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Est. patch size: 801mb
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Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
47269 - Trig Small | No Description | Frigate | Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.typeID: 47269graphicID: 22007 Capacity: 135.0 raceID: 4 isisGroupID: 8 typeNameID: 531862 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 72 Volume: 28600.0 soundID: 20063 wreckTypeID: 26484 radius: 34.0 Mass: 1190000.0 factionID: 500003 published: False portionSize: 1 groupID: 25 certificateTemplate: 16 |
47270 - Trig Medium | No Description | Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.typeID: 47270graphicID: 21976 Capacity: 480.0 raceID: 4 isisGroupID: 16 typeNameID: 531863 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 74 Volume: 118000.0 soundID: 20063 wreckTypeID: 26473 radius: 110.0 Mass: 13150000.0 factionID: 500003 published: False portionSize: 1 groupID: 26 certificateTemplate: 19 |
47271 - Trig Large | No Description | Battleship | Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.typeID: 47271graphicID: 21993 Capacity: 675.0 raceID: 4 isisGroupID: 26 typeNameID: 531864 basePrice: 112500000.0 marketGroupID: 79 Volume: 495000.0 soundID: 20061 wreckTypeID: 26470 radius: 400.0 Mass: 97100000.0 factionID: 500003 published: False portionSize: 1 groupID: 27 certificateTemplate: 22 |
47272 - ABC Small | No Description | Energy Weapon | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.typeID: 47272graphicID: 11117 Capacity: 1.0 typeNameID: 531865 iconID: 350 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 570 Volume: 5.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 500.0 groupID: 53 portionSize: 1 |
47273 - ABC Medium | No Description | Energy Weapon | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.typeID: 47273graphicID: 21996 Capacity: 1.0 typeNameID: 531866 iconID: 356 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 572 Volume: 10.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1000.0 groupID: 53 portionSize: 1 |
47274 - ABC Large | No Description | Energy Weapon | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.typeID: 47274graphicID: 21994 Capacity: 1.0 typeNameID: 531867 iconID: 360 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 573 Volume: 20.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 2000.0 groupID: 53 portionSize: 1 |
47281 - Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | No Description | 1-Year SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.typeID: 47281Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 532180 published: True Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1955 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talos Serenity YC119 skin_skinMaterialID: 232 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 5066 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: False skin_duration: 365 skin_types: [4308] skin_licenseTypeID: 47281 Applies to: Talos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: False visibleSerenity: False duration: 365 |
47282 - Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.typeID: 47282Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 532181 published: True Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talos Serenity YC119 skin_skinMaterialID: 232 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 5066 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: False skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [4308] skin_licenseTypeID: 47282 Applies to: Talos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: False visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
47283 - Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (7 Days) | No Description | 7-Day SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.typeID: 47283Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 532182 published: True Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1952 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talos Serenity YC119 skin_skinMaterialID: 232 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 5066 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: False skin_duration: 7 skin_types: [4308] skin_licenseTypeID: 47283 Applies to: Talos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: False visibleSerenity: False duration: 7 |
47284 - Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (30 Days) | No Description | 30-Day SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.typeID: 47284Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 532183 published: True Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1953 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talos Serenity YC119 skin_skinMaterialID: 232 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 5066 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: False skin_duration: 30 skin_types: [4308] skin_licenseTypeID: 47284 Applies to: Talos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: False visibleSerenity: False duration: 30 |
47285 - Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | No Description | 90-Day SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.typeID: 47285Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 532184 published: True Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1954 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talos Serenity YC119 skin_skinMaterialID: 232 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 5066 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: False skin_duration: 90 skin_types: [4308] skin_licenseTypeID: 47285 Applies to: Talos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: False visibleSerenity: False duration: 90 |
47286 - ArmorSuitMM01_SWAT.type | No Description | Outer | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.typeID: 47286Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532342 iconID: 21873 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1088 portionSize: 1 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 25.0 clothingAlsoCoversCategory2: 22.0 Gender: 1.0 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 22.0 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 25.0 |
47287 - ArmorSuitCF01_SWAT.type | No Description | Outer | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.typeID: 47287Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532341 iconID: 21872 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1088 portionSize: 1 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 25.0 clothingAlsoCoversCategory2: 22.0 Gender: 3.0 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 22.0 Does Not Require Clothing Type: 25.0 |
47297 - KalliType | No Description | Kalli_PLACEHOLDER | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47297Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532395 iconID: 349 basePrice: 1000.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
47299 - KalliType2 | No Description | Kalli_PLACEHOLDER | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47299Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532396 iconID: 349 basePrice: 1000.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
47300 - Large Capsuleer Day Fireworks | No Description | Festival Charges | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.typeID: 47300graphicID: 21970 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532397 iconID: 20973 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 100.0 groupID: 500 portionSize: 100 Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 Inertia Modifier: 3000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10.0 Detonation proximity: 35.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 aimedLaunch: 1.0 missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0 rate of fire bonus: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0 Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0 armorPiercingChance: 1.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
47301 - Large Crimson Harvest Fireworks | No Description | Festival Charges | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.typeID: 47301graphicID: 21971 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532398 iconID: 20973 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 100.0 groupID: 500 portionSize: 100 Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 Inertia Modifier: 3000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10.0 Detonation proximity: 35.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 aimedLaunch: 1.0 missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0 rate of fire bonus: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0 Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0 armorPiercingChance: 1.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
47302 - Large Yoiul Festival Fireworks | No Description | Festival Charges | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.typeID: 47302graphicID: 21972 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532400 iconID: 20973 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 100.0 groupID: 500 portionSize: 100 Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 Inertia Modifier: 3000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10.0 Detonation proximity: 35.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 aimedLaunch: 1.0 missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0 rate of fire bonus: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0 Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0 armorPiercingChance: 1.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
47303 - Large Festival Launcher | No Description | Festival Launcher | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.typeID: 47303graphicID: 20237 Capacity: 5.0 typeNameID: 532403 iconID: 168 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 Volume: 20.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 501 portionSize: 1 Reload Time: 200.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Color Scheme: 11324.0 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 slots occupied: 1.0 CPU usage: 1.0 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Charges Per Cycle: 1.0 Meta Level: 0.0 Used with (Charge Group): 500.0 Powergrid Usage: 1.0 |
47374 - bacon_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47374graphicID: 2742 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532640 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 310 portionSize: 1 Untargetable: 1.0 |
47378 - red_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47378graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532647 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47379 - red_2_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47379graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532648 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47380 - red_3_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47380graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532649 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47381 - blue_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47381graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532650 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47382 - blue_2_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47382graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532651 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47383 - blue_3_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47383graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532652 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47384 - green_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47384graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532653 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47385 - green_2_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47385graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532654 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47386 - green_3_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47386graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532655 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47387 - yellow_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47387graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532656 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47388 - yellow_2_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47388graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532657 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47389 - yellow_3_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47389graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532658 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47390 - orange_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47390graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532659 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47391 - orange_2_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47391graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532660 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47392 - orange_3_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47392graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532661 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47393 - white_1_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47393graphicID: 21391 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532662 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20220 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47395 - Hunter's Standard Cerebral Accelerator | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 532734typeID: 47395 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532713 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 marketGroupID: 977 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Expiry Date: 17645.4583333 Booster Duration: 86400000.0 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Charisma Modifier: 10.0 Intelligence Modifier: 10.0 Memory Modifier: 10.0 Perception Modifier: 10.0 Willpower Modifier: 10.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
47396 - Hunter's Advanced Cerebral Accelerator | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 532715typeID: 47396 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532714 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 marketGroupID: 977 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Expiry Date: 17645.4583333 Booster Duration: 86400000.0 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Charisma Modifier: 12.0 Intelligence Modifier: 12.0 Memory Modifier: 12.0 Perception Modifier: 12.0 Willpower Modifier: 12.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
47397 - Hunter's Extended Cerebral Accelerator | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 72 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 144 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 532717typeID: 47397 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532716 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 marketGroupID: 977 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Expiry Date: 17645.4583333 Booster Duration: 259200000.0 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Charisma Modifier: 10.0 Intelligence Modifier: 10.0 Memory Modifier: 10.0 Perception Modifier: 10.0 Willpower Modifier: 10.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
47398 - The Hunt - Easy Trash Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47398graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532718 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
47399 - The Hunt - Hard Trash Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47399graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532719 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
47400 - The Hunt - Boss Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47400graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532720 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
47401 - Sleeper Bunker | This structure appears to be a bunker designed by the Sleepers.
It is likely used for the accommodation and increased mobility of Sleeper troops and other personnel. |
Large Collidable Structure | Click to toggle showing the 30 attributes.descriptionID: 532743typeID: 47401 graphicID: 3567 Capacity: 10000.0 typeNameID: 532742 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 100000000.0 radius: 7684.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 Shield Capacity: 25.0 Structure Hitpoints: 25.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0 Accuracy falloff : 0.0 Turret Tracking: 0.0 Signature Radius: 8000.0 Optimal Range: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints: 25.0 entityFlyRange: 0.0 entityEquipmentMin: 5.0 entityEquipmentMax: 10.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Shield recharge time: 0.0 entityAttackRange: 0.0 entityLootCountMin: 5.0 entityLootCountMax: 10.0 |
47402 - Small asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47402graphicID: 22009 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532744 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47403 - Small asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47403graphicID: 22010 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532745 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47404 - Small asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47404graphicID: 22011 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532746 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47405 - Small asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47405graphicID: 22012 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532747 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47406 - Medium asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47406graphicID: 22013 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532748 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47407 - Medium asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47407graphicID: 22014 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532749 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47408 - DynamicKalli | No Description | Dynamic_PLACEHOLDER | typeID: 47408 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532750 published: False Volume: 0.2 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1969 portionSize: 1 |
47409 - Medium asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47409graphicID: 22015 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532751 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47410 - Medium asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47410graphicID: 22016 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532752 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47412 - Large asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47412graphicID: 22017 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532754 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47413 - Large asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47413graphicID: 22018 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532755 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47414 - Large asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47414graphicID: 22019 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532756 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47415 - Huge asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47415graphicID: 22020 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532757 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47416 - Huge asteroid environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47416graphicID: 22021 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532758 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47417 - Small pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47417graphicID: 22022 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532759 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47418 - Small pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47418graphicID: 22023 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532760 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47419 - Small pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47419graphicID: 22024 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532761 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47420 - Medium pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47420graphicID: 22025 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532762 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47421 - Medium pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47421graphicID: 22026 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532763 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47422 - Medium pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47422graphicID: 22027 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532764 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47423 - Large pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47423graphicID: 22028 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532765 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47424 - Large pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47424graphicID: 22029 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532766 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47425 - Large pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47425graphicID: 22030 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532767 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47426 - Huge pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47426graphicID: 22031 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532768 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47427 - Huge pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47427graphicID: 22032 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532769 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47428 - Huge pillar environment | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47428graphicID: 22033 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532770 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
47430 - A_30 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47430graphicID: 22062 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532773 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47431 - A_31 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47431graphicID: 22057 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532774 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47432 - A_32 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47432graphicID: 22058 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532775 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47433 - A_33 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47433graphicID: 22059 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532776 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47434 - A_34 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47434graphicID: 22060 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532777 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47435 - A_35 | No Description | Lens Flares | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47435graphicID: 22061 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532778 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1105 portionSize: 1 |
47436 - small_PD_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47436graphicID: 22037 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532780 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47437 - medium_PD_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47437graphicID: 22035 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532781 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47438 - large_PD_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47438graphicID: 22036 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532782 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47439 - small_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47439 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532783 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47440 - medium_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47440 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532784 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47441 - large_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47441 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532785 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47442 - small_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47442 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532786 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47443 - large_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47443 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532788 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47444 - medium_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | No Description | Localized Effect Beacon | typeID: 47444 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532787 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1971 portionSize: 1 |
47445 - Flag Cruisers | Skill for the operation of Flag Cruisers | Spaceship Command | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 532792typeID: 47445 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532791 iconID: 33 basePrice: 64000000.0 marketGroupID: 377 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 257 portionSize: 1 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 1.0 Level: 0.0 Training time multiplier : 8.0 Primary attribute: 168.0 Secondary attribute: 167.0 Primary Skill required: 3327.0 Secondary Skill required: 24764.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3430.0 canNotBeTrainedOnTrial: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 |
47446 - Lux Xiphos | This Drifter weapon system appears to be a more compact version of directed energy weapons used by Drifter battleships. It is semi-autonomous and is floating freely from the vessel deploying it. The weapon's firing signature indicates a broad spectrum of disruptive energies are used against its targets. | Energy Weapon | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 532813typeID: 47446 graphicID: 22052 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 16 typeNameID: 532812 iconID: 21409 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 53 portionSize: 1 Reload Time: 0.01 |
47447 - Hunter's Ballistic Control System I | No Description | Ballistic Control system | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.typeID: 47447Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532814 iconID: 21440 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 645 Volume: 5.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 367 portionSize: 1 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 Drone Damage Bonus: 15.0 rate of fire bonus: 0.92 CPU usage: 37.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.08 Primary Skill required: 3318.0 Secondary Skill required: 3436.0 Meta Level: 8.0 metaGroupID: 4.0 Powergrid Usage: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 |
47448 - Hunter's Ballistic Control System II | No Description | Ballistic Control system | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.typeID: 47448Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532815 iconID: 21440 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 645 Volume: 5.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 367 portionSize: 1 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 Tech Level: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 Drone Damage Bonus: 20.0 rate of fire bonus: 0.9 CPU usage: 40.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.1 Primary Skill required: 3318.0 Secondary Skill required: 3436.0 Meta Level: 12.0 metaGroupID: 4.0 Powergrid Usage: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 |
47449 - Defunct Capsule | No Description | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47449graphicID: 73 Capacity: 2700.0 typeNameID: 532819 iconID: 73 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 |
47450 - An easter egger. | No Description | Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 47450Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532823 iconID: 73 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1863 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 526 portionSize: 1 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 |
47451 - Background planet Moon | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47451graphicID: 22064 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532820 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47452 - Background planet Sandstorm | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47452graphicID: 22068 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532821 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47453 - Background planet Lava | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47453graphicID: 22066 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532827 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47454 - Background planet Plasma | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47454graphicID: 22067 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532824 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47455 - Background planet Gas | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47455graphicID: 22065 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532825 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47456 - Background planet Terestrial | No Description | MassiveEnvironments | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 47456graphicID: 22069 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 128 typeNameID: 532826 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1882 portionSize: 1 |
47457 - Secured Guristas Cache | No Description | Scatter Container | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 47457graphicID: 3706 Capacity: 2700.0 typeNameID: 532828 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 314.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 1207 portionSize: 1 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 hackable: 1.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 Primary Skill required: 13278.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 4.0 |
47459 - Drifter Remote | Drifter Remote | Drifter Reinforcements | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 532854typeID: 47459 graphicID: 22006 Capacity: 250.0 raceID: 16 typeNameID: 532853 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 100000.0 radius: 150.0 published: False Mass: 1000000.0 groupID: 1956 portionSize: 1 |
47460 - AOE_10k_locator | No Description | Locators | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47460graphicID: 21346 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532855 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1973 portionSize: 1 |
47461 - AOE_30k_locator | No Description | Locators | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47461graphicID: 21346 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532856 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1973 portionSize: 1 |
47462 - AOE_80k_locator | No Description | Locators | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47462graphicID: 21346 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532857 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1973 portionSize: 1 |
47463 - entry_locator | No Description | Locators | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47463graphicID: 2742 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532859 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1973 portionSize: 1 |
47464 - exit_locator | No Description | Locators | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 47464graphicID: 2742 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 532860 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1973 portionSize: 1 |
Please note that a "removed" item usually means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
47080 - Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | |
47081 - Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (7 Days) | No Description | 7-Day SKIN | |
47082 - Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (30 Days) | No Description | 30-Day SKIN | |
47083 - Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | No Description | 90-Day SKIN | |
47084 - Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | No Description | 1-Year SKIN |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
45535 - Monitor Blueprint | BP Price: 60,000,000 ISK Build Time: 4 days, 15:06:40 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:1x Materials: 50x R.A.M.- Starship Tech 53x Nuclear Reactor Unit 120x Plasma Thruster 300x Morphite 375x Construction Blocks 495x Ladar Sensor Cluster 600x Deflection Shield Emitter 900x Electrolytic Capacitor Unit 2100x Nanomechanical Microprocessor 10500x Fernite Carbide Composite Armor Plate Skills: Advanced Medium Ship Construction I Nanite Engineering I Hydromagnetic Physics I Mechanical Engineering I Industry V Outcome: 1x Claymore (22468) |
BP Price: 60,000,000 ISK Build Time: 3 days, 11:20:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:1x Materials: 50x R.A.M.- Starship Tech 60x Nuclear Reactor Unit 100x Construction Blocks 100x Plasma Thruster 300x Morphite 500x Megacyte 600x Gravimetric Sensor Cluster 750x Tesseract Capacitor Unit 800x Sustained Shield Emitter 1100x Zydrine 1500x Photon Microprocessor 3500x Nocxium 12000x Tungsten Carbide Armor Plate 15000x Isogen 20000x Mexallon 150000x Pyerite 400000x Tritanium Skills: Advanced Medium Ship Construction I Nanite Engineering I Hydromagnetic Physics I Mechanical Engineering I Industry V Outcome: 1x Monitor (45534) |
BP Price: 60,000,000 ISK Build Time: Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:1x Materials: 50x 11478 1 100x 11530 300x 11399 495 600x 1153 60 750x 1155 9 800x 1155 2100x 115 1100x 39 1500x 11541 3500x 38 120 15000x 37 20000x 36 150000x 35 400000x 34 Skills: 3397 I 11442 I 11443 I 11452 I 3380 V Outcome: 1x |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) | No reprocessing data found. | 400000x Tritanium 150000x Pyerite 20000x Mexallon 15000x Isogen 3500x Nocxium 1100x Zydrine 500x Megacyte 100x Construction Blocks 300x Morphite 100x Plasma Thruster 600x Gravimetric Sensor Cluster 1500x Photon Microprocessor 12000x Tungsten Carbide Armor Plate 60x Nuclear Reactor Unit 750x Tesseract Capacitor Unit 800x Sustained Shield Emitter |
400000x 34 150000x 35 20000x 36 15000x 37 3500x 38 1100x 39 500x 40 100x 3828 300x 11399 100x 11530 600x 11534 1500x 11541 12000x 11543 60x 11548 750x 11554 800x 11558 |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
12015 - Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser) |
Heavy Assault Cruisers bonuses (per skill level):
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Heavy Assault Cruisers bonuses (per skill level):
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Heavy Assault Cruisers bonuses (per skill level): 10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> optimal range 7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> tracking speed Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> rate of fire 7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3305>Medium Projectile Turret</a> damage Role Bonus: 50% reduction in <a href=showinfo:3454>Microwarpdrive</a> signature radius penalty Can fit <a href=showinfo:47254>Assault Damage Controls</a> |
16231 - Cyclone (Combat Battlecruiser) |
Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Minmatar Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level): 7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> Launcher rate of fire 7.5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3416>Shield Booster</a> amount Role Bonus: Can use one <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> module 50% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range 25% bonus to Missile velocity |
17738 - Machariel (Battleship) |
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level): Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3308>Large Projectile Turret</a> damage Role Bonus: 25% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3308>Large Projectile Turret</a> rate of fire 50% bonus to warp speed and warp acceleration |
33153 - Drake Navy Issue (Combat Battlecruiser) |
Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3324>Heavy Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:25719>Heavy Assault Missile</a> explosion radius Role Bonus: Can use one <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> module 50% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3348>Command Burst</a> area of effect range 25% bonus to Missile velocity |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) |
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Flag Cruisers bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to ship agility Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% reduction in ship signature radius Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to ship shield hitpoints Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to ship armor hitpoints Flag Cruisers bonuses (per skill level): 4% bonus to all armor, shield, and hull resistances Role Bonus: Can use <a href=showinfo:33915>Medium Micro Jump Drive</a> modules 99% reduction in powergrid and cpu requirements for <a href=showinfo:12056>Afterburner</a>, <a href=showinfo:12052>Microwarpdrive</a>, and <a href=showinfo:33915>Micro Jump Drive</a> modules 100% resistance to ECM effects 70% resistance to sensor dampener, target painter, energy neutralizer, and energy nosferatu effects |
Attribute Name | Diff |
927 - miningUpgradeCPUReductionBonus | description: => CPU Penalty Reduction displayNameID: None => 317701 ("CPU Penalty Reduction") iconID: 0 => 1405 published: False => True unitID: None => 105 |
2675 - specialSubsystemHoldCapacity | tooltipDescriptionID: 315777 => 317687 tooltipTitleID: 315776 => 317686 |
2752 - eliteBonusFlagCruisers1 | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2752 attributeName: None => eliteBonusFlagCruisers1 categoryID: None => 37 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => displayName: None => highIsGood: None => True published: None => False stackable: None => True |
2753 - propModFittingBonusFlagCruiser | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2753 attributeName: None => propModFittingBonusFlagCruiser categoryID: None => 37 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => displayName: None => displayNameID: None => 317707 ("Reduction in AB, MWD, MJD fitting requirements") highIsGood: None => True published: None => True stackable: None => True unitID: None => 105 |
2754 - entosisDisallowAssistance | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2754 attributeName: None => entosisDisallowAssistance categoryID: None => 9 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => displayName: None => displayNameID: None => 317711 ("Entosis Disallows Assistance") highIsGood: None => False published: None => True stackable: None => True tooltipDescriptionID: None => 317713 tooltipTitleID: None => 317712 unitID: None => 137 |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
36 - Mexallon (Mineral) | radius: None => 1.0 |
638 - Raven (Battleship) | Capacity: 665.0 => 831.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 |
639 - Tempest (Battleship) | Capacity: 600.0 => 780.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 67500.0 => 81000.0 |
640 - Scorpion (Battleship) | Capacity: 550.0 => 688.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 90000.0 => 108000.0 |
641 - Megathron (Battleship) | Capacity: 675.0 => 844.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 72500.0 => 87000.0 |
642 - Apocalypse (Battleship) | Capacity: 675.0 => 844.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 73000.0 => 87600.0 |
643 - Armageddon (Battleship) | Capacity: 600.0 => 750.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0 => 82500.0 |
644 - Typhoon (Battleship) | Capacity: 625.0 => 781.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0 => 82500.0 |
645 - Dominix (Battleship) | Capacity: 600.0 => 750.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 70000.0 => 84000.0 |
671 - Erebus (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
3112 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-902 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -2.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -2.0 |
3113 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-904 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -4.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -4.0 |
3116 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-906 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -6.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -6.0 |
3454 - High Speed Maneuvering (Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -5.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -5.0 |
3514 - Revenant (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
3764 - Leviathan (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
11567 - Avatar (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
12011 - Eagle (Heavy Assault Cruiser) | Maximum Velocity: 190.0 => 202.0 Drone Capacity: 0.0 => 25.0 Drone Bandwidth: 0.0 => 25.0 |
12015 - Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser) | Mass: 11750000.0 => 11000000.0 Medium Slots: 3.0 => 4.0 High Slots: 6.0 => 5.0 Maximum Velocity: 230.0 => 250.0 Armor Hitpoints: 2000.0 => 2150.0 Signature Radius: 125.0 => 115.0 shipBonusMC2: 5.0 => 7.5 |
13243 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-903 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -3.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -3.0 |
16006 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-905 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -5.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -5.0 |
16227 - Ferox (Combat Battlecruiser) | Powergrid Output: 1250.0 => 1150.0 CPU Output: 530.0 => 515.0 |
16231 - Cyclone (Combat Battlecruiser) | shipBonusMBC2: -5.0 => -7.5 |
17520 - Federation Navy Sensor Booster (Sensor Booster) | Reload Time: None => 0.01 |
17636 - Raven Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 625.0 => 800.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 |
17726 - Apocalypse Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 625.0 => 790.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 76000.0 => 91200.0 |
17728 - Megathron Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 650.0 => 840.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 72500.0 => 87000.0 |
17732 - Tempest Fleet Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 650.0 => 813.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 74000.0 => 88800.0 |
17736 - Nightmare (Battleship) | Capacity: 665.0 => 831.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0 => 96000.0 |
17738 - Machariel (Battleship) | Low Slots: 7.0 => 6.0 Medium Slots: 5.0 => 6.0 Capacity: 665.0 => 860.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 shipBonusGB: 10.0 => 7.5 Signature Radius: 350.0 => 380.0 |
17740 - Vindicator (Battleship) | Capacity: 665.0 => 850.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 72500.0 => 87000.0 |
17918 - Rattlesnake (Battleship) | Capacity: 665.0 => 815.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 |
17920 - Bhaalgorn (Battleship) | Capacity: 675.0 => 844.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0 => 86400.0 |
19720 - Revelation (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
19722 - Naglfar (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
19724 - Moros (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
19726 - Phoenix (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
22852 - Hel (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23757 - Archon (Carrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23773 - Ragnarok (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23911 - Thanatos (Carrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23913 - Nyx (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23915 - Chimera (Carrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23917 - Wyvern (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
23919 - Aeon (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
24483 - Nidhoggur (Carrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
24688 - Rokh (Battleship) | Capacity: 625.0 => 820.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 90000.0 => 108000.0 |
24690 - Hyperion (Battleship) | Capacity: 675.0 => 844.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 60000.0 => 85400.0 |
24692 - Abaddon (Battleship) | Capacity: 525.0 => 740.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0 => 96000.0 |
24694 - Maelstrom (Battleship) | Capacity: 550.0 => 790.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 |
26737 - Tough Gallente Starbase Control Tower (Large Collidable Structure) | Shield Capacity: 12500.0 => 35000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 18000.0 => 35000.0 |
27100 - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' High Speed Maneuvering HS-901 (Cyber Navigation) | Capacitor Need Multiplier: -1.0 => None Capacitor Need Bonus: None => -1.0 |
28352 - Rorqual (Capital Industrial Ship) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
29241 - Gallente Cruiser Vessel (Mission Faction Cruiser) | graphicID: 1813 => 1802 |
32305 - Armageddon Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 700.0 => 875.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 70000.0 => 84000.0 |
32307 - Dominix Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 675.0 => 844.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 70000.0 => 84000.0 |
32309 - Scorpion Navy Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 650.0 => 813.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 90000.0 => 108000.0 |
32311 - Typhoon Fleet Issue (Battleship) | Capacity: 600.0 => 750.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0 => 86400.0 |
32352 - Ore Passkey (Miscellaneous) | radius: None => 1.0 |
32375 - Gas Passkey (Miscellaneous) | radius: None => 1.0 |
33153 - Drake Navy Issue (Combat Battlecruiser) | Launcher Hardpoints: 8.0 => 7.0 shipBonusCBC2: -4.0 => 10.0 |
33472 - Nestor (Battleship) | Capacity: 700.0 => 875.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 => 90000.0 |
33818 - Orthrus (Cruiser) | Powergrid Output: 900.0 => 800.0 Maximum Velocity: 245.0 => 230.0 Signature Radius: 120.0 => 135.0 |
33820 - Barghest (Battleship) | Capacity: 665.0 => 831.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 76000.0 => 91200.0 |
33915 - Medium Micro Jump Drive (Micro Jump Drive) | Can be fitted to: None => 1972.0 Can be fitted to: None => 1201.0 |
34593 - Entosis Link I (Entosis Link) | Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 20000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
34595 - Entosis Link II (Entosis Link) | Powergrid Usage: 100.0 => 20.0 CPU usage: 10.0 => 5.0 Optimal Range: 250000.0 => 50000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
34826 - QA Entosis Link (Entosis Link) | Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
37604 - Apostle (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
37605 - Minokawa (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
37606 - Lif (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
37607 - Ninazu (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
40307 - Noir. Modified Entosis Link (Entosis Link) | Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 20000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
40308 - Spectre Fleet's Modified Entosis Link (Entosis Link) | Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 20000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
40309 - Affirmative. Modified Entosis Link (Entosis Link) | Optimal Range: 25000.0 => 20000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
40310 - Pandemic SPHERE Modified Entosis Link (Entosis Link) | Optimal Range: 30000.0 => 24000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Strength: None => 100.0 Radar Strength: None => 100.0 |
40725 - Guristas Frigate (Irregular Frigate) | Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes.Mass: 2025000.0 => 981000.0Structure Hitpoints: 75.0 => 500.0 Maximum Velocity Bonus: 0.0 => None Maximum Velocity: 1760.0 => 320.0 Capacity: 235.0 => 130.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 => 159000.0 Damage Modifier: 0.0 => None Inertia Modifier: None => 3.8 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 30000.0 Warp Disruption Range: 0.0 => None Kinetic damage: 0.0 => None Thermal damage: 0.0 => None Volume: 20250.0 => 16500.0 radius: 50.0 => 39.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 1.0 => 5.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 10.0 => 15.0 Missile Damage Bonus: None => 1.5 propulsionGraphicID: 395.0 => None gfxTurretID: None => 13926.0 entityAttackRange: 4500.0 => None entityLootCountMin: 1.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0075 => 0.01 Shield Capacity: 100.0 => 1000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 50.0 => 500.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.68 => 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.78 => 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.98 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.88 => 0.8 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.68 => 0.4 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.78 => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.98 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.88 => 0.8 entityFlyRange: 2500.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: 2.0 => 1.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.27 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 7350.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 29400.0 => None Bounty: 6000.0 => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 90.0 => 380.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 => None entityDefenderChance: 0.0 => None entityWarpScrambleChance: 0.0 => None Rate of fire: 7500.0 => 5000.0 Missile Type: 266.0 => 210.0 Orbit Velocity: 220.0 => None modifyTargetSpeedChance: 0.0 => None modifyTargetSpeedDuration: 0.0 => None modifyTargetSpeedRange: 0.0 => None armorUniformity: 0.75 => None structureUniformity: 1.0 => None Signature Radius: 33.0 => 40.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0015 => 0.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => None Scan Resolution: 1050.0 => 650.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.05 => None entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 => None Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 0.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 15.0 => None entityGroupRespawnChance: 1.0 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0405 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0405 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 5000.0 => None entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0162 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceSmall: 0.17 => None Threat Target Switch: 1.0 => None Use Signature Radius: 1.0 => None Chance to not change targets: 0.0 => None use effect monitoring: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 25.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 => None graphicID: 1832 => 1831 wreckTypeID: None => 26573 |
40726 - Guristas Cruiser (Irregular Cruiser) | Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes.Mass: 10100000.0 => 9600000.0Structure Hitpoints: 1200.0 => 1000.0 Maximum Velocity: 1280.0 => 195.0 Capacity: 235.0 => 440.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Damage Modifier: 0.0 => None Inertia Modifier: None => 0.66 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 58000.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 => None Thermal damage: 0.0 => None radius: 150.0 => 166.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 3.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 19.0 => 22.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 3.03 => 5.0 propulsionGraphicID: 395.0 => None gfxTurretID: None => 13922.0 entityAttackRange: 70000.0 => None entityLootCountMin: 1.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.105 => 0.01 Shield Capacity: 1800.0 => 2000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 1150.0 => 1000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.1 => 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.15 => 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.28 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.21 => 0.8 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.1 => 0.4 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.15 => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.28 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.21 => 0.8 entityFlyRange: 25000.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 5.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: 6.0 => 1.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.73 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 3900.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 15600.0 => None Shield recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Bounty: 330000.0 => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1150.0 => 1400.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 => None entityDefenderChance: 0.0675 => None Rate of fire: 5000.0 => 15000.0 Missile Type: 211.0 => 209.0 Orbit Velocity: 160.0 => None armorUniformity: 0.75 => None structureUniformity: 1.0 => None Signature Radius Modifier: None => 25.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.009 => 0.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => None Scan Resolution: 250.0 => 285.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.1 => None entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 => None Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 0.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 140.0 => None entityGroupRespawnChance: 1.0 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.9835 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.97525 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 37500.0 => None entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.8033 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.3934 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.56 => None Threat Target Switch: 1.0 => None Use Signature Radius: 1.0 => None Chance to not change targets: 0.0 => None use effect monitoring: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 26.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 25.0 => None behaviorTargetPainterDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: None => 30000.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: None => 75000.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: None => 10.0 graphicID: 1823 => 1824 wreckTypeID: None => 26574 |
40727 - Guristas Battleship (Irregular Battleship) | Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes.Mass: 10100000.0 => 99300000.0Structure Hitpoints: 1200.0 => 2000.0 Maximum Velocity: 1280.0 => 94.0 Capacity: 235.0 => 815.0 Rate of fire: 2750.0 => None Optimal Range: 15000.0 => None Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Damage Modifier: 2.75 => None Inertia Modifier: None => 0.128 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 75000.0 EM damage: 0.0 => None Explosive damage: 0.0 => None Kinetic damage: 11.0 => None Thermal damage: 9.0 => None Accuracy falloff : 10000.0 => None Turret Tracking: 0.027 => None Volume: 101000.0 => 486000.0 radius: 150.0 => 250.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 3.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 => 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.69 => 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 395.0 => None gfxTurretID: 567.0 => 13929.0 entityAttackRange: 52500.0 => None entityLootCountMin: 1.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.075 => 0.01 Shield Capacity: 1800.0 => 4000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 1150.0 => 2000.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.7 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 0.8 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.7 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 0.8 entityFlyRange: 17500.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 4.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: 7.0 => 1.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.61 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 4800.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 19200.0 => None Shield recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Bounty: 175000.0 => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 850.0 => 5350.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 => None entityDefenderChance: 0.0375 => None Rate of fire: 5000.0 => 15000.0 Missile Type: 210.0 => 203.0 Orbit Velocity: 160.0 => None armorUniformity: 0.75 => None structureUniformity: 1.0 => None Signature Radius: 285.0 => 450.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.009 => 0.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => None Scan Resolution: 190.0 => 100.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.125 => None entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 => None Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 150.0 => None entityGroupRespawnChance: 1.0 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.7375 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.7375 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 26250.0 => None entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.8525 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.295 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.65 => None Threat Target Switch: 1.0 => None Use Signature Radius: 1.0 => None Chance to not change targets: 0.0 => None use effect monitoring: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 26.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 => None graphicID: 2919 => 2159 groupID: 1666 => 1667 wreckTypeID: None => 26575 |
40728 - Guristas Battleship Boss (Irregular Battleship) | Click to toggle showing the 91 attributes.Mass: 21000000.0 => 99300000.0Structure Hitpoints: 4750.0 => 10000.0 Maximum Velocity: 1120.0 => 94.0 Capacity: 235.0 => 815.0 Rate of fire: 2750.0 => None Optimal Range: 20000.0 => None Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Damage Modifier: 2.75 => None Inertia Modifier: None => 0.128 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 75000.0 Kinetic damage: 20.0 => None Thermal damage: 16.0 => None Accuracy falloff : 35000.0 => None Turret Tracking: 0.01167 => None Volume: 22000000.0 => 486000.0 radius: 350.0 => 250.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 3.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 33.0 => 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.33 => 4.0 propulsionGraphicID: 395.0 => None Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0 => None Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0 => None Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0 => None RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0 => None gfxTurretID: 572.0 => 13929.0 entityAttackRange: 245000.0 => None entityLootCountMin: 1.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.2 => 0.01 Shield Capacity: 6750.0 => 50000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 4250.0 => 10000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.26 => 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.36 => 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46 => 0.8 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.26 => 0.4 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.36 => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.56 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46 => 0.8 entityFlyRange: 28750.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 5.0 => 2.0 entityEquipmentMax: 7.0 => 5.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.81 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 3300.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 13200.0 => None Shield recharge time: 500000.0 => 2000000.0 Bounty: 1100000.0 => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3400.0 => 5350.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 => None entityDefenderChance: 0.125 => None Rate of fire: 6650.0 => 15000.0 Orbit Velocity: 140.0 => None armorUniformity: 0.75 => None structureUniformity: 1.0 => None Signature Radius: 460.0 => 450.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 => 0.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => None Scan Resolution: 75.0 => 100.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.25 => None entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 => None Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 36000.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 255.0 => None entityGroupRespawnChance: 1.0 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 2.1475 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.1475 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 43125.0 => None entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7705 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.459 => None entityTargetJam: 0.0 => None ECM Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => None ECMEntityChance: 1.0 => None ECM Optimal Range: 50000.0 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceLarge: 0.69 => None Threat Target Switch: 1.0 => None Use Signature Radius: 1.0 => None Chance to not change targets: 0.0 => None use effect monitoring: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 27.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 100.0 => None graphicID: 2158 => 2159 wreckTypeID: None => 26575 |
40729 - Guristas Dreadnought Boss (Irregular Dreadnought) | Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes.Mass: 10100000.0 => 1270000000.0Structure Hitpoints: 1200.0 => 100000.0 Maximum Velocity: 1440.0 => 75.0 Capacity: 235.0 => 2750.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 => None Optimal Range: 10000.0 => None Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.916666667 => None Inertia Modifier: None => 0.038 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 115000.0 Kinetic damage: 10.0 => None Thermal damage: 8.0 => None Accuracy falloff : 6000.0 => None Turret Tracking: 0.042 => None Volume: 101000.0 => 16250000.0 radius: 150.0 => 1700.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 3.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 16.0 => 55.0 Missile Damage Bonus: None => 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 395.0 => None gfxTurretID: 568.0 => 41174.0 entityAttackRange: 28750.0 => None entityLootCountMin: 1.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.09 => 0.01 Shield Capacity: 1800.0 => 700000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 1150.0 => 100000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.63 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.51 => 0.8 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 0.4 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.63 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.51 => 0.8 entityFlyRange: 11500.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 4.0 => 5.0 entityEquipmentMax: 5.0 => 7.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.67 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 4350.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 17400.0 => None Shield recharge time: 1000000.0 => 2000000.0 Bounty: 240000.0 => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0 => 57800.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 => None entityDefenderChance: 0.0525 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => 30000.0 Missile Type: None => 32436.0 Orbit Velocity: 180.0 => None armorUniformity: 0.75 => None structureUniformity: 1.0 => None Signature Radius: 125.0 => 12000.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.009 => 0.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => None Scan Resolution: 270.0 => 75.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.1 => None entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => None entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 => None Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 110.0 => None entityGroupRespawnChance: 1.0 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.8605 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.8605 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 17250.0 => None entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.8279 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.3442 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.5 => None Threat Target Switch: 1.0 => None Use Signature Radius: 1.0 => None Chance to not change targets: 0.0 => None use effect monitoring: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 26.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 25.0 => None graphicID: 1824 => 21279 groupID: 1665 => 1724 wreckTypeID: None => 41692 |
42124 - Vehement (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42125 - Vendetta (Supercarrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42126 - Vanquisher (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42132 - Vanguard (Carrier) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42133 - Venerable (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42241 - Molok (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42242 - Dagon (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
42243 - Chemosh (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
43912 - Ice Harvesting Drone II Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) | Click to toggle showing the 107 attributes.Item Damage: None => 0.0Mass: 18000000 => 16000000.0 Structure Hitpoints: None => 2000.0 Powergrid Output: None => 3.0 Low Slots: None => 0.0 Medium Slots: None => 2.0 High Slots: None => 0.0 Power Load: None => 0.0 powerToSpeed: None => 1.0 warpFactor: None => 0.0 Maximum Velocity: None => 220.0 CPU Output: None => 1.0 CPU Load: None => 0.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 500000.0 Duration Bonus: None => -50.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.6 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 250000.0 Targeting Speed: None => 4500.0 Launcher Hardpoints: None => 0.0 Turret Hardpoints: None => 0.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 mainColor: None => 16777215.0 uniformity: None => 1.0 warpCapacitorNeed: None => 8.13e-07 Volume: 250000 => 100000.0 radius: 351 => 200.0 Primary Skill required: None => 3335.0 Secondary Skill required: None => 3334.0 Tertiary Skill required: None => 3332.0 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 12.0 raceID: 16 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 20.0 propulsionGraphicID: None => 395.0 gfxBoosterID: None => 395.0 Shield Capacity: None => 9000.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 9000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.1 requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: None => 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: None => 1.0 Drone Capacity: None => 0.0 Tech Level: None => 2.0 shipBonusAC: None => 5.0 Shield recharge time: None => 10000000.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 5000.0 Shield Uniformity: None => 0.75 shipBonusGC: None => -5.0 shipBonusCC: None => 5.0 shipBonusMC: None => -5.0 armorUniformity: None => 0.75 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 40.0 Scan Resolution: None => 400.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 3.3 Meta Level: None => 5.0 Calibration: None => 0.0 Rig Slots: None => 0.0 Upgrade Hardpoints: None => 0.0 heatCapacityHi: None => 100.0 heatDissipationRate: None => 0.01 heatDissipationRateHi: None => 0.01 heatDissipationRateLow: None => 0.01 heatCapacityMed: None => 100.0 heatCapacityLow: None => 100.0 heatGenerationMultiplier: None => 0.75 Heat Attenuation: None => 0.0 heatAttenuationMed: None => 0.25 heatAttenuationMed: None => 0.0 Drone Bandwidth: None => 0.0 Ship Warp Speed: None => 1.0 Quaternary Skill required: None => 3333.0 requiredSkill5Level: None => 1.0 requiredSkill5Level: None => 1.0 Quinary Skill required: None => 47445.0 factionID: 500017 => 500006 Rig Size: None => 2.0 fwLpKill: None => 200.0 Color Scheme: None => 11409.0 published: False => True Capacitor Warfare Resistance: None => 0.3 Sensor Warfare Resistance: None => 0.3 Target Painter Resistance: None => 0.3 ECM Resistance: None => 1e-05 pilotSecurityStatus: None => 0.0 eliteBonusFlagCruisers1: None => -4.0 Reduction in AB, MWD, MJD fitting requirements: None => -99.0 basePrice: 120000000 => 200000000.0 certificateTemplate: None => 231 descriptionID: None => 532811 graphicID: 1231 => 22001 groupID: 540 => 1972 marketGroupID: None => 2417 soundID: 20125 => 20078 wreckTypeID: 26476 => 26940 |
45535 - Monitor Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | published: False => True groupID: 489 => 106 |
45645 - Loggerhead (Force Auxiliary) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
45647 - Caiman (Dreadnought) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
45649 - Komodo (Titan) | Entosis Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
46351 - Ubiquitous Moon Ore Mining Crystal II Blueprint (Mining Crystal Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
46353 - Common Moon Ore Mining Crystal II Blueprint (Mining Crystal Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
46358 - Uncommon Moon Ore Mining Crystal II Blueprint (Mining Crystal Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
46360 - Rare Moon Ore Mining Crystal II Blueprint (Mining Crystal Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
46362 - Exceptional Moon Ore Mining Crystal II Blueprint (Mining Crystal Blueprint) | Tech Level: None => 2.0 |
47080 - NO ITEM NAME (NO GROUP NAME) | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => NoneCapacity: 0.0 => None Volume: 0.01 => None radius: 1.0 => None raceID: 8 => None published: True => None basePrice: 0.0 => None groupID: 1950 => None portionSize: 1 => None typeID: 47080 => None typeNameID: 531317 => None |
47081 - NO ITEM NAME (NO GROUP NAME) | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => NoneCapacity: 0.0 => None Volume: 0.01 => None radius: 1.0 => None raceID: 8 => None published: True => None basePrice: 0.0 => None groupID: 1952 => None portionSize: 1 => None typeID: 47081 => None typeNameID: 531318 => None |
47082 - NO ITEM NAME (NO GROUP NAME) | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => NoneCapacity: 0.0 => None Volume: 0.01 => None radius: 1.0 => None raceID: 8 => None published: True => None basePrice: 0.0 => None groupID: 1953 => None portionSize: 1 => None typeID: 47082 => None typeNameID: 531319 => None |
47083 - NO ITEM NAME (NO GROUP NAME) | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => NoneCapacity: 0.0 => None Volume: 0.01 => None radius: 1.0 => None raceID: 8 => None published: True => None basePrice: 0.0 => None groupID: 1954 => None portionSize: 1 => None typeID: 47083 => None typeNameID: 531320 => None |
47084 - NO ITEM NAME (NO GROUP NAME) | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => NoneCapacity: 0.0 => None Volume: 0.01 => None radius: 1.0 => None raceID: 8 => None published: True => None basePrice: 0.0 => None groupID: 1955 => None portionSize: 1 => None typeID: 47084 => None typeNameID: 531321 => None |
47153 - Drifter Responder (Drifter Reinforcements) | Click to toggle showing the 91 attributes.Mass: 1.0 => 1000000.0Structure Hitpoints: None => 150000.0 Maximum Velocity Bonus: None => -60.0 Maximum Velocity: None => 6000.0 Capacity: 1.0 => 250.0 Rate of fire: None => 3000.0 Optimal Range: None => 250000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 1000000.0 Damage Modifier: None => 15.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.5 Neutralization Amount: None => 2000.0 Warp Disruption Range: None => 100000.0 Warp Scramble Status: None => -3.0 Warp Scramble Strength: None => 20.0 EM damage: None => 80.0 Explosive damage: None => 80.0 Kinetic damage: None => 80.0 Thermal damage: None => 80.0 Accuracy falloff : None => 150000.0 Turret Tracking: None => 20.0 Volume: 1.0 => 100000.0 radius: 1.0 => 150.0 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 6.0 maxAttackTargets: None => 1.0 raceID: None => 16 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 500.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 500.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 500.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 500.0 propulsionGraphicID: None => 397.0 gfxTurretID: None => 47446.0 gfxBoosterID: None => 397.0 entityAttackRange: None => 75000.0 entityLootCountMin: None => 1.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0 Shield Capacity: None => 800000.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 1200000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.51 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.51 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.51 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 entityFlyRange: None => 40000.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 6.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 8.0 entityReactionFactor: None => 0.85 entityAttackDelayMin: None => 1000.0 entityAttackDelayMax: None => 5000.0 Shield recharge time: None => 10000000.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 7700.0 Shield Uniformity: None => 1.0 entityWarpScrambleChance: None => 1.0 Duration: None => 5000.0 Orbit Velocity: None => 400.0 modifyTargetSpeedChance: None => 1.0 modifyTargetSpeedDuration: None => 5000.0 modifyTargetSpeedRange: None => 100000.0 armorUniformity: None => 0.75 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 25000.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: None => 5.0 Scan Resolution: None => 100.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: None => 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: None => 0.25 entityChaseMaxDuration: None => 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: None => 1.0 Signature Resolution: None => 10000.0 entityGroupRespawnChance: None => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: None => 60000.0 entityBracketColour: None => 1.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 activationBlockedStrenght: None => 1.0 Target Switch Timer: None => 10000.0 Threat Target Switch: None => 1.0 Use Secondary targeting: None => 1.0 Use Signature Radius: None => 1.0 Chance to not change targets: None => 0.0 use effect monitoring: None => 1.0 Preferred Signature Radius: None => 15000.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: None => 2.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: None => 26.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: None => 125.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: None => 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: None => 100000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: None => 0.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: None => 0.0 descriptionID: None => 532799 graphicID: None => 22006 |
Effect Name | Diff |
243 - highSpeedManuveringSkillBoostCapacitorNeedMultiplier | modifierInfo: None => - domain: itemID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 317 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 resistanceID: None => 0 |
244 - highSpeedManuveringCapacitorNeedMultiplierPostPercentCapacitorNeedLocationShipModulesRequiringHighSpeedManuvering | modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 6 modifyingAttributeID: 317 operator: 6 skillTypeID: 3454 |
909 - shipArmorHpAC2 | modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 265 modifyingAttributeID: 656 operator: 6 |
2451 - commandShipSkillMultiplier1 | modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 1000 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 |
2452 - commandShipSkillMultiplier2 | modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 999 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 |
5571 - commandShipSkillMultiplier3 | modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 1924 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 |
6104 - entosisDurationMultiply | modifierInfo: => - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 73 modifyingAttributeID: 2021 operator: 4 skillTypeID: 24242 - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 854 modifyingAttributeID: 2754 operator: 2 skillTypeID: 24242 resistanceID: None => 0 |
7031 - shipBonusHeavyMissileKineticDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7031 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyMissileKineticDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19393 preExpression: None => 19392 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7032 - shipBonusHeavyMissileThermalDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7032 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyMissileThermalDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19395 preExpression: None => 19394 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7033 - shipBonusHeavyMissileEMDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7033 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyMissileEMDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19397 preExpression: None => 19396 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7034 - shipBonusHeavyMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7034 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19399 preExpression: None => 19398 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7035 - shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7035 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19401 preExpression: None => 19400 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7036 - shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileEMDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7036 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileEMDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19403 preExpression: None => 19402 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7037 - shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileThermalDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7037 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileThermalDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19405 preExpression: None => 19404 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7038 - shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileKineticDamageCBC2 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7038 effectName: None => shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileKineticDamageCBC2 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False postExpression: None => 19407 preExpression: None => 19406 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7041 - flagCruiserSkillMultiplier1 | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7041 effectName: None => flagCruiserSkillMultiplier1 electronicChance: None => False guid: None => iconID: None => 0 isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 2752 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 postExpression: None => 9017 preExpression: None => 9016 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
7042 - shipArmorHitPointsAC1 | descriptionID: None => 317702 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7042 effectName: None => shipArmorHitPointsAC1 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 265 modifyingAttributeID: 478 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
7043 - shipShieldHitpointsCC1 | descriptionID: None => 317703 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7043 effectName: None => shipShieldHitpointsCC1 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 263 modifyingAttributeID: 487 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
7044 - shipAgilityBonusGC1 | descriptionID: None => 317704 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7044 effectName: None => shipAgilityBonusGC1 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 70 modifyingAttributeID: 486 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7045 - shipSignatureRadiusMC1 | descriptionID: None => 317705 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7045 effectName: None => shipSignatureRadiusMC1 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 552 modifyingAttributeID: 489 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7046 - eliteBonusFlagCruiserAllResistances1 | descriptionID: None => 317706 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7046 effectName: None => eliteBonusFlagCruiserAllResistances1 electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 267 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 268 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 269 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 270 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 271 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 272 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 273 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 274 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 113 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 111 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 109 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 110 modifyingAttributeID: 2752 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
7047 - roleBonusFlagCruiserPropModFittingReduction | descriptionID: None => 317708 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7047 effectName: None => roleBonusFlagCruiserPropModFittingReduction electronicChance: None => False isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: LocationGroupModifier groupID: 46 modifiedAttributeID: 50 modifyingAttributeID: 2753 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: LocationGroupModifier groupID: 46 modifiedAttributeID: 30 modifyingAttributeID: 2753 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: LocationGroupModifier groupID: 1189 modifiedAttributeID: 50 modifyingAttributeID: 2753 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: LocationGroupModifier groupID: 1189 modifiedAttributeID: 30 modifyingAttributeID: 2753 operator: 6 postExpression: None => 19410 preExpression: None => 19409 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
33153 - Drake Navy Issue (Combat Battlecruiser) | Click to toggle showing the 14 effects.Added Effects:shipBonusHeavyMissileKineticDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyMissileThermalDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyMissileEMDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileExplosiveDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileEMDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileThermalDamageCBC2: None => False shipBonusHeavyAssaultMissileKineticDamageCBC2: None => False Removed Effects: shipShieldEmResistance1CBC2: False => None shipShieldExplosiveResistance1CBC2: False => None shipShieldKineticResistance1CBC2: False => None shipShieldThermalResistance1CBC2: False => None |
40725 - Guristas Frigate (Irregular Frigate) | Changed Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity: True => False Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingSmall: False => None |
40726 - Guristas Cruiser (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: behaviorTargetPainter: None => False Removed Effects: targetAttack: True => None entityShieldBoostingMedium: False => None |
40727 - Guristas Battleship (Irregular Battleship) | Removed Effects: targetAttack: True => None entityShieldBoostingMedium: False => None |
40728 - Guristas Battleship Boss (Irregular Battleship) | Removed Effects: targetAttack: True => None entityShieldBoostingLarge: False => None entityECMFalloff: False => None |
40729 - Guristas Dreadnought Boss (Irregular Dreadnought) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity: None => False Removed Effects: targetAttack: True => None entityShieldBoostingMedium: False => None |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) | Added Effects: shipArmorHitPointsAC1: None => False shipShieldHitpointsCC1: None => False shipAgilityBonusGC1: None => False shipSignatureRadiusMC1: None => False eliteBonusFlagCruiserAllResistances1: None => False roleBonusFlagCruiserPropModFittingReduction: None => False |
47153 - Drifter Responder (Drifter Reinforcements) | Added Effects: targetAttack: None => True modifyTargetSpeed2: None => False warpScrambleTargetMWDBlockActivationForEntity: None => False npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer: None => False |
47300 - Large Capsuleer Day Fireworks (Festival Charges) | Added Effects: ammoSpeedMultiplier: None => False snowBallLaunching: None => True |
47301 - Large Crimson Harvest Fireworks (Festival Charges) | Added Effects: ammoSpeedMultiplier: None => False snowBallLaunching: None => True |
47302 - Large Yoiul Festival Fireworks (Festival Charges) | Added Effects: ammoSpeedMultiplier: None => False snowBallLaunching: None => True |
47303 - Large Festival Launcher (Festival Launcher) | Added Effects: hiPower: None => False online: None => False useMissiles: None => True |
47395 - Hunter's Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar: None => False instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar: None => False analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar: None => False ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar: None => False spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar: None => False |
47396 - Hunter's Advanced Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar: None => False instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar: None => False analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar: None => False ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar: None => False spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar: None => False |
47397 - Hunter's Extended Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar: None => False instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar: None => False analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar: None => False ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar: None => False spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar: None => False |
47445 - Flag Cruisers (Spaceship Command) | Added Effects: skillEffect: None => True flagCruiserSkillMultiplier1: None => False |
47447 - Hunter's Ballistic Control System I (Ballistic Control system) | Added Effects: loPower: None => False online: None => False missileDMGBonus: None => False missileLauncherSpeedMultiplier: None => False |
47448 - Hunter's Ballistic Control System II (Ballistic Control system) | Added Effects: loPower: None => False online: None => False missileDMGBonus: None => False missileLauncherSpeedMultiplier: None => False |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
45534 - Monitor (Flag Cruiser) |
Key | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff | Notes |
87136 | Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.
May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores: <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower: Gneiss, Iridescent Gneiss, Prismatic Gneiss Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower: Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower: Kernite, Luminous Kernite, Fiery Kernite <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower: Plagioclase, Azure Plagioclase, Rich Plagioclase Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres |
Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.
May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores: <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower: Gneiss, Iridescent Gneiss, Prismatic Gneiss Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain Arkonor, Prime Arkonor, Crimson Arkonor <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower: Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower: Kernite, Luminous Kernite, Fiery Kernite <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower: Plagioclase, Azure Plagioclase, Rich Plagioclase Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres |
Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions. May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores: <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower: <a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a> <a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a> <a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17425>Crimson Arkonor</a> <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower: <a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a> <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower: <a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a> <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower: <a href=showinfo:18>Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a> <a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a> |
Item description for "Mexallon" (typeID 36) |
93856 | In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror.
The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs. |
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequror.
The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs. |
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequ The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs. |
Item description for "Exequror" (typeID 634) |
103577 | Proof of Discovery: Gas Passkey | Gas Passkey | Item name for typeID 32375 (Miscellaneous) | |
103827 | Proof of Discovery: Ore Passkey | Ore Passkey | Item name for typeID 32352 (Miscellaneous) | |
115281 | Mine the Veldspar ore in the asteroid field your agent sent you to and return with 1000 units.
Transfer the Veldspar from your Ore Hold to your Item Hangar to complete the mission objectives. |
Go to the asteroid field your agent sent you to and mine 1000 units of Veldspar in that location. <font color = #EE3B3B>Ore mined in another location won't be accepted.</font> Bring back the ore to the agent location and transfer it from your Ore Hold to your Item Hangar to complete the mission objectives. | Transfer the Veldspar |
140117 | The Gallente have ambushed a Caldari pilot who has been very helpful to us in the past. Her vessel suffered serious damage, and she barely escaped. She managed to reach a station operated by the Sisters of EVE, who provided her with help. However, her ship is still damaged, and there is a Gallente ship is waiting to finish her off as soon as she leaves the station's shelter. I would like you to assist her by making certain that the Gallente ship will no longer be a problem. |
The Gallente have ambushed a Caldari pilot who has been very helpful to us in the past. Her vessel suffered serious damage, and she barely escaped. She managed to reach a station operated by the Sisters of EVE, who provided her with help. However, her ship is still damaged, and there is a Gallente ship that is waiting to finish her off as soon as she leaves the station's shelter. I would like you to assist her by making certain that the Gallente ship will no longer be a problem. |
The Gallente have ambushed a Caldari pilot who has been very helpful to us in the past. Her vessel suffered serious damage, and she barely escaped. She managed to reach a station operated by the Sisters of EVE, who provided her with help. However, her ship is still damaged, and there is a Gallente ship that is waiting to finish her off as soon as she leaves the station's shelter. I would like you to assist her by making certain that the Gallente ship will no longer be a problem. |
142353 | {[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
142354 | {[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
142355 | {[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
142356 | {[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
{[character]player.name}, war never stops, and we need to stoke it with raw materials. I want you to go mine some Veldspar ore for me. I've uploaded a location marker to your People & Places databank. Use it to find the asteroid field. Remember to fit a mining module to your ship before you go, and keep in mind that you might have to make more than one trip before you report back to me. To make it clear, I want you to mine the ore only at the location I've uploaded for you. I won't accept the ore mined elsewhere. |
142971 | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (remote ECCM), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (Remote Sensor Boosting), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems ( |
142976 | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (remote ECCM), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (Remote Sensor Boosting), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems ( |
142982 | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (remote ECCM), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (Remote Sensor Boosting), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems ( |
142988 | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (remote ECCM), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems (Remote Sensor Boosting), their gun tracking, and other functions. | Remote repair capabilities can often prove useful, as they increase your companions' chance of withstanding concentrated fire from the enemy. Remote assistance isn't limited to repair modules, either - it may include enhancements of your allies' electronics systems ( |
143210 | Good work — you made it through the gauntlet alive. You should take a moment to consider all that you've learned so far and how it all ties together. No module works in isolation. Warp Scramblers, for example (the close-range interdiction modules), don't work well unless you can close in on your enemy, and for that you need an Afterburner. Similarly, if you're using a Warp Disruptor, the long-range variants, you will perhaps want to keep your enemy away from you… so again, Afterburners become useful. Dictating range is a crucial aspect of any engagement, but when you are tackling, it becomes particularly important. <font color="#FF0000">I'm giving you a Drones skillbook as a reward. You will need to train this skill to Level 1, if you haven't already done so, in order to complete your next assignment. </font> |
Good work — you made it through the gauntlet alive. You should take a moment to consider all that you've learned so far and how it all ties together. No module works in isolation. Warp Scramblers, for example (the close-range interdiction modules), don't work well unless you can close in on your enemy, and for that you need an Afterburner. Similarly, if you're using a Warp Disruptor, the long-range variants, you will perhaps want to keep your enemy away from you… so again, Afterburners become useful. Dictating range is a crucial aspect of any engagement, but when you are tackling, it becomes particularly important. |
Good work — you made it through the gauntlet alive. You should take a moment to consider all that you've learned so far and how it all ties together. No module works in isolation. Warp Scramblers, for example (the close-range interdiction modules), don't work well unless you can close in on your enemy, and for that you need an Afterburner. Similarly, if you're using a Warp Disruptor, the long-range variants, you will perhaps want to keep your enemy <i>away</i> from you… so again, Afterburners become useful. Dictating range is a crucial aspect of any engagement, but when you are tackling, it becomes particularly important. <font color="#FF0000"><b>I'm giving you a Drones skillbook as a reward. You will need to train this skill to Level 1, if you haven't already done so, in order to complete your next assignment.</b> </font> |
143387 | Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds is used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds are used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a <b>Gas</b> cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the <b>Proof of Discovery</b> document. The materials found inside these clouds <font color="#FF0000"><b>As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</b></font> |
143388 | Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds is used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds are used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a <b>Gas</b> cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the <b>Proof of Discovery</b> document. The materials found inside these clouds <font color="#FF0000"><b>As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</b></font> |
143389 | Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds is used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds are used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a <b>Gas</b> cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the <b>Proof of Discovery</b> document. The materials found inside these clouds <font color="#FF0000"><b>As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</b></font> |
143390 | Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds is used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a Gas cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the Proof of Discovery document. The materials found inside these clouds are used to make biochemical enhancers known as boosters. It is a dangerous industry, populated by dangerous people. You're safe this time, but Gas clouds will occasionally be inhabited by pirates. Stay alert if you're on the prowl for them. <font color="#FF0000">As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</font> |
Your last assignment is to scan down a <b>Gas</b> cloud. We've created an artificial cloud pocket for you, and while you'd usually reap it with a Gas Cloud Harvester, our only concern is that you make it through to the second area and bring back the <b>Proof of Discovery</b> document. The materials found inside these clouds <font color="#FF0000"><b>As soon as you accept the mission, we'll provide you with the passkey into the second area.</b></font> |
145152 | Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the <b>Warp Core Stabilizers</b> it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
145153 | Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the <b>Warp Core Stabilizers</b> it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
145154 | Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the <b>Warp Core Stabilizers</b> it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
145155 | Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction called warp disruption. When activated on another targeted ship, these kinds of modules "tackle" it, disabling its warp drive. Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the Warp Core Stabilizers it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
Next up is a kind of interdiction Tackling only works if you maintain close distance - don't let the target slip outside your warp disruptor's range - and have sufficient strength to overpower its warp core. To successfully lock down a ship, the total number of warp disruptors attempting to tackle it must outnumber the <b>Warp Core Stabilizers</b> it has online. I'll give you a Civilian Warp Disruptor to test out on a pirate that escaped from the headquarters you just blew up. Pin him down, but don't blow him up. |
251195 | Headquarters: {[location]location.name} | Headquarters: {hqLink} | Headquarters: { |
305917 | This strange weapon system appears to be semi-autonomous, floating freely from the vessel deploying it. Analysis of the weapon's firing signature indicates a broad spectrum of disruptive energies are used against its targets. | This Drifter weapon system appears to be semi-autonomous, floating freely from the vessel deploying it. Analysis of the weapon's firing signature indicates a broad spectrum of disruptive energies are used against its targets. | This |
Item description for "Lux Kontos" (typeID 34580) |
315792 | Armor Hitpoint Bonus | Structure Hitpoint Bonus | ||
317686 | Subsystem Hold Capacity | Subsystem Hold Capacity | ||
317687 | The total volume of subsystems that can be stored in the ship's subsystem hold | The total volume of subsystems that can be stored in the ship's subsystem hold | ||
317701 | CPU Penalty Reduction | CPU Penalty Reduction | ||
317702 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317703 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317704 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317705 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317706 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317707 | Reduction in AB, MWD, MJD fitting requirements | Reduction in AB, MWD, MJD fitting requirements | ||
317708 | Automatically generated effect | Automatically generated effect | ||
317709 | Flag Cruisers | Flag Cruisers | ||
317710 | CONCORD | CONCORD | ||
317711 | Entosis Disallows Assistance | Entosis Disallows Assistance | ||
317712 | Entosis Disallows Assistance | Entosis Disallows Assistance | ||
317713 | Unable to receive benefits of remote assistance modules while operating an Entosis Link | Unable to receive benefits of remote assistance modules while operating an Entosis Link | ||
501228 | bonus to all shield resistances | bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage | bonus to |
514638 | Guristas Battlecruiser | Guristas Battleship | Guristas Battle |
Item name for typeID 40727 (Irregular Battleship) |
514639 | Guristas Battleship | Guristas Battleship Boss | Guristas Battleship Boss | Item name for typeID 40728 (Irregular Battleship) |
514640 | Guristas Cruiser | Guristas Dreadnought Boss | Guristas |
Item name for typeID 40729 (Irregular Dreadnought) |
517723 | Expired Cerebral Accelerator | Expired Gold Ouroboros Accelerator | Expired |
Item name for typeID 42232 (Booster) |
517724 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Usually only available to naval officers or those who serve with private security mega corporations, the design for this particular version of the Cerebral Accelerator has been stolen and tweaked by Serpentis Corporation scientists to make the user highly sensitive and receptive to neural remapping. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 5 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC118/08/19. |
Expired Gold Ouroboros Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Usually only available to naval officers or those who serve with private security mega corporations, the design for this particular version of the Cerebral Accelerator has been stolen and tweaked by Serpentis Corporation scientists to make the user highly sensitive and receptive to neural remapping. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 5 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC118/08/19. |
Expired Gold Ouroboros Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Usually only available to naval officers or those who serve with private security mega corporations, the design for this particular version of the Cerebral Accelerator has been stolen and tweaked by Serpentis Corporation scientists to make the user highly sensitive and receptive to neural remapping. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 5 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC118/08/19. |
Item description for "Expired Gold Ouroboros Accelerator" (typeID 42232) |
522788 | Disallow tether | Tether blocked | ||
526348 | Prototype Seven | Monitor | Item name for typeID 45534 (Flag Cruiser) | |
526349 | Prototype Seven Blueprint | Monitor Blueprint | Item name for typeID 45535 (Cruiser Blueprint) | |
526566 | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC119/30/06. |
Expired Rogue Swarm Accelerator
Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC119/30/06. |
Expired Rogue Swarm Accelerator Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC119/30/06. |
Item description for "Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 45634) |
529370 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.10.24 |
Expired Valkyrie Cerebral Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.10.24 |
Expired Valkyrie Cerebral Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.10.24 |
Item description for "Expired Valkyrie Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 46007) |
529371 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.11.28 |
Expired Crimson Harvest Cerebral Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.11.28 |
Expired Crimson Harvest Cerebral Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 119.11.28 |
Item description for "Expired Crimson Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 46008) |
529375 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Once activated, it will cease to function after a certain amount of time due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Expired Yoiul Cerebral Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Once activated, it will cease to function after a certain amount of time due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Expired Yoiul Cerebral Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Once activated, it will cease to function after a certain amount of time due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Item description for "Expired Yoiul Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 46009) |
530300 | Mine 30,000 units of: Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor, or Mercoxit. | Mine 16,000 units of: Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor, or Mercoxit. | Mine |
530576 | Only Show Attributes That Differ | Only Show Attributes That Differ | ||
530577 | Structures | Structures | ||
531023 | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator
Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Swarm Overmind AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.01.30 at 11:00 New Eden Standard Time. After that moment, the cerebral accelerator can no longer be consumed. |
Item description for "Expired Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 47016) |
531317 | Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 47080 (Permanent SKIN) | ||
531318 | Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (7 Days) | Item name for typeID 47081 (7-Day SKIN) | ||
531319 | Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (30 Days) | Item name for typeID 47082 (30-Day SKIN) | ||
531320 | Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | Item name for typeID 47083 (90-Day SKIN) | ||
531321 | Hyperion Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | Item name for typeID 47084 (1-Year SKIN) | ||
531441 | Enter Color Edit Mode | Enter Color Edit Mode | ||
531442 | Exit Color Edit Mode | Exit Color Edit Mode | ||
531443 | Clear All Colors | Clear All Colors | ||
531456 | Based on personal standing towards corporation | Based on personal standing towards corporation | ||
531457 | Based on personal standing | Based on personal standing | ||
531458 | Based on personal standing towards alliance | Based on personal standing towards alliance | ||
531459 | Based on corporation standing | Based on corporation standing | ||
531460 | Based on corporation standing towards corporation | Based on corporation standing towards corporation | ||
531461 | Based on corporation standing towards alliance | Based on corporation standing towards alliance | ||
531462 | Based on alliance standing | Based on alliance standing | ||
531463 | Based on alliance standing towards corporation | Based on alliance standing towards corporation | ||
531464 | Based on alliance standing towards alliance | Based on alliance standing towards alliance | ||
531465 | Untag Item | Untag Item | ||
531466 | Untag item | Untag item | ||
531535 | Empire faction police will attack you in solarsystems with security status {securityStatus} or above | Empire faction police will attack you in solarsystems with security status {securityStatus} or above | ||
531862 | Trig Small | Trig Small | Item name for typeID 47269 (Frigate) | |
531863 | Trig Medium | Trig Medium | Item name for typeID 47270 (Cruiser) | |
531864 | Trig Large | Trig Large | Item name for typeID 47271 (Battleship) | |
531865 | ABC Small | ABC Small | Item name for typeID 47272 (Energy Weapon) | |
531866 | ABC Medium | ABC Medium | Item name for typeID 47273 (Energy Weapon) | |
531867 | ABC Large | ABC Large | Item name for typeID 47274 (Energy Weapon) | |
531920 | External Trade Freeze | External Trade Freeze | ||
531921 | External Trade Thaw | External Trade Thaw | ||
531922 | External Trade Delivery | External Trade Delivery | ||
531923 | cashFrozen | cashFrozen | ||
532178 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | ||
532179 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | ||
532180 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (365 Days) | Item name for typeID 47281 (1-Year SKIN) | |
532181 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (Permanent) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 47282 (Permanent SKIN) | |
532182 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (7 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (7 Days) | Item name for typeID 47283 (7-Day SKIN) | |
532183 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (30 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (30 Days) | Item name for typeID 47284 (30-Day SKIN) | |
532184 | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | Talos Serenity YC119 SKIN (90 Days) | Item name for typeID 47285 (90-Day SKIN) | |
532341 | ArmorSuitCF01_SWAT.type | ArmorSuitCF01_SWAT.type | Item name for typeID 47287 (Outer) | |
532342 | ArmorSuitMM01_SWAT.type | ArmorSuitMM01_SWAT.type | Item name for typeID 47286 (Outer) | |
532367 | Kalli_PLACEHOLDER | Kalli_PLACEHOLDER | Group description for group ID 1964 | |
532376 | This character is on sale and cannot be logged in | This character is on sale and cannot be logged in | ||
532377 | Character On Sale | Character On Sale | ||
532382 | This character is locked and cannot be logged in | This character is locked and cannot be logged in | ||
532383 | Character Locked | Character Locked | ||
532391 | This character is being sold and cannot be terminated | This character is being sold and cannot be terminated | ||
532392 | Character On Sale | Character On Sale | ||
532393 | This character is locked and cannot be terminated | This character is locked and cannot be terminated | ||
532394 | Character Locked | Character Locked | ||
532395 | KalliType | KalliType | Item name for typeID 47297 (Kalli_PLACEHOLDER) | |
532396 | KalliType2 | KalliType2 | Item name for typeID 47299 (Kalli_PLACEHOLDER) | |
532397 | Large Capsuleer Day Fireworks | Large Capsuleer Day Fireworks | Item name for typeID 47300 (Festival Charges) | |
532398 | Large Crimson Harvest Fireworks | Large Crimson Harvest Fireworks | Item name for typeID 47301 (Festival Charges) | |
532400 | Large Yoiul Festival Fireworks | Large Yoiul Festival Fireworks | Item name for typeID 47302 (Festival Charges) | |
532403 | Large Festival Launcher | Large Festival Launcher | Item name for typeID 47303 (Festival Launcher) | |
532640 | bacon_PLACEHOLDER | bacon_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47374 (Beacon) | |
532647 | red_1_PLACEHOLDER | red_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47378 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532648 | red_2_PLACEHOLDER | red_2_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47379 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532649 | red_3_PLACEHOLDER | red_3_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47380 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532650 | blue_1_PLACEHOLDER | blue_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47381 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532651 | blue_2_PLACEHOLDER | blue_2_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47382 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532652 | blue_3_PLACEHOLDER | blue_3_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47383 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532653 | green_1_PLACEHOLDER | green_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47384 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532654 | green_2_PLACEHOLDER | green_2_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47385 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532655 | green_3_PLACEHOLDER | green_3_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47386 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532656 | yellow_1_PLACEHOLDER | yellow_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47387 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532657 | yellow_2_PLACEHOLDER | yellow_2_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47388 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532658 | yellow_3_PLACEHOLDER | yellow_3_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47389 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532659 | orange_1_PLACEHOLDER | orange_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47390 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532660 | orange_2_PLACEHOLDER | orange_2_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47391 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532661 | orange_3_PLACEHOLDER | orange_3_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47392 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532662 | white_1_PLACEHOLDER | white_1_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47393 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532666 | CONCORD Marshal Blueprint Copy | CONCORD Marshal Blueprint Copy | ||
532667 | Limited run blueprint for a CONCORD Enforcer cruiser | Limited run blueprint for a CONCORD Enforcer cruiser | ||
532706 | In Asset Safety Wrap from {[location]structure.name} | In Asset Safety Wrap from {[location]structure.name} | ||
532707 | This blueprint cannot be unlocked in its current state. If it has been moved into asset safety, you must deliver the wrap to a safe location before applying the action. | This blueprint cannot be unlocked in its current state. If it has been moved into asset safety, you must deliver the wrap to a safe location before applying the action. | ||
532708 | Sanctioned action cannot be applied. | Sanctioned action cannot be applied. | ||
532713 | Hunter's Standard Cerebral Accelerator | Hunter's Standard Cerebral Accelerator | Item name for typeID 47395 (Booster) | |
532714 | Hunter's Advanced Cerebral Accelerator | Hunter's Advanced Cerebral Accelerator | Item name for typeID 47396 (Booster) | |
532715 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Item description for "Hunter's Advanced Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 47396) | |
532716 | Hunter's Extended Cerebral Accelerator | Hunter's Extended Cerebral Accelerator | Item name for typeID 47397 (Booster) | |
532717 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 72 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 144 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 72 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 144 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Item description for "Hunter's Extended Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 47397) | |
532718 | The Hunt - Easy Trash Spawner | The Hunt - Easy Trash Spawner | Item name for typeID 47398 (Cloud) | |
532719 | The Hunt - Hard Trash Spawner | The Hunt - Hard Trash Spawner | Item name for typeID 47399 (Cloud) | |
532720 | The Hunt - Boss Spawner | The Hunt - Boss Spawner | Item name for typeID 47400 (Cloud) | |
532734 | Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.
Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot's skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user's brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. It will cease to function after 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. Heightened knowledge of <url=showinfo:3405>Biology</url> will increase this time up to 48 hours. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC 120.04.24. |
Item description for "Hunter's Standard Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 47395) | |
532735 | Open Jump Navigation | Open Jump Navigation | ||
532736 | Inactive Rig | Inactive Rig | ||
532737 | Active Rig | Active Rig | ||
532738 | The structure is anchoring and is secure until it finishes the anchoring phase | The structure is anchoring and is secure until it finishes the anchoring phase | ||
532739 | The structure is unanchored | The structure is unanchored | ||
532741 | Dynamic_PLACEHOLDER | Dynamic_PLACEHOLDER | Group description for group ID 1969 | |
532742 | Sleeper Bunker | Sleeper Bunker | Item name for typeID 47401 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
532743 | This structure appears to be a bunker designed by the Sleepers.
It is likely used for the accommodation and increased mobility of Sleeper troops and other personnel. |
This structure appears to be a bunker designed by the Sleepers. It is likely used for the accommodation and increased mobility of Sleeper troops and other personnel. |
Item description for "Sleeper Bunker" (typeID 47401) | |
532744 | Small asteroid environment | Small asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47402 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532745 | Small asteroid environment | Small asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47403 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532746 | Small asteroid environment | Small asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47404 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532747 | Small asteroid environment | Small asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47405 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532748 | Medium asteroid environment | Medium asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47406 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532749 | Medium asteroid environment | Medium asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47407 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532750 | DynamicKalli | DynamicKalli | Item name for typeID 47408 (Dynamic_PLACEHOLDER) | |
532751 | Medium asteroid environment | Medium asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47409 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532752 | Medium asteroid environment | Medium asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47410 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532753 | Not Tethered | Not Tethered | ||
532754 | Large asteroid environment | Large asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47412 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532755 | Large asteroid environment | Large asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47413 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532756 | Large asteroid environment | Large asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47414 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532757 | Huge asteroid environment | Huge asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47415 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532758 | Huge asteroid environment | Huge asteroid environment | Item name for typeID 47416 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532759 | Small pillar environment | Small pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47417 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532760 | Small pillar environment | Small pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47418 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532761 | Small pillar environment | Small pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47419 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532762 | Medium pillar environment | Medium pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47420 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532763 | Medium pillar environment | Medium pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47421 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532764 | Medium pillar environment | Medium pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47422 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532765 | Large pillar environment | Large pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47423 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532766 | Large pillar environment | Large pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47424 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532767 | Large pillar environment | Large pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47425 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532768 | Huge pillar environment | Huge pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47426 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532769 | Huge pillar environment | Huge pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47427 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532770 | Huge pillar environment | Huge pillar environment | Item name for typeID 47428 (Large Collidable Object) | |
532772 | This key combination is not allowed for {cmd}. The following keys cannot be used with other modifier keys: {listOfKeys} |
This key combination is not allowed for {cmd}. The following keys cannot be used with other modifier keys: {listOfKeys} |
532773 | A_30 | A_30 | Item name for typeID 47430 (Lens Flares) | |
532774 | A_31 | A_31 | Item name for typeID 47431 (Lens Flares) | |
532775 | A_32 | A_32 | Item name for typeID 47432 (Lens Flares) | |
532776 | A_33 | A_33 | Item name for typeID 47433 (Lens Flares) | |
532777 | A_34 | A_34 | Item name for typeID 47434 (Lens Flares) | |
532778 | A_35 | A_35 | Item name for typeID 47435 (Lens Flares) | |
532779 | Localized Effect Beacon | Localized Effect Beacon | Group description for group ID 1971 | |
532780 | small_PD_PLACEHOLDER | small_PD_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47436 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532781 | medium_PD_PLACEHOLDER | medium_PD_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47437 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532782 | large_PD_PLACEHOLDER | large_PD_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47438 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532783 | small_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | small_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47439 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532784 | medium_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | medium_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47440 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532785 | large_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | large_biocloud_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47441 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532786 | small_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | small_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47442 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532787 | medium_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | medium_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47444 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532788 | large_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | large_stretch_PLACEHOLDER | Item name for typeID 47443 (Localized Effect Beacon) | |
532791 | Flag Cruisers | Flag Cruisers | Item name for typeID 47445 (Spaceship Command) | |
532792 | Skill for the operation of Flag Cruisers | Skill for the operation of Flag Cruisers | Item description for "Flag Cruisers" (typeID 47445) | |
532793 | Flag Cruiser | Flag Cruiser | Group description for group ID 1972 | |
532799 | Drifter Responder | Drifter Responder | Item description for "Drifter Responder" (typeID 47153) | |
532800 | Flag Cruiser | Flag Cruiser | ||
532801 | Advanced cruisers specialized in survival and observation at the expense of all other abilities. | Advanced cruisers specialized in survival and observation at the expense of all other abilities. | ||
532802 | bonus to ship armor hitpoints | bonus to ship armor hitpoints | ||
532803 | bonus to ship shield hitpoints | bonus to ship shield hitpoints | ||
532804 | bonus to ship agility | bonus to ship agility | ||
532805 | reduction in ship signature radius | reduction in ship signature radius | ||
532806 | bonus to all armor, shield, and hull resistances | bonus to all armor, shield, and hull resistances | ||
532807 | Can use Medium Micro Jump Drive modules | Can use <a href=showinfo:33915>Medium Micro Jump Drive</a> modules | ||
532808 | reduction in powergrid and cpu requirements for Afterburner, Microwarpdrive, and Micro Jump Drive modules | reduction in powergrid and cpu requirements for <a href=showinfo:12056>Afterburner</a>, <a href=showinfo:12052>Microwarpdrive</a>, and <a href=showinfo:33915>Micro Jump Drive</a> modules | ||
532809 | resistance to ECM effects | resistance to ECM effects | ||
532810 | resistance to sensor dampener, target painter, energy neutralizer, and energy nosferatu effects | resistance to sensor dampener, target painter, energy neutralizer, and energy nosferatu effects | ||
532811 | This ship is difficult to kill | This ship is difficult to kill | Item description for "Monitor" (typeID 45534) | |
532812 | Lux Xiphos | Lux Xiphos | Item name for typeID 47446 (Energy Weapon) | |
532813 | This Drifter weapon system appears to be a more compact version of directed energy weapons used by Drifter battleships. It is semi-autonomous and is floating freely from the vessel deploying it. The weapon's firing signature indicates a broad spectrum of disruptive energies are used against its targets. | This Drifter weapon system appears to be a more compact version of directed energy weapons used by Drifter battleships. It is semi-autonomous and is floating freely from the vessel deploying it. The weapon's firing signature indicates a broad spectrum of disruptive energies are used against its targets. | Item description for "Lux Xiphos" (typeID 47446) | |
532814 | Hunter's Ballistic Control System I | Hunter's Ballistic Control System I | Item name for typeID 47447 (Ballistic Control system) | |
532815 | Hunter's Ballistic Control System II | Hunter's Ballistic Control System II | Item name for typeID 47448 (Ballistic Control system) | |
532819 | Defunct Capsule | Defunct Capsule | Item name for typeID 47449 (Spawn Container) | |
532820 | Background planet Moon | Background planet Moon | Item name for typeID 47451 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532821 | Background planet Sandstorm | Background planet Sandstorm | Item name for typeID 47452 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532823 | An easter egger. | An easter egger. | Item name for typeID 47450 (Commodities) | |
532824 | Background planet Plasma | Background planet Plasma | Item name for typeID 47454 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532825 | Background planet Gas | Background planet Gas | Item name for typeID 47455 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532826 | Background planet Terestrial | Background planet Terestrial | Item name for typeID 47456 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532827 | Background planet Lava | Background planet Lava | Item name for typeID 47453 (MassiveEnvironments) | |
532828 | Secured Guristas Cache | Secured Guristas Cache | Item name for typeID 47457 (Scatter Container) | |
532853 | Drifter Remote | Drifter Remote | Item name for typeID 47459 (Drifter Reinforcements) | |
532854 | Drifter Remote | Drifter Remote | Item description for "Drifter Remote" (typeID 47459) | |
532855 | AOE_10k_locator | AOE_10k_locator | Item name for typeID 47460 (Locators) | |
532856 | AOE_30k_locator | AOE_30k_locator | Item name for typeID 47461 (Locators) | |
532857 | AOE_80k_locator | AOE_80k_locator | Item name for typeID 47462 (Locators) | |
532858 | Locators | Locators | Group description for group ID 1973 | |
532859 | entry_locator | entry_locator | Item name for typeID 47463 (Locators) | |
532860 | exit_locator | exit_locator | Item name for typeID 47464 (Locators) |