Comparing Tranquility (Build: 2791717) to Singularity (Build: 2786909)

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Please note that Singularity will be kept inaccessible except for specific testing windows, and may fall significantly behind Tranquility in patches. The Tranquility/Singularity diff (homepage) may not be particularly useful for the time being. Refer to the latest Tranquility patches instead.

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New Items (1 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:87176>Static Pirate Djinn Spawn Point</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
87176 - Static Pirate Djinn Spawn Point No Description Pirate Spawners
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 87176
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: 0
typeNameID: 1005119
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: 0
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 4828
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (3 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group
87164 - Final Liminality No Description Effect Beacon
87177 - Triglavian Minor Victory No Description Effect Beacon
87179 - Observatory Resonance Key Data-key containing recordings of the resonance of stellar observation quantum interactions. Acceleration gates require this data to lock onto a Stellar Observatory’s position. Acceleration Gate Keys

Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Reprocessing (0 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff

Traits (3 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Tranquility Singularity Diff
52693 - Dazh Liminality Locus
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 25% bonus to remote armor repair
  • 25% bonus to remote shield boost
  • 30% penalty to warp speed
  • 50% penalty to maximum locked targets
Misc bonus:
25% bonus to remote armor repair
25% bonus to remote shield boost
30% penalty to warp speed
50% penalty to maximum locked targets
87164 - Unknown Item
( )
Misc bonus:
  • 30% bonus to remote armor repair
  • 30% bonus to remote shield boost
  • 30% penalty to warp speed
  • 50% penalty to maximum locked targets
Misc bonus:
30% bonus to remote armor repair
30% bonus to remote shield boost
30% penalty to warp speed
50% penalty to maximum locked targets
87177 - Unknown Item
( )
Misc bonus:
  • 15% bonus to remote armor repair
  • 15% bonus to remote shield boost
  • 50% penalty to maximum locked targets
Misc bonus:
15% bonus to remote armor repair
15% bonus to remote shield boost
50% penalty to maximum locked targets
Attributes (1 Entries)

Attribute "structureDropLootTableID" (5754) was removed.

Attribute Name Diff
Attributes per Type (95 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
1351 - 'Basic' Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
1353 - Reactor Control Unit I (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
1354 - Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
1355 - Reactor Control Unit II (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
1356 - Reactor Control Unit II Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
1537 - 'Basic' Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
1539 - Power Diagnostic System I (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
1540 - Power Diagnostic System I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26546 => 70
1541 - Power Diagnostic System II (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
1542 - Power Diagnostic System II Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26546 => 70
8211 - Partial Power Plant Manager: Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8213 - Alpha Reactor Control: Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8215 - Type-E Power Core Modification: Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8217 - Marked Generator Refitting: Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8219 - Local Power Plant Manager: Diagnostic System I (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8221 - Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8223 - Type-D Power Core Modification: Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8225 - Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8251 - Partial Power Plant Manager: Reaction Control (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8253 - Alpha Reactor Control: Reaction Control (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8255 - Type-E Power Core Modification: Reaction Control (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
8257 - Marked Generator Refitting: Reaction Control (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8259 - Local Power Plant Manager: Reaction Control I (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8261 - Beta Reactor Control: Reaction Control I (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8263 - Mark I Compact Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
8265 - Mark I Generator Refitting: Reaction Control (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
9950 - Standard Blue Pill Booster (Booster) iconID: 26549 => 3215
isDynamicType: 0 => None
10155 - Improved Blue Pill Booster (Booster) iconID: 26550 => 3215
isDynamicType: 0 => None
10156 - Strong Blue Pill Booster (Booster) iconID: 26551 => 3215
isDynamicType: 0 => None
14128 - Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
14130 - True Sansha Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
14132 - Shadow Serpentis Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
14134 - Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
14136 - True Sansha Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
14138 - Shadow Serpentis Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15096 - Brokara's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15098 - Tairei's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15100 - Selynne's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15102 - Raysere's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15104 - Vizan's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15106 - Ahremen's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15108 - Chelm's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15110 - Draclira's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15112 - Brokara's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15114 - Tairei's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15116 - Selynne's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15118 - Raysere's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15120 - Vizan's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15122 - Ahremen's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15124 - Chelm's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15126 - Draclira's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15292 - Brynn's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15294 - Tuvan's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15296 - Setele's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15298 - Cormack's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15300 - Brynn's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15302 - Tuvan's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15304 - Setele's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15306 - Cormack's Modified Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
15439 - Makur's Modified Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
15460 - Standard Frentix Booster (Booster) iconID: 26553 => 3213
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15461 - Improved Frentix Booster (Booster) iconID: 26554 => 3213
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15462 - Strong Frentix Booster (Booster) iconID: 26555 => 3213
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15463 - Standard Mindflood Booster (Booster) iconID: 26557 => 3214
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15464 - Improved Mindflood Booster (Booster) iconID: 26558 => 3214
isDynamicType: 0 => None
15465 - Strong Mindflood Booster (Booster) iconID: 26559 => 3214
isDynamicType: 0 => None
17522 - Ammatar Navy Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
17523 - Ammatar Navy Reactor Control Unit Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
17524 - Ammatar Navy Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
17525 - Ammatar Navy Power Diagnostic System Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26546 => 70
22953 - 'Cartel' Power Diagnostic System I (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
22954 - 'Cartel' Power Diagnostic System I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26546 => 70
23898 - 'Portcullis' Reactor Control Unit I (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
23899 - 'Portcullis' Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
28670 - Synth Blue Pill Booster (Booster) iconID: 26548 => 3215
28678 - Synth Frentix Booster (Booster) iconID: 26552 => 3213
28680 - Synth Mindflood Booster (Booster) iconID: 26556 => 3214
28739 - Thukker Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
28776 - Syndicate Reactor Control Unit (Reactor Control Unit) iconID: 26547 => 70
28777 - Syndicate Reactor Control Unit Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
31952 - Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System (Power Diagnostic System) iconID: 26546 => 70
31953 - Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) iconID: 26546 => 70
32248 - Nugoehuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster (Booster) metaGroupID: 4 => None
iconID: 26548 => 3215
isDynamicType: 0 => None
35965 - Standup Reactor Control Unit I (Structure Fitting Module) iconID: 26547 => 70
37060 - Standup Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
47346 - Standup Reactor Control Unit II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) iconID: 26547 => 70
47347 - Standup Reactor Control Unit II (Structure Fitting Module) iconID: 26547 => 70
52693 - Dazh Liminality Locus (Destructible Effect Beacon) Warp Speed Bonus: None => -30.0
Shield transfer amount multiplier: None => 1.25
Remote repair amount multiplier: None => 1.25
maxLockedTargetsMultiplier: None => 0.5
54330 - Imperial Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.169
entityBracketColour: None => 1.0
54331 - Republic Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.169
entityBracketColour: None => 1.0
54332 - State Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.169
entityBracketColour: None => 1.0
54333 - Federal Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.169
entityBracketColour: None => 1.0
54579 - EDENCOM GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.126
54580 - EDENCOM Heavy GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.169
86216 - Stellar Surveillance Data (Triglavian Data) groupID: 4827 => 1995
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effects per Type (1 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
52693 - Dazh Liminality Locus (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Expert Systems (0 Entries)
TypeID & Name Tranquility Singularity Diff

Strings (139 Entries)
Key Tranquility Singularity Diff Usage
92975 This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing them into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launch at their hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding their teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing him into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile he launches at his hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding his teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing thehim into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launches at theirhis hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding theirhis teeth to notice. Description of item "Improved Crash Booster" (10151)
92976 This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force their turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stop wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force his turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before he stops wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force theirhis turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stops wanting to kill everything in sight. Description of item "Improved Drop Booster" (15477)
92977 This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting them withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having their armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bully through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting him withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having his armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that he bullies through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting thehim withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having theirhis armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bullyies through it like a living tank. Description of item "Improved Exile Booster" (15480)
92978 This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus their attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus his attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus theirhis attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. Description of item "Improved Frentix Booster" (15461)
92979 This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control their ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control his ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control theirhis ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. Description of item "Improved Mindflood Booster" (15464)
92992 This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing them into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launch at their hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding their teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing him into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile he launches at his hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding his teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing thehim into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launches at theirhis hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding theirhis teeth to notice. Description of item "Standard Crash Booster" (9947)
92993 This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force their turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stop wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force his turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before he stops wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force theirhis turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stops wanting to kill everything in sight. Description of item "Standard Drop Booster" (15466)
92994 This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting them withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having their armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bully through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting him withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having his armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that he bullies through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting thehim withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having theirhis armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bullyies through it like a living tank. Description of item "Standard Exile Booster" (15479)
92995 This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus their attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus his attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus theirhis attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. Description of item "Standard Frentix Booster" (15460)
92996 This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control their ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control his ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control theirhis ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. Description of item "Standard Mindflood Booster" (15463)
92999 This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing them into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launch at their hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding their teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing him into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile he launches at his hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding his teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing thehim into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launches at theirhis hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding theirhis teeth to notice. Description of item "Strong Crash Booster" (10152)
93000 This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force their turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stop wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force his turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before he stops wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force theirhis turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stops wanting to kill everything in sight. Description of item "Strong Drop Booster" (15478)
93001 This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting them withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having their armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bully through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting him withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having his armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that he bullies through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting thehim withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having theirhis armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bullyies through it like a living tank. Description of item "Strong Exile Booster" (25349)
93003 This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control their ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control his ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control theirhis ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. Description of item "Strong Mindflood Booster" (15465)
93005 This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing them into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launch at their hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding their teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing him into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile he launches at his hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding his teeth to notice. This booster quickens a pilot's reactions, pushing thehim into the delicate twitch territory inhabited by the best missile marksmen. Any missile they launches at theirhis hapless victims will hit its mark with that much more precision, although the pilot may be too busy grinding theirhis teeth to notice. Description of item "Synth Crash Booster" (28672)
93006 This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force their turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stop wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force his turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before he stops wanting to kill everything in sight. This booster throws a pilot into temporary dementia, making every target feel like a monstrous threat that must be destroyed at all cost. The pilot manages to force theirhis turrets into better tracking, though it may take a while before they stops wanting to kill everything in sight. Description of item "Synth Drop Booster" (28674)
93007 This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting them withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having their armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bully through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting him withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having his armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that he bullies through it like a living tank. This booster hardens a pilot's resistance to attacks, letting thehim withstand their impact to a greater extent. The discomfort of having theirhis armor reduced piecemeal remains unaltered, but the pilot is filled with such a surge of rage that they bullyies through it like a living tank. Description of item "Synth Exile Booster" (28676)
93008 This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus their attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus his attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. This strong concoction of painkillers helps the pilot block out all inessential thought processes (along with the occasional needed one) and to focus theirhis attention completely on the task at hand. When that task is to hit a target, it certainly makes for better aim, though it does tend to make one's extremities go numb for short periods. Description of item "Synth Frentix Booster" (28678)
93009 This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control their ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control his ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. This booster relaxant allows the pilot to control theirhis ship more instinctively and expend less energy in doing so. This in turn lets the ship utilize more of its resources for mechanical functions, most notably its capacitor, rather than constantly having to compensate for the usual exaggerated motions of a stressed pilot. Description of item "Synth Mindflood Booster" (28680)
93112 This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they have to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although he has to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they haves to be careful not to start hallucinating. Description of item "Improved Sooth Sayer Booster" (10165)
93113 This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they have to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although he has to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they haves to be careful not to start hallucinating. Description of item "Standard Sooth Sayer Booster" (10164)
93114 This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they have to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although he has to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they haves to be careful not to start hallucinating. Description of item "Strong Sooth Sayer Booster" (10166)
93115 This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they have to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although he has to be careful not to start hallucinating. This booster induces a trancelike state whereupon the pilot is able to sense the movement of faraway items without all the usual static flooding the senses. Being in a trance helps the pilot hit those moving items with better accuracy, although they haves to be careful not to start hallucinating. Description of item "Synth Sooth Sayer Booster" (28684)
95434 The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. Incoming vessels are required to check in at the Staff Quarters to receive passkeys for the Acceleration gate leading towards the main drug refinery and central warehouses. The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. Incoming vessels are required to check in at the Staff Quarters to receive passkeys for the Acceleration gate leading towards the main drug refinery and central warehouses.
95435 The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. All guest passes and operation handling is made by the Chief of Security on duty. The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. All guest passes and operation handling is made by the Chief of Security on duty.
95465 This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. The security officer on duty is responsible for passing out security cards necessary to be cleared through the gate towards the recuperation camp. This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. The security officer on duty is responsible for passing out security cards necessary to be cleared through the gate towards the recuperation camp.
95469 This part of the complex houses the center of the local drug dealing scene. The Core Serpentis base of operations is hidden deep beyond the acceleration gate at the far end. This part of the complex houses the center of the local drug dealing scene. Only the overseer of the dealers can give access to the Core Serpentis base of operations hidden deep beyond the acceleration gate at the far end. This part of the complex houses the center of the local drug dealing scene. TOnly the overseer of the dealers can give access to the Core <a href=showinfo:30//500020>Serpentis</a> base of operations is hidden deep beyond the acceleration gate at the far end.
95471 <span id=thought>You stumble on to an entry that probably should not be in the public database...
<span id=thought>The timer on the message shows this to be a very recent entry in the database, only a few hours old or so.
<span id=thought>You stumble on to an entry that probably should not be in the public database...<p>Important - The mission to retrieve the passkey to the acceleration gate was not a success. Our agent crashed somewhere along with his cargo. Recommend a salvage mission ASAP!
<span id=thought>The timer on the message shows this to be a very recent entry in the database, only a few hours old or so.
<span id=thought>You stumble on to an entry that probably should not be in the public database...</span><p>Important - The mission to retrieve the passkey to the acceleration gate was not a success. Our agent crashed somewhere along with his cargo. Recommend a salvage mission ASAP!

<span id=thought>The timer on the message shows this to be a very recent entry in the database, only a few hours old or so.<span>
95897 The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. Incoming vessels are required to check in at the Staff Quarters before continuing to the main drug refinery and central warehouses. The check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storages for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. Incoming vessels are required to check in at the Staff Quarters before continuing to the main drug refinery and central warehouses.
95898 The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. All guest passes and operation handling is made by the Chief of Security on duty. The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. All guest passes and operation handling is made by the Chief of Security on duty.
99477 This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. The security officer on duty is responsible for passing out security cards necessary for clearance through the gate towards the recuperation camp. This sector of the complex serves as a defense perimeter for the outpost headquarters housed beyond the acceleration gate. The area has been reported to be well defended with numerous light fighter frigates. The security officer on duty is responsible for passing out security cards necessary for clearance through the gate towards the recuperation camp.
558766 bonus to remote armor repair bonus to remote armor repair Trait for item "Dazh Liminality Locus" (52693)
558767 bonus to remote shield boost bonus to remote shield boost Trait for item "Dazh Liminality Locus" (52693)
558768 penalty to maximum locked targets penalty to maximum locked targets Trait for item "Dazh Liminality Locus" (52693)
558769 penalty to warp speed penalty to warp speed Trait for item "Dazh Liminality Locus" (52693)
710075 Click to copy or drag into chat to share this design Drag to chat to share this design Click to copy or dDrag into chat to share this design UI/Personalization/ShipSkins/SKINR/Studio/ShareDesign
711538 Insufficient {[item]} available in Active Ship Cargo or Item Hangar ({[numeric]available_amount} {[numeric]available_amount -> "unit", "units"} available) Insufficient {[item]} available at current location ({[numeric]available_amount} {[numeric]available_amount -> "unit", "units"}) Insufficient {[item]} available in Active Ship Cargo or Item Hangarat current location ({[numeric]available_amount} {[numeric]available_amount -> "unit", "units"} available) UI/Personalization/ShipSkins/SKINR/Studio/InsufficientSequenceBinderAmount
723944 Click to copy or drag into chat to share this listing Drag to chat to share this listing Click to copy or dDrag into chat to share this listing UI/Personalization/ShipSkins/SKINR/Store/DragToShareShipSkinListing
1004981 Abandoned Mining Colony Abandoned Mining Colony
1004982 Dust Cloud Dust Cloud
1004983 Asteroid Mining Post Asteroid Mining Post
1004984 Veldspar Veldspar
1004985 Veldspar Veldspar
1004986 Veldspar Veldspar
1004987 Veldspar Veldspar
1004988 Veldspar Veldspar
1004989 Veldspar Veldspar
1004990 Veldspar Veldspar
1004991 Veldspar Veldspar
1004992 Veldspar Veldspar
1004993 Veldspar Veldspar
1004994 Veldspar Veldspar
1004995 Veldspar Veldspar
1004996 Veldspar Veldspar
1004997 Veldspar Veldspar
1004998 Veldspar Veldspar
1004999 Veldspar Veldspar
1005000 Veldspar Veldspar
1005001 Veldspar Veldspar
1005002 Dense Veldspar Dense Veldspar
1005003 Veldspar Veldspar
1005004 Dense Veldspar Dense Veldspar
1005005 Concentrated Veldspar Concentrated Veldspar
1005006 Dense Veldspar Dense Veldspar
1005007 Dense Veldspar Dense Veldspar
1005008 Dense Veldspar Dense Veldspar
1005009 Veldspar Veldspar
1005010 Veldspar Veldspar
1005011 Veldspar Veldspar
1005012 Veldspar Veldspar
1005013 Veldspar Veldspar
1005014 Veldspar Veldspar
1005015 Veldspar Veldspar
1005016 Veldspar Veldspar
1005017 Veldspar Veldspar
1005018 Veldspar Veldspar
1005019 Abandoned Mining Colony Abandoned Mining Colony
1005020 Throughout the history of space flight, countless mining corporations have tried and failed to strike it rich among the stars, fuelled by dreams of lucrative profits and grand adventures. All too often, however, these naïve dreams are met with the cold reality of ambivalent police forces and roving pirates that are all too eager to exploit the lax policing. Throughout the history of space flight, countless mining corporations have tried and failed to strike it rich among the stars, fuelled by dreams of lucrative profits and grand adventures. All too often, however, these naïve dreams are met with the cold reality of ambivalent police forces and roving pirates that are all too eager to exploit the lax policing.
1005021 Charles pleasure palace Charles pleasure palace Name for dungeon 12801
1005024 Angel Bunker Angel Bunker
1005025 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Guristas Pirate leader. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Guristas Pirate leader.
1005026 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Sansha Nation leader. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Sansha Nation leader.
1005027 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Serpentis leader. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Serpentis leader.
1005028 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Rogue Drone entity. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Rogue Drone entity.
1005029 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Angel Cartel leader. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Angel Cartel leader.
1005030 You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Blood Raider leader. You seem to have found data fragments that lead to the location of an high ranking Blood Raider leader.
1005032 Charles Fake Moving Asteroid Belt Charles Fake Moving Asteroid Belt Name for dungeon 12802
1005060 Final Liminality Final Liminality Name of item 87164 (Effect Beacon)
1005061 Final Liminality Effect Beacon (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Final Liminality Effect Beacon (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
1005072 bonus to remote armor repair bonus to remote armor repair
1005073 bonus to remote shield boost bonus to remote shield boost
1005074 penalty to warp speed penalty to warp speed
1005075 penalty to maximum locked targets penalty to maximum locked targets
1005117 EDENCOM Data EDENCOM Data
1005118 Pirate Spawners Pirate Spawners Description of group ID 4828
1005119 Static Pirate Djinn Spawn Point Static Pirate Djinn Spawn Point Name of item 87176 (Pirate Spawners)
1005120 Triglavian Minor Victory Triglavian Minor Victory Name of item 87177 (Effect Beacon)
1005121 bonus to remote armor repair bonus to remote armor repair
1005122 bonus to remote shield boost bonus to remote shield boost
1005123 penalty to maximum locked targets penalty to maximum locked targets
1005124 Triglavian Minor Victory Effect Beacon (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Triglavian Minor Victory Effect Beacon (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
1005130 Observatory Resonance Key Observatory Resonance Key Name of item 87179 (Acceleration Gate Keys)
1005131 Data-key containing recordings of the resonance of stellar observation quantum interactions. Acceleration gates require this data to lock onto a Stellar Observatory’s position. Data-key containing recordings of the resonance of stellar observation quantum interactions. Acceleration gates require this data to lock onto a Stellar Observatory’s position. Description of item "No item name" (87179)
1005132 Acceleration Gate Keys Acceleration Gate Keys
1005141 Inactive Observatory Assault Vector Inactive Observatory Assault Vector
1005155 Golgothan Fields Golgothan Fields
1005244 Debris Debris
1005245 Debris Debris
1005246 Debris Debris
1005247 Debris Debris
1005251 Buy More Buy More
1005255 Missing {amount_missing} PLEX Missing {amount_missing} PLEX
1005256 Subtract PLEX currently in Wallet Subtract PLEX currently in Wallet
1005257 PLEX for ISK PLEX for ISK
1005258 PLEX in NES PLEX in NES
1005259 Debris Debris
1005260 or or
1005261 Debris Debris
1005262 Buy On Market Buy On Market
1005263 Blood Raider Lookout Blood Raider Lookout
1005264 Buy in NES Buy in NES
1005265 Browse available PLEX Packages in the New Eden Store Browse available PLEX Packages in the New Eden Store
1005266 Dust Cloud Dust Cloud
1005267 The Solitaire The Solitaire
1005268 Debris Debris
1005271 Black Monolith Black Monolith
1005272 Asteroid Colony Asteroid Colony
1005273 Debris Debris
1005274 Serpentis Distribution Outpost Serpentis Distribution Outpost
1005275 Serpentis Distribution Outpost Serpentis Distribution Outpost
1005276 Serpentis Distribution Outpost Serpentis Distribution Outpost
1005277 Debris Debris
1005278 Debris Debris
1005279 Historic Location: The remains of Steve Historic Location: The remains of Steve
1005280 Debris Debris
1005281 Debris Debris
1008140 Amber Cloud Amber Cloud

New Files (0 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
Changed Files (229 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
6283 -> 6284
5716 -> 5716
4138 -> 4138
1535 -> 1535
2942 -> 2942
115 -> 115
245 -> 245
916 -> 916
98 -> 98
262 -> 262
231 -> 231
199 -> 199
119 -> 119
853 -> 853
364 -> 364
59 -> 59
69 -> 69
2428 -> 2428
24764 -> 24764
24939 -> 24939
2153 -> 2153
244 -> 244
67 -> 67
66 -> 66
72 -> 72
71 -> 71
67 -> 67
63 -> 63
65 -> 65
67 -> 67
73 -> 73
113 -> 113
66 -> 66
130 -> 130
66 -> 66
11990 -> 11990
66 -> 66
67 -> 67
63 -> 63
63 -> 63
92 -> 92
73 -> 73
67 -> 67
66 -> 66
66 -> 66
67 -> 67
72 -> 72
66 -> 66
67 -> 67
77 -> 77
62 -> 62
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
81 -> 81
83 -> 83
74 -> 74
67 -> 67
90 -> 90
65 -> 65
67 -> 67
66 -> 66
81 -> 81
67 -> 67
71 -> 71
66 -> 66
68 -> 68
78 -> 78
66 -> 66
88 -> 88
183 -> 183
94 -> 94
95 -> 95
99 -> 99
99 -> 99
79 -> 79
79 -> 79
79 -> 79
128 -> 128
90 -> 90
65 -> 65
11107 -> 11107
773 -> 773
1003 -> 1003
85 -> 85
96 -> 96
67 -> 67
72 -> 72
79 -> 79
67 -> 67
104 -> 104
86 -> 86
71 -> 71
92 -> 92
84 -> 84
66 -> 66
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
80 -> 80
1208 -> 1208
69 -> 69
65 -> 65
72 -> 72
68 -> 68
208 -> 208
66 -> 66
72 -> 72
73 -> 73
152 -> 152
117 -> 117
83 -> 83
67 -> 67
128 -> 128
97 -> 97
97 -> 97
207 -> 207
81 -> 81
128 -> 128
67 -> 67
72 -> 72
69 -> 69
122 -> 122
88 -> 88
89 -> 89
66 -> 66
66 -> 66
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
75 -> 75
168 -> 168
11288 -> 11287
3567 -> 3567
79 -> 79
218 -> 218
65 -> 65
65 -> 65
76 -> 76
121 -> 121
88 -> 88
65 -> 65
72 -> 72
52 -> 52
86 -> 86
65 -> 65
66 -> 66
72 -> 72
66 -> 66
71 -> 71
66 -> 66
77 -> 77
65 -> 65
83 -> 83
63 -> 63
76 -> 76
81 -> 81
71 -> 71
74 -> 74
66 -> 66
444 -> 444
67 -> 67
86 -> 86
65 -> 65
79 -> 79
80 -> 80
67 -> 67
185 -> 185
70 -> 70
81 -> 81
72 -> 72
73 -> 73
74 -> 74
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
73 -> 73
83 -> 83
75 -> 75
97 -> 97
703 -> 703
72 -> 72
88 -> 88
77 -> 77
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
27835 -> 28150
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
41718 -> 41719
37902 -> 37905
40955 -> 40956
43328 -> 43329
80162 -> 80165
66246 -> 66248
3039 -> 3038
142316 -> 142319
57059 -> 57059
17 -> 17
19351 -> 19347
9056 -> 9056
0 -> 0
4526 -> 4526
49 -> 49
81 -> 81
431 -> 430
689 -> 688
32 -> 32
45 -> 45
63 -> 63
65 -> 62
473 -> 471
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
385 -> 385
40 -> 40
368 -> 364
72 -> 72
6289 -> 6288
680 -> 680
101 -> 101
24 -> 24
259 -> 259
1875 -> 1875
172 -> 172
3772 -> 3772
18063 -> 18060
0 -> 0
11602 -> 11602
8499 -> 8499
2266 -> 2266

Hoboleaks is a third party website presenting unofficial information. Visit for the latest official news.