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Please note that Singularity will be kept inaccessible except for specific testing windows, and may fall significantly behind Tranquility in patches. The Tranquility/Singularity diff (homepage) may not be particularly useful for the time being. Refer to the latest Tranquility patches instead.
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Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group |
87302 - Observatory Assault Conduit | No Description | Warp Gate |
87337 - α Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87338 - μ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87339 - β Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87340 - δ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87341 - ε Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87342 - ζ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87343 - η Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87344 - θ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87345 - ι Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87346 - κ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87347 - λ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87348 - γ Spectral Vision Capture | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Miscellaneous |
87353 - Patient Beacon | This Beacon is actually a wormhole generator set to trigger in the case of a lockdown.
The ancient protocols the Beacon uses can be hacked with a relic analyzer. This will disable it, rendering it inactive during a Lockdown. |
Spawn Container |
87354 - Beacon Datacore | The central datacore of a Patient Beacon. The code it runs is based on ancient Jovian principles, but its unblemished surface betrays its recent construction. | Miscellaneous |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Tranquility | Singularity | Diff |
Attribute Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
87294 - Drifter Crisis (Effect Beacon) | Shield EM Resistance: 15.0 => -15.0 Shield Explosive Resistance: 15.0 => -15.0 Shield Kinetic Resistance: 15.0 => -15.0 Shield Thermal Resistance: 15.0 => -15.0 |
Mutator | Combines With | Produces | Mutations |
Effect Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Name | Tranquility | Singularity | Diff |
Key | Tranquility | Singularity | Diff | Usage |
1005141 | Observatory Assault Vector | Inactive Observatory Assault Vector | Inactive Observatory Assault Vector | |
1008460 | Gleaned Correspondence | Gleaned Correspondents | Gleaned Corresponden |
Name of item 87266 (Miscellaneous) |
1008558 | <color="#FFF39058">Alert:</color> EDENCOM Guards Destroyed | |||
1008559 | <color="#FFF39058">Alert:</color> EDENCOM Dreadnought Destroyed | |||
1008560 | <color="#FFF39058">Alert:</color> Stellar Observatory Destroyed | |||
1008562 | Observatory Assault Conduit | Name of item 87302 (Warp Gate) | ||
1008563 | Observatory Assault Vector | |||
1008658 | Drifter Collection | Prime Canister | UI/Objectives/Titles/primeCanister | |
1008676 | Expand Your Horizons and Prosper | |||
1008677 | Join a Capsuleer Corporation Today! | |||
1008678 | Open Corporation Recruitment | |||
1008749 | α Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87337 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008750 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87337) | |
1008751 | μ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87338 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008752 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87338) | |
1008753 | β Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87339 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008754 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87339) | |
1008755 | δ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87340 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008756 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87340) | |
1008757 | ε Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87341 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008758 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87341) | |
1008759 | ζ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87342 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008760 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87342) | |
1008761 | η Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87343 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008762 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87343) | |
1008763 | θ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87344 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008764 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87344) | |
1008765 | ι Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87345 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008766 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87345) | |
1008767 | κ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87346 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008768 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87346) | |
1008769 | λ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87347 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008770 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87347) | |
1008771 | γ Spectral Vision Capture | Name of item 87348 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008772 | This data capture, emitting faint traces of blackbody radiation, contains an image intercepted from an advanced virtuality. The scenarios it simulates are so detailed that only half of the image could be captured.
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Curious capsuleers may learn more about its origin by decoding the data and overlaying or combining multiple captures. With the right approach, something may just click. |
Description of item "No item name" (87348) | |
1008811 | Patient Beacon | Name of item 87353 (Spawn Container) | ||
1008812 | This Beacon is actually a wormhole generator set to trigger in the case of a lockdown.
The ancient protocols the Beacon uses can be hacked with a relic analyzer. This will disable it, rendering it inactive during a Lockdown. |
The ancient protocols the Beacon uses can be hacked with a relic analyzer. This will disable it, rendering it inactive during a Lockdown. |
Description of item "No item name" (87353) | |
1008813 | Beacon Datacore | Name of item 87354 (Miscellaneous) | ||
1008814 | The central datacore of a Patient Beacon. The code it runs is based on ancient Jovian principles, but its unblemished surface betrays its recent construction. | Description of item "No item name" (87354) | ||
1008828 | Placement Toggles |
File Name | Size in kb (Decompressed) |
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