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New Items (48 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:52673>Jita Moon</url>
<url=showinfo:54224>Mysterious Capsule Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54225>Used Ectoplasmic Fluid</url>
<url=showinfo:54226>Burned Transneural Scanner</url>
<url=showinfo:54227>Melted Scraps of Capsule Plating</url>
<url=showinfo:54228>DED Informant's Frozen Corpse</url>
<url=showinfo:54233>Mysterious Orange Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54240>Mysterious Red Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54241>Mysterious Teal Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54242>Mysterious White Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54243>Mysterious Pink Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54244>Mysterious Green Capsule</url>
<url=showinfo:54250>Guristas Capsule Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54255>Hunt Acceleration Gate Key</url>
<url=showinfo:54257>Test DLI Loot crate</url>
<url=showinfo:54260>Guristas Hunt Coordination Hub</url>
<url=showinfo:54261>Hunt Silo 1</url>
<url=showinfo:54262>Hunt Silo 2</url>
<url=showinfo:54263>Hunt Silo 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54270>Hunt YC112 Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54271>Huntmaster YC112 Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54276>Guristas Automated VHF-08</url>
<url=showinfo:54277>Guristas Automated VHMF-27</url>
<url=showinfo:54278>Guristas Automated VHF-21</url>
<url=showinfo:54279>Guristas Automated VHMF-32</url>
<url=showinfo:54280>Hunt Bantam</url>
<url=showinfo:54281>Hunt Condor</url>
<url=showinfo:54282>Hunt Griffin</url>
<url=showinfo:54284>Hunt Kestrel</url>
<url=showinfo:54285>Hunt Worm</url>
<url=showinfo:54286>Hunt Cormorant</url>
<url=showinfo:54287>Hunt Corax</url>
<url=showinfo:54288>Hunt Caracal</url>
<url=showinfo:54289>Hunt Blackbird</url>
<url=showinfo:54290>Hunt Gila</url>
<url=showinfo:54291>Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener</url>
<url=showinfo:54292>Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener</url>
<url=showinfo:54293>Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener</url>
<url=showinfo:54294>Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener</url>
<url=showinfo:54295>Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
52673 - Jita Moon No Description Moon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 52673
graphicID: 24490
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 551423
iconID: 10141
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 10000.0
published: False
Mass: 1e+35
groupID: 8
portionSize: 1
54224 - Mysterious Capsule Wreck Destroyed remains of a capsule. Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 561594
typeID: 54224
graphicID: 20391
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 561593
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Access Difficulty: -20.0
54225 - Used Ectoplasmic Fluid This thick goo has previously served as the filler liquid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule. Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 561606
typeID: 54225
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561605
iconID: 1199
basePrice: 1.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 10.0
groupID: 526
portionSize: 1
54226 - Burned Transneural Scanner This elaborate device utilizes a combination of magnetic resonance imaging and emission tomography to quickly acquire a detailed scan of a human brain down to the quantum level. This information can then be transmitted to a cortex reconstructor in a remote facility to transfer the subject's memories and personality into a fresh clone. This process is both rapid and destructive, leaving the original brain and the transneural scanner damaged beyond repair.

This particular transneural scanning unit has served its purpose and is no longer operational.
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 561608
typeID: 54226
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561607
iconID: 1365
basePrice: 1.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 526
portionSize: 1
54227 - Melted Scraps of Capsule Plating These scraps of metal have been salvaged from the remains of a destroyed hydrostatic capsule. Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 561610
typeID: 54227
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561609
iconID: 2529
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 526
portionSize: 1
54228 - DED Informant's Frozen Corpse This corpse once belonged to a deep-cover informant collecting information for CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Division from within the Guristas Pirates. Apparently their cover was blown somehow. Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 561612
typeID: 54228
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561611
iconID: 2855
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 70.0
groupID: 526
portionSize: 1
54233 - Mysterious Orange Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted orange. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561631
typeID: 54233
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561630
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54240 - Mysterious Red Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted red. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561636
typeID: 54240
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561635
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54241 - Mysterious Teal Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted teal. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561638
typeID: 54241
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561637
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54242 - Mysterious White Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted white. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561640
typeID: 54242
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561639
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54243 - Mysterious Pink Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted pink. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561642
typeID: 54243
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561641
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54244 - Mysterious Green Capsule This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted green. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Irregular Capsule
Click to toggle showing the 40 attributes. descriptionID: 561644
typeID: 54244
graphicID: 73
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561643
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
soundID: 20080
wreckTypeID: 54224
radius: 2.0
published: False
Mass: 32000.0
groupID: 4053
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 63.0
Structure Hitpoints: 150.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 25.0
Armor Hitpoints: 156.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Warp Speed Multiplier: 10.0
propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxBoosterID: 396.0
54250 - Guristas Capsule Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54250
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561649
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54255 - Hunt Acceleration Gate Key This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas pirates. Acceleration Gate Keys
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 561699
typeID: 54255
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561698
iconID: 2038
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 474
portionSize: 1
54257 - Test DLI Loot crate For testing and internal use only Miscellaneous
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 561706
typeID: 54257
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561705
iconID: 24175
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 314
portionSize: 1
54260 - Guristas Hunt Coordination Hub No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54260
graphicID: 3303
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561736
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 594.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
54261 - Hunt Silo 1 No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54261
graphicID: 2007
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561737
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1060.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
54262 - Hunt Silo 2 No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54262
graphicID: 2007
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561738
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1060.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
54263 - Hunt Silo 3 No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54263
graphicID: 2007
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561739
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1060.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
54270 - Hunt YC112 Wave Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54270
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561797
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54271 - Huntmaster YC112 Wave Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54271
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561798
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54276 - Guristas Automated VHF-08 No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54276
graphicID: 3819
Capacity: 130.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 561809
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27289.0
soundID: 20102
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4000.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1000.0
Accuracy falloff : 16400.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 400.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Velocity: 3789.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 156000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 487.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 14.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
Orbit Velocity: 560.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 4.0
Kinetic damage: 1.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54277 - Guristas Automated VHMF-27 No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54277
graphicID: 3819
Capacity: 130.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 561811
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27289.0
soundID: 20102
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4000.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1000.0
Accuracy falloff : 16400.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 400.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Velocity: 3789.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 156000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 487.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 14.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
Orbit Velocity: 560.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 4.0
Kinetic damage: 1.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54278 - Guristas Automated VHF-21 No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54278
graphicID: 3819
Capacity: 130.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 561812
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27289.0
soundID: 20102
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4000.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1000.0
Accuracy falloff : 16400.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 400.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Velocity: 3789.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 156000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 487.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 14.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
Orbit Velocity: 560.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 4.0
Kinetic damage: 1.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54279 - Guristas Automated VHMF-32 No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54279
graphicID: 3819
Capacity: 130.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 561813
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27289.0
soundID: 20102
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4000.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1000.0
Accuracy falloff : 16400.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 400.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Velocity: 3789.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 156000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 487.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 14.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
Orbit Velocity: 560.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 4.0
Kinetic damage: 1.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54280 - Hunt Bantam No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54280
graphicID: 1968
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561814
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 27.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54281 - Hunt Condor No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54281
graphicID: 1827
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561816
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 33.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54282 - Hunt Griffin No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54282
graphicID: 1828
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561817
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 41.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54284 - Hunt Kestrel No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54284
graphicID: 1830
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561820
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 46.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54285 - Hunt Worm No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54285
graphicID: 1831
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561821
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 27.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54286 - Hunt Cormorant No Description Irregular Destroyer
Click to toggle showing the 66 attributes. typeID: 54286
graphicID: 2920
Capacity: 425.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561822
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 52000.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 112.0
published: False
Mass: 1700000.0
groupID: 1664
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 2200.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.81
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.49
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.64
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.59
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Armor Hitpoints: 800.0
Accuracy falloff : 30000.0
Turret Tracking: 250.0
Maximum Velocity: 725.0
Signature Radius: 110.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 240000.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 27.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.6
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 30000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 20000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 14.4
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 468750.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46
EM damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 5.0
Thermal damage: 3.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
54287 - Hunt Corax No Description Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. typeID: 54287
graphicID: 24531
Capacity: 450.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561824
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 17400.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26573
radius: 143.0
published: False
Mass: 1080000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 220.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.47
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.41
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.92
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3163.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 190.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 25000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 300.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.469
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.469
gfxTurretID: 8089.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 13000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 212.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
54288 - Hunt Caracal No Description Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 63 attributes. typeID: 54288
graphicID: 20317
Capacity: 450.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561825
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 92000.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26574
radius: 202.0
published: False
Mass: 11910000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.81
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.49
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.38
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.44
entityBracketColour: 1.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 260.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 140.0
Maximum Velocity: 760.0
Signature Radius: 200.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 10000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.24
Capacitor Recharge time: 280000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 19.2
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.5
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.5
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Shield recharge time: 937500.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1600.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 207.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
54289 - Hunt Blackbird No Description Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 63 attributes. typeID: 54289
graphicID: 1826
Capacity: 305.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561827
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 92000.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26574
radius: 139.0
published: False
Mass: 11910000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.81
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.49
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.38
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.44
entityBracketColour: 1.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 260.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 140.0
Maximum Velocity: 760.0
Signature Radius: 200.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 10000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.24
Capacitor Recharge time: 280000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 19.2
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.5
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.5
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Shield recharge time: 937500.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1600.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 207.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
54290 - Hunt Gila No Description Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 63 attributes. typeID: 54290
graphicID: 1824
Capacity: 440.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561828
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 92000.0
soundID: 20070
wreckTypeID: 26574
radius: 166.0
published: False
Mass: 11910000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Missile Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.81
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.49
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.38
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.44
entityBracketColour: 1.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 260.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 140.0
Maximum Velocity: 760.0
Signature Radius: 200.0
BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 10000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.24
Capacitor Recharge time: 280000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 19.2
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.5
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.5
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.0
Shield recharge time: 937500.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1600.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 207.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
54291 - Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Shield Hardener
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 561830
typeID: 54291
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
groupID: 77
typeNameID: 561829
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 81
basePrice: 63062.0
marketGroupID: 1696 (Adaptive Shield Hardeners)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 1.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 10000.0
variationParentTypeID: 578
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.0
Activation Cost: 32.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Heat Damage: 4.0
Overload hardening bonus: 20.0
CPU usage: 40.0
Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3420.0
Activation time / duration: 15000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
54292 - Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Shield Hardener
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 561840
typeID: 54292
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
groupID: 77
typeNameID: 561839
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20948
basePrice: 45412.0
marketGroupID: 1695 (EM Shield Hardeners)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 1.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 10000.0
variationParentTypeID: 2293
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Activation Cost: 16.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Heat Damage: 4.0
Overload hardening bonus: 20.0
CPU usage: 40.0
Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3420.0
Activation time / duration: 15000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
54293 - Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Shield Hardener
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 561842
typeID: 54293
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
groupID: 77
typeNameID: 561841
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20947
basePrice: 45412.0
marketGroupID: 1694 (Explosive Shield Hardeners)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 1.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 10000.0
variationParentTypeID: 2289
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Activation Cost: 16.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Heat Damage: 4.0
Overload hardening bonus: 20.0
CPU usage: 40.0
Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3420.0
Activation time / duration: 15000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
54294 - Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Shield Hardener
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 561844
typeID: 54294
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
groupID: 77
typeNameID: 561843
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20949
basePrice: 5808.0
marketGroupID: 1693 (Kinetic Shield Hardeners)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 1.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 10000.0
variationParentTypeID: 2291
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Activation Cost: 16.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Heat Damage: 4.0
Overload hardening bonus: 20.0
CPU usage: 40.0
Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3420.0
Activation time / duration: 15000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
54295 - Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Shield Hardener
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 561846
typeID: 54295
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
groupID: 77
typeNameID: 561845
Volume: 5.0
iconID: 20950
basePrice: 45412.0
marketGroupID: 1692 (Thermal Shield Hardeners)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 1.0
published: True
portionSize: 1
Tech Level: 1.0
Mass: 10000.0
variationParentTypeID: 2295
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5
Activation Cost: 16.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Heat Damage: 4.0
Overload hardening bonus: 20.0
CPU usage: 40.0
Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3420.0
Activation time / duration: 15000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: 0.0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier: 0.01
Powergrid Usage: 1.0
54299 - 54299_Female_Outer_JacketPrtF01_Types_JacketPrtF01_guristashunt.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54299
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561852
iconID: 24329
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54303 - 54303_Female_Feet_BootsPrtF01_Types_BootsPrtF01_guristashunt.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54303
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561853
iconID: 24330
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54304 - 54304_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntF01.png No Description Headwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54304
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561854
iconID: 24331
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1092
portionSize: 1
54306 - 54306_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_guristashunt.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54306
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561855
iconID: 24332
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54307 - 54307_Male_outer_JacketPrtm01_Types_JacketPrtm01_guristashunt.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54307
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561927
iconID: 24343
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54308 - 54308_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_guristashunt.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54308
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561928
iconID: 24344
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54309 - 54309_Male_Feet_BootsPrtm01_Types_BootsPrtm01_guristashunt.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54309
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561929
iconID: 24345
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54310 - 54310_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntM01.png No Description Headwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54310
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561930
iconID: 24346
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1092
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (0 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group

Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Reprocessing (5 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff
54291 - Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) No reprocessing data found. 75x Tritanium
200x Pyerite
500x Mexallon
250x Isogen
10x Nocxium
1x Megacyte
75x 34
200x 35
500x 36
250x 37
10x 38
1x 40
54292 - Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) No reprocessing data found. 50x Tritanium
128x Pyerite
400x Mexallon
150x Isogen
8x Nocxium
1x Megacyte
50x 34
128x 35
400x 36
150x 37
8x 38
1x 40
54293 - Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) No reprocessing data found. 50x Tritanium
128x Pyerite
400x Mexallon
150x Isogen
8x Nocxium
1x Megacyte
50x 34
128x 35
400x 36
150x 37
8x 38
1x 40
54294 - Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) No reprocessing data found. 168x Tritanium
135x Mexallon
1x Isogen
2x Nocxium
168x 34
135x 36
1x 37
2x 38
54295 - Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) No reprocessing data found. 50x Tritanium
128x Pyerite
400x Mexallon
150x Isogen
8x Nocxium
1x Megacyte
50x 34
128x 35
400x 36
150x 37
8x 38
1x 40

Traits (0 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
Attributes (0 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
Attributes per Type (83 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
578 - Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener I (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
2050 - Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
2281 - Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -32.5
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -32.5
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -32.5
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -30.0 => -32.5
2289 - Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
2291 - Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
2293 - Anti-EM Shield Hardener I (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
2295 - Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
4346 - Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
4347 - Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
4349 - Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
9608 - Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 36.0 => 30.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 10000.0
Meta Level: 2.0 => 1.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -52.5
9622 - Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 32.0 => 30.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 10000.0
Meta Level: 2.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -52.5
9632 - Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 27.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 10000.0
Meta Level: 2.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -29.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -29.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -29.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -29.0
9646 - Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 10000.0
Meta Level: 2.0 => 1.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -52.5
9660 - Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 38.0 => 30.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 10000.0
Meta Level: 2.0 => 1.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -52.5
13965 - Dread Guristas Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 30.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 15000.0
Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
Heat Damage: 4.0 => 3.4
13966 - Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 30.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 15000.0
Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
Heat Damage: 4.0 => 3.4
13967 - Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 30.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 15000.0
Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
Heat Damage: 4.0 => 3.4
13968 - Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 30.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 15000.0
Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
Heat Damage: 4.0 => 3.4
13969 - Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 27.0 => 30.0
Activation time / duration: 12000.0 => 15000.0
Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Heat Damage: 4.0 => 3.4
13994 - Domination Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 32.0 => 36.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -55.0
13995 - Domination Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 38.0 => 36.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -55.0
13996 - Domination Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 36.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -55.0
13997 - Domination Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -50.0 => -55.0
13998 - Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -32.5
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -32.5
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -32.5
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.0 => -32.5
14749 - Thon's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
14750 - Vepas's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
14751 - Estamel's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
14753 - Thon's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
14754 - Vepas's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
14755 - Estamel's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
14757 - Thon's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
14758 - Vepas's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
14759 - Estamel's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
14761 - Thon's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
14762 - Vepas's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
14763 - Estamel's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
14765 - Thon's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
14766 - Vepas's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
14767 - Estamel's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
17495 - Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
17496 - Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
17497 - Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
17498 - Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17499 - Caldari Navy Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -55.0 => -56.25
19257 - Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -54.5 => -56.25
19258 - Pith C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
19259 - Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -54.5 => -56.25
19260 - Pith C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
19261 - Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -54.5 => -56.25
19262 - Pith C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
19263 - Gist C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -54.5 => -56.25
19264 - Pith C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
19273 - Gist A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19274 - Pith A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19275 - Gist A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19276 - Pith A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19277 - Gist A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19278 - Pith A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19279 - Gist A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19280 - Pith A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
19281 - Gist X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19282 - Pith X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19283 - Gist X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19284 - Pith X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19285 - Gist X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19286 - Pith X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19287 - Gist X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
19288 - Pith X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
20633 - 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5 => -55.0
20635 - 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5 => -55.0
20637 - 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 27.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -27.5 => -32.5
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -27.5 => -32.5
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -27.5 => -32.5
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -27.5 => -32.5
20639 - 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5 => -55.0
20641 - 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) CPU usage: 34.0 => 30.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -52.5 => -55.0
29147 - State Industrial (Mission Faction Industrials) Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0
isDynamicType: None => False
30342 - Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
30420 - Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
30422 - Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
30424 - Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
33486 - QA Warp Accelerator (Cyber Navigation) radius: None => 1.0
Non-Destructible: None => 1.0
isDynamicType: None => False
42533 - ♦ Venture (♦ Mining Frigate) behaviorMiningAmount: 205.0 => 51.0
isDynamicType: None => False
42534 - ♦ Retriever (♦ Mining Barge) behaviorMiningAmount: 1230.0 => 307.0
isDynamicType: None => False
42535 - ♦ Skiff (♦ Mining Exhumer) behaviorMiningAmount: 1230.0 => 307.0
isDynamicType: None => False
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effects per Type (28 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
42533 - ♦ Venture (♦ Mining Frigate) Added Effects:
42534 - ♦ Retriever (♦ Mining Barge) Added Effects:
42535 - ♦ Skiff (♦ Mining Exhumer) Added Effects:
54233 - Mysterious Orange Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54240 - Mysterious Red Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54241 - Mysterious Teal Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54242 - Mysterious White Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54243 - Mysterious Pink Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54244 - Mysterious Green Capsule (Irregular Capsule) Added Effects:
54276 - Guristas Automated VHF-08 (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54277 - Guristas Automated VHMF-27 (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54278 - Guristas Automated VHF-21 (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54279 - Guristas Automated VHMF-32 (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54280 - Hunt Bantam (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54281 - Hunt Condor (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54282 - Hunt Griffin (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54284 - Hunt Kestrel (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54285 - Hunt Worm (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54286 - Hunt Cormorant (Irregular Destroyer) Added Effects:
54287 - Hunt Corax (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
54288 - Hunt Caracal (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
54289 - Hunt Blackbird (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
54290 - Hunt Gila (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
54291 - Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Added Effects:
54292 - Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Added Effects:
54293 - Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Added Effects:
54294 - Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Added Effects:
54295 - Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

Strings (266 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
100689 Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward FieldCompact Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9622 (Shield Hardener)
100690 Kinetic Deflection Field I Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2291 (Shield Hardener)
100691 Kinetic Deflection Field II Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener II Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2299 (Shield Hardener)
100692 Caldari Navy Kinetic Deflection Field Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 17495 (Shield Hardener)
100693 Caldari Navy Explosive Deflection Field Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 17496 (Shield Hardener)
100694 Caldari Navy Thermal Dissipation Field Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 17497 (Shield Hardener)
100695 Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 17498 (Shield Hardener)
100696 Caldari Navy EM Ward Field Caldari Navy Anti-EM Shield Hardener Caldari Navy EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17499 (Shield Hardener)
100697 Limited Thermal Dissipation Field I Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Limited Thermal Dissipation Field ICompact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9660 (Shield Hardener)
100698 Domination Kinetic Deflection Field Domination Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13997 (Shield Hardener)
100699 Domination Explosive Deflection Field Domination Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13996 (Shield Hardener)
100700 Domination Thermal Dissipation Field Domination Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13995 (Shield Hardener)
100701 Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Field Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Domination Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13998 (Shield Hardener)
100702 Domination EM Ward Field Domination Anti-EM Shield Hardener Domination EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13994 (Shield Hardener)
100703 Dread Guristas Kinetic Deflection Field Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13968 (Shield Hardener)
100704 Dread Guristas Explosive Deflection Field Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13967 (Shield Hardener)
100705 Dread Guristas Thermal Dissipation Field Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13966 (Shield Hardener)
100706 Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Field Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 13969 (Shield Hardener)
100707 Dread Guristas EM Ward Field Dread Guristas Anti-EM Shield Hardener Dread Guristas EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13965 (Shield Hardener)
100708 Estamel's Modified Kinetic Deflection Field Estamel's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14751 (Shield Hardener)
100709 Estamel's Modified Explosive Deflection Field Estamel's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14759 (Shield Hardener)
100710 Estamel's Modified Thermal Dissipation Field Estamel's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14763 (Shield Hardener)
100711 Estamel's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Field Estamel's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14767 (Shield Hardener)
100712 Estamel's Modified EM Ward Field Estamel's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14755 (Shield Hardener)
100713 Explosive Deflection Field I Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2289 (Shield Hardener)
100714 Explosive Deflection Field II Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2297 (Shield Hardener)
100715 Limited Explosive Deflection Field I Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Limited Explosive Deflection Field ICompact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9646 (Shield Hardener)
100716 Gist A-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Gist A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19273 (Shield Hardener)
100717 Gist A-Type Explosive Deflection Field Gist A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19275 (Shield Hardener)
100718 Gist A-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Gist A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19277 (Shield Hardener)
100719 Gist A-Type EM Ward Field Gist A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist A-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19279 (Shield Hardener)
100720 Gist B-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Gist B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19271 (Shield Hardener)
100721 Gist B-Type Explosive Deflection Field Gist B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19269 (Shield Hardener)
100722 Gist B-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Gist B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19267 (Shield Hardener)
100723 Gist B-Type EM Ward Field Gist B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist B-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19265 (Shield Hardener)
100724 Gist C-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19257 (Shield Hardener)
100725 Gist C-Type Explosive Deflection Field Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19259 (Shield Hardener)
100726 Gist C-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19261 (Shield Hardener)
100727 Gist C-Type EM Ward Field Gist C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist C-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19263 (Shield Hardener)
100728 Gist X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Gist X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19287 (Shield Hardener)
100729 Gist X-Type Explosive Deflection Field Gist X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19285 (Shield Hardener)
100730 Gist X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Gist X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19283 (Shield Hardener)
100731 Gist X-Type EM Ward Field Gist X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist X-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19281 (Shield Hardener)
100732 Thermal Dissipation Field I Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2295 (Shield Hardener)
100733 Thermal Dissipation Field II Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2303 (Shield Hardener)
100734 Adaptive Invulnerability Field I Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener I Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener I Item name for typeID 578 (Shield Hardener)
100735 Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2281 (Shield Hardener)
100736 Kaikka's Modified Kinetic Deflection Field Kaikka's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14748 (Shield Hardener)
100737 Kaikka's Modified Explosive Deflection Field Kaikka's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14756 (Shield Hardener)
100738 Kaikka's Modified Thermal Dissipation Field Kaikka's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14760 (Shield Hardener)
100739 Kaikka's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Field Kaikka's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14764 (Shield Hardener)
100740 Kaikka's Modified EM Ward Field Kaikka's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14752 (Shield Hardener)
100743 Limited Kinetic Deflection Field I Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Limited Kinetic Deflection Field ICompact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9608 (Shield Hardener)
100744 EM Ward Field I Anti-EM Shield Hardener I EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2293 (Shield Hardener)
100745 EM Ward Field II Anti-EM Shield Hardener II EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2301 (Shield Hardener)
100746 Pith A-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Pith A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19274 (Shield Hardener)
100747 Pith A-Type Explosive Deflection Field Pith A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19276 (Shield Hardener)
100748 Pith A-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Pith A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19278 (Shield Hardener)
100749 Pith A-Type EM Ward Field Pith A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith A-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19280 (Shield Hardener)
100750 Pith B-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Pith B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19272 (Shield Hardener)
100751 Pith B-Type Explosive Deflection Field Pith B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19270 (Shield Hardener)
100752 Pith B-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Pith B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19268 (Shield Hardener)
100753 Pith B-Type EM Ward Field Pith B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith B-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19266 (Shield Hardener)
100754 Pith C-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Pith C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19258 (Shield Hardener)
100755 Pith C-Type Explosive Deflection Field Pith C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19260 (Shield Hardener)
100756 Pith C-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Pith C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19262 (Shield Hardener)
100757 Pith C-Type EM Ward Field Pith C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith C-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19264 (Shield Hardener)
100758 Pith X-Type Kinetic Deflection Field Pith X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19288 (Shield Hardener)
100759 Pith X-Type Explosive Deflection Field Pith X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19286 (Shield Hardener)
100760 Pith X-Type Thermal Dissipation Field Pith X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 19284 (Shield Hardener)
100761 Pith X-Type EM Ward Field Pith X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith X-Type EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19282 (Shield Hardener)
100763 Thon's Modified Kinetic Deflection Field Thon's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14749 (Shield Hardener)
100764 Thon's Modified Explosive Deflection Field Thon's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14757 (Shield Hardener)
100765 Thon's Modified Thermal Dissipation Field Thon's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14761 (Shield Hardener)
100766 Thon's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Field Thon's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14765 (Shield Hardener)
100767 Thon's Modified EM Ward Field Thon's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Thon's Modified EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14753 (Shield Hardener)
100768 Vepas's Modified Kinetic Deflection Field Vepas's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14750 (Shield Hardener)
100769 Vepas's Modified Explosive Deflection Field Vepas's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14758 (Shield Hardener)
100770 Vepas's Modified Thermal Dissipation Field Vepas's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14762 (Shield Hardener)
100771 Vepas's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Field Vepas's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 14766 (Shield Hardener)
100772 Vepas's Modified EM Ward Field Vepas's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14754 (Shield Hardener)
100773 Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener LimitedCompact Adaptive Invulnerability FShield IHardener Item name for typeID 9632 (Shield Hardener)
100840 'Nugget' Kinetic Deflection Field 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 20633 (Shield Hardener)
100841 'Poacher' EM Ward Field 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener 'Poacher' EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20639 (Shield Hardener)
100842 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Field 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 20637 (Shield Hardener)
100843 'Snake Eyes' Explosive Deflection Field 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 20641 (Shield Hardener)
101142 Civilian Thermal Dissipation Field Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 30342 (Shield Hardener)
101144 Civilian EM Ward Field Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener Civilian EM Ward FieldAnti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 30420 (Shield Hardener)
101146 Civilian Explosive Deflection Field Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Explosive Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 30422 (Shield Hardener)
101148 Civilian Kinetic Deflection Field Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Kinetic Deflection FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 30424 (Shield Hardener)
103636 'Desert Heat' Thermal Dissipation Field 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Dissipation FieldShield Hardener Item name for typeID 20635 (Shield Hardener)
220690 Last Week Last 7 Days Last Week7 Days UI/Corporations/CorpMemberTracking/LastWeek
220692 Last Month Last 30 Days Last Month30 Days UI/Corporations/CorpMemberTracking/LastMonth
265005 Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 2050 (Shield Hardener)
265007 Gistum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Gistum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 4345 (Shield Hardener)
265009 Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 4346 (Shield Hardener)
265011 Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 4347 (Shield Hardener)
265013 Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 4348 (Shield Hardener)
265015 Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability FShield Hardener Item name for typeID 4349 (Shield Hardener)
318205 Placeholder Placeholder
318206 Placeholder Placeholder
528316 {points} points unlock: {points} points to unlock {points} points to unlock: UI/Seasons/PointsToUnlock
535576 Operation: Signal Interruption Operation: Signal Interruption
535600 Entity 1 Entity 1
535601 Entity 1 Entity 1
535602 Entity 1 Entity 1
535603 Entity 1 Entity 1
535728 Drifter Hive Drifter Hive
535729 Sleeper Structure Sleeper Structure
535730 Sleeper Station Sleeper Station
551423 Jita Moon Jita Moon Item name for typeID 52673 (Moon)
552853 ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden Theologically nourishing entertainment ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New EdTheologically nourishing entertainment
559151 Reaper Base Fitting Reaper Base Fitting
559154 Impairor Base Fitting Impairor Base Fitting
559155 Ibis Base Fitting Ibis Base Fitting
559156 Velator Base Fitting Velator Base Fitting
559157 Zephyr Base Fitting Zephyr Base Fitting
559158 Test Site Maller Base Fitting Test Site Maller Base Fitting
561341 Copy order to clipboard in English Copy order to clipboard in English UI/Market/MarketQuote/CopyOrderToClipboardEnglish
561454 Copy to Clipboard in English Copy to Clipboard in English UI/Fitting/FittingWindow/FittingManagement/ExportToClipboardLocalized
561511 Volatile - {[numeric]days} {[numeric]days -> "day", "days"} Volatile - {[numeric]days} {[numeric]days -> "day", "days"} UI/Skins/SkinDurationSingleUseWithDuration
561512 Volatile - Expires in {expires} Volatile - Expires in {expires} UI/Skins/SkinDurationSingleUseLicenseExpiresIn
561515 Volatile - Expired Volatile - Expired UI/Skins/SkinDurationSingleUseLicenseExpired
561554 Copy Quickbar to clipboard Copy Quickbar to clipboard UI/Market/Marketbase/CopyQuickbarToClipboard
561555 Copy Quickbar to clipboard in English Copy Quickbar to clipboard in English UI/Market/Marketbase/CopyQuickbarToClipboardInEnglish
561559 Add items and folders listed in clipboard to Quickbar Add items and folders listed in clipboard to Quickbar UI/Market/Marketbase/ImportNewQuickbar
561560 Replace Quickbar with items and folders listed in clipboard Replace Quickbar with items and folders listed in clipboard UI/Market/Marketbase/ImportQuickbarReplace
561563 Format example:
+ Folder Name
- {[item]typeID.name}
++ Subfolder Name
-- {[item]typeID.name}
Format example:
+ Folder Name
- {[item]typeID.name}
++ Subfolder Name
-- {[item]typeID.name}
561564 Import Quickbar... Import Quickbar... UI/Market/Marketbase/ImportQuickbar
561565 Export Quickbar... Export Quickbar... UI/Market/Marketbase/ExportQuickbar
561593 Mysterious Capsule Wreck Mysterious Capsule Wreck Item name for typeID 54224 (Wreck)
561594 Destroyed remains of a capsule. Destroyed remains of a capsule. Item description for "Mysterious Capsule Wreck" (typeID 54224)
561595 World Ark Proving Ground World Ark Proving Ground
561596 Tri Construct 01 Tri Construct 01
561597 The Forge The Forge
561598 World Ark Proving Grounds World Ark Proving Grounds
561599 Used Ectoplasmic Fluid Used Ectoplasmic Fluid
561600 This thick goo has previously been used as the filler fluid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule. This thick goo has previously been used as the filler fluid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule.
561601 Used Ectoplasmic Fluid Used Ectoplasmic Fluid
561602 This thick goo has previously been used as the filler fluid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule. This thick goo has previously been used as the filler fluid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule.
561603 Used Ectoplasmic Fluid Used Ectoplasmic Fluid
561605 Used Ectoplasmic Fluid Used Ectoplasmic Fluid Item name for typeID 54225 (Commodities)
561606 This thick goo has previously served as the filler liquid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule. This thick goo has previously served as the filler liquid for a starship's hydrostatic capsule. Item description for "Used Ectoplasmic Fluid" (typeID 54225)
561607 Burned Transneural Scanner Burned Transneural Scanner Item name for typeID 54226 (Commodities)
561608 This elaborate device utilizes a combination of magnetic resonance imaging and emission tomography to quickly acquire a detailed scan of a human brain down to the quantum level. This information can then be transmitted to a cortex reconstructor in a remote facility to transfer the subject's memories and personality into a fresh clone. This process is both rapid and destructive, leaving the original brain and the transneural scanner damaged beyond repair.

This particular transneural scanning unit has served its purpose and is no longer operational.
This elaborate device utilizes a combination of magnetic resonance imaging and emission tomography to quickly acquire a detailed scan of a human brain down to the quantum level. This information can then be transmitted to a cortex reconstructor in a remote facility to transfer the subject's memories and personality into a fresh clone. This process is both rapid and destructive, leaving the original brain and the transneural scanner damaged beyond repair.

This particular transneural scanning unit has served its purpose and is no longer operational.
Item description for "Burned Transneural Scanner" (typeID 54226)
561609 Melted Scraps of Capsule Plating Melted Scraps of Capsule Plating Item name for typeID 54227 (Commodities)
561610 These scraps of metal have been salvaged from the remains of a destroyed hydrostatic capsule. These scraps of metal have been salvaged from the remains of a destroyed hydrostatic capsule. Item description for "Melted Scraps of Capsule Plating" (typeID 54227)
561611 DED Informant's Frozen Corpse DED Informant's Frozen Corpse Item name for typeID 54228 (Commodities)
561612 This corpse once belonged to a deep-cover informant collecting information for CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Division from within the Guristas Pirates. Apparently their cover was blown somehow. This corpse once belonged to a deep-cover informant collecting information for CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Division from within the Guristas Pirates. Apparently their cover was blown somehow. Item description for "DED Informant's Frozen Corpse" (typeID 54228)
561628 Ships: Ships: UI/InfoWindow/ShipTypes
561630 Mysterious Orange Capsule Mysterious Orange Capsule Item name for typeID 54233 (Irregular Capsule)
561631 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted orange. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted orange. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious Orange Capsule" (typeID 54233)
561634 Structures: Structures: UI/InfoWindow/StructureTypes
561635 Mysterious Red Capsule Mysterious Red Capsule Item name for typeID 54240 (Irregular Capsule)
561636 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted red. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted red. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious Red Capsule" (typeID 54240)
561637 Mysterious Teal Capsule Mysterious Teal Capsule Item name for typeID 54241 (Irregular Capsule)
561638 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted teal. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted teal. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious Teal Capsule" (typeID 54241)
561639 Mysterious White Capsule Mysterious White Capsule Item name for typeID 54242 (Irregular Capsule)
561640 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted white. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted white. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious White Capsule" (typeID 54242)
561641 Mysterious Pink Capsule Mysterious Pink Capsule Item name for typeID 54243 (Irregular Capsule)
561642 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted pink. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted pink. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious Pink Capsule" (typeID 54243)
561643 Mysterious Green Capsule Mysterious Green Capsule Item name for typeID 54244 (Irregular Capsule)
561644 This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted green. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. This capsule resembles the ones that house and protect capsuleers while they control their starships. However it is broadcasting Guristas transponder codes instead of capsuleer identification codes, and close inspection suggests that its exterior hull has been painted green. Scans indicate that a single life form is on board. Item description for "Mysterious Green Capsule" (typeID 54244)
561645 Capsule Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Capsule Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
561646 Sets of selected fit available in '{locationName}' Sets of selected fit available in '{locationName}' UI/Fitting/FittingWindow/FittingManagement/RoundsOfFittingsInLocation
561647 Equipment Location: Equipment Location: UI/Fitting/FittingWindow/FittingManagement/EquipmentLocation
561648 Select where to find the equipment to fit to the ships.
Valid locations include are your Items Hangar as well as personally owned containers in your Items Hangar.
Select where to find the equipment to fit to the ships.
Valid locations include are your Items Hangar as well as personally owned containers in your Items Hangar.
561649 Guristas Capsule Spawner Guristas Capsule Spawner Item name for typeID 54250 (Cloud)
561660 Board my Corvette Board my Corvette
561668 Set Search Bar Focus Set Search Bar Focus UI/Commands/CmdSetSearchBarFocus
561670 Daily Omega Capsuleer Rewards Daily Omega Capsuleer Rewards
561671 Test Omega campaign Test Omega campaign
561672 Duplicate Profile Duplicate Profile UI/StructureBrowser/DuplicateProfile
561677 This should spawn some loot This should spawn some loot
561678 Pew Pew! Pew Pew!
561679 Consume this booster to speed up skill training! Consume this booster to speed up skill training!
561680 This is a shield booster disguised as a palm tree This is a shield booster disguised as a palm tree
561681 Combat frigates have a strong balance between offensive and defensive systems Combat frigates have a strong balance between offensive and defensive systems
561682 This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your frigate This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your frigate
561683 Celebrate good times, come on! Celebrate good times, come on!
561684 ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden
561685 Consume this booster to speed up skill training! Consume this booster to speed up skill training!
561686 Destroyers have many weapon hardpoints, making them an excellent attack craft Destroyers have many weapon hardpoints, making them an excellent attack craft
561687 This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your destroyer This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your destroyer
561688 Abyssal Filaments are used to access the unstable area of space occupied by the mysterious Triglavian Collective. This filament can be used to gain entry for a frigate as part of a 3 player strike team, or for a single cruiser to enter the Abyss solo. Abyssal Filaments are used to access the unstable area of space occupied by the mysterious Triglavian Collective. This filament can be used to gain entry for a frigate as part of a 3 player strike team, or for a single cruiser to enter the Abyss solo.
561689 A SKIN for the abs A SKIN for the abs
561690 These medium-sized weapons can be used by Cruiser or Battlecruiser class vessels These medium-sized weapons can be used by Cruiser or Battlecruiser class vessels
561691 This blueprint enables the construction of a power combat cruiser This blueprint enables the construction of a power combat cruiser
561693 Hunt Acceleration Gate Key Hunt Acceleration Gate Key
561694 This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas Pirates. This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas Pirates.
561695 Hunt Acceleration Gate Key Hunt Acceleration Gate Key
561696 This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas Pirates. This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas Pirates.
561697 Hunt Acceleration Gate Key Hunt Acceleration Gate Key
561698 Hunt Acceleration Gate Key Hunt Acceleration Gate Key Item name for typeID 54255 (Acceleration Gate Keys)
561699 This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas pirates. This quantum-encrypted key is emblazoned with the logo of the Guristas pirates. Item description for "Hunt Acceleration Gate Key" (typeID 54255)
561700 Hi {[character]charID.name}
{[character]gmCharID.name}, a member of the game's support unit, is trying to reach you!
Hi {[character]charID.name}
{[character]gmCharID.name}, a member of the game's support unit, is trying to reach you!
561705 Test DLI Loot crate Test DLI Loot crate Item name for typeID 54257 (Miscellaneous)
561706 For testing and internal use only For testing and internal use only Item description for "Test DLI Loot crate" (typeID 54257)
561707 Guristas Hunt Outpost Guristas Hunt Outpost
561708 Broken Engine Broken Engine
561709 Silo Silo
561710 Silo Silo
561711 Silo Silo
561712 Silo Silo
561713 Silo Silo
561714 Silo Silo
561715 Ruined Drill Ruined Drill
561716 Ruined Drill Ruined Drill
561717 Ruined Drill Ruined Drill
561718 Ruined Drill Ruined Drill
561719 Guristas Control Center Guristas Control Center
561720 The trail seems to run cold at this point. The trail seems to run cold at this point.
561721 Test Test
561724 Test DLI loot crate Test DLI loot crate
561725 The Loot Crate used for Testing DLI Loot Crates. The Loot Crate used for Testing DLI Loot Crates.
561726 Guristas Huntmaster Outpost Guristas Huntmaster Outpost
561727 Huntmaster Acceleration Gate Huntmaster Acceleration Gate
561728 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
561729 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
561730 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
561731 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
561732 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
561733 Caldari Station Ruins Caldari Station Ruins
561736 Guristas Hunt Coordination Hub Guristas Hunt Coordination Hub Item name for typeID 54260 (Large Collidable Object)
561737 Hunt Silo 1 Hunt Silo 1 Item name for typeID 54261 (Large Collidable Object)
561738 Hunt Silo 2 Hunt Silo 2 Item name for typeID 54262 (Large Collidable Object)
561739 Hunt Silo 3 Hunt Silo 3 Item name for typeID 54263 (Large Collidable Object)
561797 Hunt YC112 Wave Spawner Hunt YC112 Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54270 (Cloud)
561798 Huntmaster YC112 Wave Spawner Huntmaster YC112 Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54271 (Cloud)
561808 Guristas Hunt Autonomous Fighter Guristas Hunt Autonomous Fighter
561809 Guristas Automated VHF-08 Guristas Automated VHF-08 Item name for typeID 54276 (Irregular Frigate)
561811 Guristas Automated VHMF-27 Guristas Automated VHMF-27 Item name for typeID 54277 (Irregular Frigate)
561812 Guristas Automated VHF-21 Guristas Automated VHF-21 Item name for typeID 54278 (Irregular Frigate)
561813 Guristas Automated VHMF-32 Guristas Automated VHMF-32 Item name for typeID 54279 (Irregular Frigate)
561814 Hunt Bantam Hunt Bantam Item name for typeID 54280 (Irregular Frigate)
561816 Hunt Condor Hunt Condor Item name for typeID 54281 (Irregular Frigate)
561817 Hunt Griffin Hunt Griffin Item name for typeID 54282 (Irregular Frigate)
561820 Hunt Kestrel Hunt Kestrel Item name for typeID 54284 (Irregular Frigate)
561821 Hunt Worm Hunt Worm Item name for typeID 54285 (Irregular Frigate)
561822 Hunt Cormorant Hunt Cormorant Item name for typeID 54286 (Irregular Destroyer)
561824 Hunt Corax Hunt Corax Item name for typeID 54287 (Irregular Frigate)
561825 Hunt Caracal Hunt Caracal Item name for typeID 54288 (Irregular Cruiser)
561827 Hunt Blackbird Hunt Blackbird Item name for typeID 54289 (Irregular Cruiser)
561828 Hunt Gila Hunt Gila Item name for typeID 54290 (Irregular Cruiser)
561829 Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54291 (Shield Hardener)
561830 Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Item description for "Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener" (typeID 54291)
561839 Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54292 (Shield Hardener)
561840 Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Item description for "Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener" (typeID 54292)
561841 Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54293 (Shield Hardener)
561842 Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Item description for "Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener" (typeID 54293)
561843 Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54294 (Shield Hardener)
561844 Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Item description for "Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener" (typeID 54294)
561845 Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54295 (Shield Hardener)
561846 Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.

Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Item description for "Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener" (typeID 54295)
561852 54299_Female_Outer_JacketPrtF01_Types_JacketPrtF01_guristashunt.png 54299_Female_Outer_JacketPrtF01_Types_JacketPrtF01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54299 (Outer)
561853 54303_Female_Feet_BootsPrtF01_Types_BootsPrtF01_guristashunt.png 54303_Female_Feet_BootsPrtF01_Types_BootsPrtF01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54303 (Footwear)
561854 54304_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntF01.png 54304_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntF01.png Item name for typeID 54304 (Headwear)
561855 54306_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_guristashunt.png 54306_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54306 (Bottoms)
561927 54307_Male_outer_JacketPrtm01_Types_JacketPrtm01_guristashunt.png 54307_Male_outer_JacketPrtm01_Types_JacketPrtm01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54307 (Outer)
561928 54308_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_guristashunt.png 54308_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54308 (Bottoms)
561929 54309_Male_Feet_BootsPrtm01_Types_BootsPrtm01_guristashunt.png 54309_Male_Feet_BootsPrtm01_Types_BootsPrtm01_guristashunt.png Item name for typeID 54309 (Footwear)
561930 54310_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntM01.png 54310_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GuristasHuntM01.png Item name for typeID 54310 (Headwear)
561942 Enter Game Enter Game UI/CharacterCreation/EnterGame
561943 Click to claim Click to claim UI/Seasons/ClickToClaim
561945 Reward exclusive for Omega Clone State pilots Reward exclusive for Omega Clone State pilots UI/Seasons/OmegaOnlyReward
561946 {[numeric]quantity} x {[item]typeID.name} {[numeric]quantity} x {[item]typeID.name} UI/Seasons/RewardDescription

New Files (118 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)

Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.

Changed Files (199 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
10183 -> 11242
13 -> 13
10922 -> 10922
42849 -> 43470
1588 -> 1596
914 -> 916
176 -> 176
1968 -> 1968
79 -> 79
562 -> 562
71 -> 71
258 -> 258
64 -> 64
1087 -> 1087
15450 -> 15590
15374 -> 15512
1758 -> 1758
201 -> 201
64 -> 64
58 -> 58
3936 -> 3936
73 -> 73
700 -> 700
201 -> 201
557 -> 557
189 -> 189
719 -> 719
1165 -> 1165
6573 -> 6620
4015 -> 3763
665 -> 665
778 -> 778
127 -> 127
3975 -> 3975
74 -> 74
99 -> 99
56 -> 56
33759 -> 33759
687 -> 687
240 -> 240
2651 -> 2651
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
286 -> 286
98 -> 98
1781 -> 1781
21388 -> 21575
21311 -> 21498
21256 -> 21444
1849 -> 1849
208 -> 208
76 -> 76
69 -> 69
4330 -> 4330
88 -> 88
759 -> 759
310 -> 310
604 -> 604
223 -> 223
792 -> 792
1165 -> 1165
6573 -> 6620
4015 -> 3763
728 -> 728
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
5374 -> 5374
90 -> 90
125 -> 125
95 -> 95
33759 -> 33759
692 -> 692
6 -> 6
3 -> 3
0 -> 0
19357 -> 19409
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
43 -> 44
21 -> 22
21 -> 22
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
18247 -> 18253
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
4194 -> 33554
610 -> 610
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
13 -> 13
11 -> 11
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
13 -> 13
11 -> 11
14 -> 14
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
13 -> 13
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
52 -> 56
17 -> 17
24 -> 24
19 -> 25
26 -> 26
26 -> 26
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
27 -> 31
7 -> 7
74 -> 65
376 -> 367
70 -> 32
55 -> 50
55 -> 50
6308 -> 6308
5996 -> 5996
460 -> 460
6952 -> 6952
448 -> 448
7613 -> 7613
6518 -> 6518
439 -> 439
8815 -> 8815
5432 -> 5432
22576 -> 22577
20734 -> 20749
22831 -> 22831
33848 -> 33849
34666 -> 34667
2430 -> 2432
73795 -> 73796
28520 -> 28521
20 -> 21
3812 -> 3813
12434 -> 12454
4055 -> 4058
0 -> 0
239 -> 239
4713 -> 4169
16 -> 16
7 -> 7
230 -> 231
49 -> 49
47 -> 47
61 -> 61
24 -> 24
421 -> 421
53 -> 53
14036 -> 14053
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
754 -> 754
107 -> 108
273 -> 274
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
368 -> 368
40 -> 40
311 -> 311
26 -> 26
1365 -> 1365
251 -> 251
1437 -> 1437
86 -> 86
2404 -> 2404
85259 -> 85259
269 -> 271
9237 -> 9256
558 -> 559
14 -> 14

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.