)
568727 Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Crown Imperial fireworks Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Crown Imperial fireworks Description of item "Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate" (55981)
568728 The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 21st to 25th, YC122
The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 21st to 25th, YC122
Description of item "Event 4 Proving Filament" (55825)
568729 Event 5 Proving Filament Event 5 Proving Filament Name of item 55982 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
568730 The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 28th to September 1st, YC122
The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 28th to September 1st, YC122
Description of item "Event 5 Proving Filament" (55982)
568731 Event 6 Proving Filament Event 6 Proving Filament Name of item 55983 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
568732 The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from September 4th to 8th, YC122
The format for this event will be announced soon.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from September 4th to 8th, YC122
Description of item "Event 6 Proving Filament" (55983)
568805 3v3 Navy Slicers Proving Ground 3v3 Navy Slicers Proving Ground
568806 This proving ground event welcomes fleets of three capsuleers flying Imperial Navy Slicer class frigates.

This proving ground event will be accessible from August 7th to August 11th, YC122
This proving ground event welcomes fleets of three capsuleers flying Imperial Navy Slicer class frigates.

This proving ground event will be accessible from August 7th to August 11th, YC122
568807 In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event. In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event.
568808 Imperial Navy Slicer Imperial Navy Slicer
568809 Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit. Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit.
568810 August 7th to August 11th, YC122 August 7th to August 11th, YC122
568811 This proving ground event welcomes fleets of three capsuleers flying Imperial Navy Slicer class frigates. This proving ground event welcomes fleets of three capsuleers flying Imperial Navy Slicer class frigates.
568815 Foundation Day Parade - Amarr Foundation Day Parade - Amarr
568816 Hit the TES Jamyl the Liberator titan with a firework Hit the TES Jamyl the Liberator titan with a firework
568817 Foundation Day Parade - Ardishapur Prime Foundation Day Parade - Ardishapur Prime
568818 Hit the TES Yonis the Pious titan with a firework Hit the TES Yonis the Pious titan with a firework
568819 Foundation Day Parade - Kador Prime Foundation Day Parade - Kador Prime
568820 Hit the TES Uriam of Fiery Heart titan with a firework Hit the TES Uriam of Fiery Heart titan with a firework
568821 Foundation Day Parade - Khanid Prime Foundation Day Parade - Khanid Prime
568823 Hit the TES Garkeh of the Marches titan with a firework Hit the TES Garkeh of the Marches titan with a firework
568824 Foundation Day Parade - Kor-Azor Prime Foundation Day Parade - Kor-Azor Prime
568825 Hit the TES Aritcio the Redeemed titan with a firework Hit the TES Aritcio the Redeemed titan with a firework
568826 Foundation Day Parade - Sarum Prime Foundation Day Parade - Sarum Prime
568827 Hit the TES Merimeth the Serene titan with a firework Hit the TES Merimeth the Serene titan with a firework
568828 Foundation Day Parade - Tash-Murkon Prime Foundation Day Parade - Tash-Murkon Prime
568829 Hit the TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon titan with a firework Hit the TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon titan with a firework
568830 Foundation Day Parade Foundation Day Parade
568831 Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate Amarr Foundation Day Fireworks Crate
568832 Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Crown Imperial fireworks Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Crown Imperial fireworks
568833 Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate Amarr Foundation Day Apparel Crate
568834 Contains Amarr Foundation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Amarr pride! Contains Amarr Foundation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Amarr pride!
568835 Amarr Foundation Day Amarr Foundation Day
568843 Raznaborg Tangling Kikimora Raznaborg Tangling Kikimora Name of item 52655 (Invading Precursor Entities)
568853 New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event Name of new feature 2061
568854 Live from 31 July - 4 August Live from 31 July - 4 August Description of new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2061)
568855 5-player Tech 1 Destroyer free-for-all 5-player Tech 1 Destroyer free-for-all Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2061)
568856 Track your progress on the leaderboards! Track your progress on the leaderboards! Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2061)
568871 Bluestar Defenders Bluestar Defenders
568872 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion.
568873 Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN Name of item 55984 (Permanent SKIN)
568874 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Description of item "Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN" (55984)
568875 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion.
568876 Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders SKIN Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders SKIN Name of item 55985 (Permanent SKIN)
568877 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Description of item "Stormbringer Bluestar Defenders SKIN" (55985)
568878 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion.
568879 Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders SKIN Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders SKIN Name of item 55986 (Permanent SKIN)
568880 Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including <i>Thunderchild</i>, <i>Stormbringer</i>, and <i>Skybreaker</i> vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion. Description of item "Thunderchild Bluestar Defenders SKIN" (55986)
568959 Weak Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment Weak Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment Name of item 56047 (MassiveEnvironments)
568960 Strong Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment Strong Metaliminal Dark Storm Enviroment Name of item 56048 (MassiveEnvironments)
568961 Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment Name of item 56049 (MassiveEnvironments)
568962 Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Enviroment Name of item 56050 (MassiveEnvironments)
568963 Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment Name of item 56051 (MassiveEnvironments)
568964 Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Enviroment Name of item 56052 (MassiveEnvironments)
568965 Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment Name of item 56053 (MassiveEnvironments)
568966 Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Enviroment Name of item 56054 (MassiveEnvironments)
568967 Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment Name of item 56055 (MassiveEnvironments)
568968 Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Enviroment Name of item 56056 (MassiveEnvironments)
568970 Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Strong Metaliminal Electrical Storm Name of item 56057 (Effect Beacon)
568971 Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Weak Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Name of item 56058 (Effect Beacon)
568972 Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Strong Metaliminal Exotic Matter Storm Name of item 56059 (Effect Beacon)
568973 Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Weak Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Name of item 56060 (Effect Beacon)
568974 Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Strong Metaliminal Gamma Ray Storm Name of item 56061 (Effect Beacon)
568975 Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Weak Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Name of item 56062 (Effect Beacon)
568976 Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Strong Metaliminal Plasma Firestorm Name of item 56063 (Effect Beacon)
568977 Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Weak Metaliminal Electrical Storm Name of item 56064 (Effect Beacon)
568978 Security Office Security Office
568979 Metaliminal Storms Metaliminal Storms UI/Map/MapPallet/cbStarsRoamingWeather
568980 Metaliminal Storm Metaliminal Storm UI/Map/StarModeHandler/roamingWeather
568981 Probe Strength Bonus Probe Strength Bonus Name of attribute "scanProbeStrengthBonus" (3095)
568982 Metaliminal Storms Metaliminal Storms UI/Map/StarMap/RoamingWeather

New Files (133 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
Changed Files (941 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
33632 -> 33632
14 -> 14
11785 -> 11881
500572 -> 500572
52007 -> 52007
3008 -> 3007
1723 -> 1723
240 -> 240
2397 -> 2397
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
285 -> 285
98 -> 107
2418 -> 2418
21864 -> 21885
21788 -> 21809
21732 -> 21753
2038 -> 2038
208 -> 208
76 -> 76
92 -> 92
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
7315 -> 7315
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
99 -> 99
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
70 -> 70
69 -> 69
89 -> 89
78 -> 78
88 -> 88
69 -> 69
759 -> 759
69 -> 69
86 -> 86
82 -> 82
95 -> 95
310 -> 316
69 -> 69
71 -> 71
83 -> 83
69 -> 69
105 -> 105
109 -> 109
91 -> 91
604 -> 604
102 -> 102
70 -> 70
223 -> 223
110 -> 110
91 -> 91
74 -> 74
97 -> 97
90 -> 90
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
77 -> 77
792 -> 793
1223 -> 1223
6723 -> 6791
3830 -> 3896
69 -> 69
80 -> 80
730 -> 730
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
6091 -> 6091
82 -> 82
125 -> 125
91 -> 91
69 -> 69
95 -> 95
74 -> 74
88 -> 88
78 -> 78
692 -> 692
464 -> 464
4 -> 0
0 -> 0
19724 -> 19779
3 -> 3
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
87 -> 87
44 -> 44
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
43 -> 44
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5592
24 -> 24
4 -> 4
0 -> 0
17 -> 17
20 -> 20
764 -> 764
5592 -> 5592
80 -> 80
80 -> 80
80 -> 80
25 -> 25
27 -> 27
42 -> 42
17 -> 17
37 -> 37
60 -> 37
59 -> 59
47 -> 47
47 -> 47
47 -> 47
47 -> 47
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
5592 -> 5592
5593 -> 5593
5592 -> 5592
5593 -> 5593
182 -> 182
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
92 -> 92
142 -> 142
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
7 -> 7
9 -> 9
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
dx9/model/ship/concord/frigate/conf5/icons/4517_128.png ->
21 -> 21
dx9/model/ship/concord/frigate/conf5/icons/4517_512.jpg ->
32 -> 32
dx9/model/ship/concord/frigate/conf5/icons/4517_64.png ->
6 -> 6
dx9/model/ship/concord/frigate/conf5/icons/conf5_t1_isis.png ->
2 -> 2
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/22318_128.png ->
23 -> 23
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/22318_512.jpg ->
35 -> 35
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/22318_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/22318_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/22318_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battlecruiser/tgbc01/icons/tgbc01_t1_isis.png ->
3 -> 3
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/21993_128.png ->
24 -> 23
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/21993_512.jpg ->
38 -> 37
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/21993_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/21993_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/21993_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/triglavian/battleship/tgb01/icons/tgb01_t1_isis.png ->
5 -> 5
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_512.jpg ->
35 -> 35
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
84 -> 85
181 -> 181
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_512.jpg ->
34 -> 34
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
1 -> 1
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_512.jpg ->
35 -> 35
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
19676 -> 19679
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
86 -> 86
19 -> 19
23 -> 23
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
5592 -> 5592
5 -> 5
87 -> 87
14 -> 14
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud1/icons/1696_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud1/icons/1696_512.jpg ->
37 -> 37
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud1/icons/1696_64.png ->
7 -> 7
85 -> 85
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud2/icons/1697_128.png ->
24 -> 24
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud2/icons/1697_512.jpg ->
42 -> 42
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud2/icons/1697_64.png ->
7 -> 7
71 -> 71
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud3/icons/1698_128.png ->
20 -> 20
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud3/icons/1698_512.jpg ->
27 -> 27
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud3/icons/1698_64.png ->
6 -> 6
52 -> 52
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud4/icons/1699_128.png ->
21 -> 21
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud4/icons/1699_512.jpg ->
33 -> 31
dx9/model/structure/universal/debris/ud4/icons/1699_64.png ->
6 -> 6
66 -> 66
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
4 -> 1
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
350 -> 350
610 -> 610
57 -> 55
17 -> 14
59 -> 59
54 -> 54
62 -> 62
17 -> 15
15 -> 15
15 -> 15
28 -> 28
28 -> 28
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
17 -> 17
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
17 -> 17
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 10
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
13 -> 13
12 -> 13
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 12
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 9
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
11 -> 11
17 -> 17
16 -> 16
21 -> 21
20 -> 20
28 -> 48
28 -> 48
27 -> 44
21 -> 21
21 -> 21
21 -> 21
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
19 -> 19
19 -> 19
19 -> 19
35 -> 35
27 -> 27
37 -> 37
29 -> 30
34 -> 34
26 -> 26
37 -> 37
29 -> 29
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
24 -> 24
24 -> 24
27 -> 27
27 -> 27
26 -> 26
37 -> 58
37 -> 57
36 -> 54
28 -> 28
27 -> 28
28 -> 28
19 -> 19
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
26 -> 26
26 -> 26
26 -> 26
27 -> 47
27 -> 47
26 -> 43
20 -> 20
20 -> 20
20 -> 20
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
19 -> 19
18 -> 18
19 -> 19
36 -> 56
36 -> 56
35 -> 52
27 -> 27
27 -> 27
27 -> 27
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
17 -> 17
25 -> 25
25 -> 25
26 -> 26
369 -> 369
392 -> 392
175 -> 175
354 -> 354
186 -> 186
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
16 -> 15
15 -> 14
10 -> 10
9 -> 10
8 -> 8
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
32 -> 63
32 -> 63
32 -> 63
33 -> 64
33 -> 64
33 -> 64
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
13 -> 13
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
15 -> 15
15 -> 15
15 -> 15
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
8 -> 8
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
7 -> 7
6 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
6 -> 7
6 -> 6
7 -> 7
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
19 -> 32
18 -> 32
18 -> 31
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
21 -> 21
17 -> 17
22 -> 22
18 -> 18
21 -> 21
17 -> 17
22 -> 22
18 -> 18
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
23 -> 23
23 -> 23
24 -> 37
23 -> 37
23 -> 36
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
16 -> 17
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
18 -> 31
18 -> 31
17 -> 30
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
23 -> 36
23 -> 36
22 -> 35
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
9 -> 8
8 -> 8
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
5 -> 5
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
16 -> 28
16 -> 28
16 -> 28
16 -> 28
16 -> 28
16 -> 28
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
5 -> 6
5 -> 5
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
11 -> 21
11 -> 21
11 -> 20
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
9 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
13 -> 23
13 -> 23
12 -> 22
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 8
11 -> 20
11 -> 20
10 -> 19
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
13 -> 22
13 -> 22
12 -> 21
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
69 -> 69
84 -> 84
86 -> 86
75 -> 75
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 18
11 -> 18
11 -> 18
13 -> 20
13 -> 20
13 -> 20
48 -> 39
9 -> 9
10 -> 10
18 -> 18
47 -> 28
134 -> 128
27 -> 23
32 -> 31
6099 -> 6099
5807 -> 5807
445 -> 445
6726 -> 6726
433 -> 433
7410 -> 7410
6484 -> 6484
389 -> 389
8479 -> 8479
5281 -> 5281
24081 -> 33258
22072 -> 30153
1610 -> 1735
24448 -> 34412
1592 -> 1705
33854 -> 50134
36994 -> 52339
2469 -> 2474
80512 -> 109062
30583 -> 43163
9 -> 10
4147 -> 4151
12785 -> 12803
4100 -> 4101
0 -> 0
239 -> 239
4771 -> 4227
112 -> 112
102 -> 106
49 -> 49
59 -> 60
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
7 -> 9
61 -> 61
290 -> 291
376 -> 376
672 -> 675
3 -> 2
34 -> 38
10 -> 24
423 -> 430
40 -> 57
16133 -> 14553
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
859 -> 862
120 -> 122
45 -> 45
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
368 -> 368
40 -> 40
311 -> 311
3 -> 3
5 -> 6
0 -> 1
0 -> 0
501 -> 502
240 -> 239
60 -> 63
1523 -> 1571
110 -> 84
2609 -> 2743
389 -> 393
2129 -> 2129
9529 -> 9534
567 -> 567
349 -> 349
43 -> 43
349 -> 349
87 -> 87
22 -> 22
4 -> 4
21 -> 22
43 -> 43
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
349 -> 87
349 -> 349
1 -> 1
1398 -> 5592
1398 -> 5592
349 -> 1398
5 -> 5
1398 -> 1398

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.